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Boys will be boys

Submitted by
Ayesha Imtiaz
Submitted to
Sir Jawad
English (ENG 116)
Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Lahore School of Nursing

Faculty of Allied Health Sciences
The University of Lahore
Boys will be boys
The phrase "boys will be boys" is often used to excuse or justify the behavior of
boys or men that is seen as inappropriate, aggressive, or immature. It implies that
such behavior is natural, inevitable, or acceptable for males and that they should
not be held accountable for their actions. However, this phrase is problematic for
several reasons.

First of all, the phrase "boys will be boys" reinforces gender stereotypes that limit
the expression and identity of both males and females. It suggests that boys and
men are inherently different from girls and women and that they have fixed traits
that are determined by their biology or socialization. For example, it assumes that
boys and men are more aggressive, competitive, adventurous, risk-taking, and
sexual than girls and women. It also assumes that boys and men are less emotional,
empathetic, nurturing, cooperative, and responsible than girls and women. These
stereotypes are harmful because they create unrealistic expectations and pressures
for both genders. They also deny the diversity and complexity of human beings,
who have different personalities, preferences, abilities, and interests regardless of
their gender.

Secondly, the phrase "boys will be boys" normalizes violence and sexism that harm
both males and females. It excuses or minimizes the negative consequences of the
behavior of boys and men that violates the rights, dignity, or safety of others. For
example, if a group of boys is caught engaging in destructive or harmful behavior,
such as bullying or vandalism, someone may dismiss the behavior by saying "Boys
will be boys". This type of justification can send the message that bad behavior is
acceptable or expected from boys and that they should not be held accountable for
their actions. It may be used to dismiss bullying, fighting, harassment, assault,
rape, or domestic violence as natural or inevitable expressions of male aggression
or sexuality. It may also be used to justify the objectification, degradation, or
discrimination of girls and women as natural or inevitable expressions of male
desire or dominance. These behaviors are harmful because they cause physical,
psychological, or social damage to the victims. They also perpetuate a culture of
violence and sexism that affects everyone.

Thirdly, the phrase "boys will be boys" undermines the potential of boys and men
to grow and change. It implies that boys and men are incapable of learning,
improving, or taking responsibility for their behavior. It also implies that boys and
men do not need or want to learn, improve, or take responsibility for their behavior.
For example, if a boy is interested in activities such as art or music, he may be
discouraged from pursuing these interests because they are not seen as traditionally
"masculine" activities. This can be damaging to boys' self-esteem and can prevent
them from exploring their interests and talents. It may be used to discourage boys
and men from seeking help, expressing emotions, developing relationships, or
pursuing goals that are seen as feminine or weak. It may also be used to discourage
girls and women from challenging boys and men on their behavior or expecting
more from them. These implications are harmful because they limit the
opportunities and choices of both genders. They also deny the agency and
humanity of boys and men who can and do make positive changes in themselves
and in society.

In order to combat the harmful effects of the phrase "boys will be boys", it is
important to encourage more positive and inclusive attitudes toward gender. This
can involve challenging gender stereotypes and promoting the idea that boys and
girls can express themselves and behave in a variety of ways. It can also involve
promoting positive values such as respect, empathy, and responsibility, which can
help boys to develop healthy and positive relationships with others.

One way to promote more positive attitudes towards gender is through education
and awareness-raising. This can involve educating both boys and girls about
gender stereotypes and their effects, as well as promoting positive values and
behaviors. It can also involve creating safe spaces for boys to express themselves
and explore their interests, without fear of judgment or ridicule.

In conclusion, the phrase "boys will be boys" is a problematic way of explaining or

excusing the behavior of boys or men that is inappropriate, aggressive, or
immature. It reinforces gender stereotypes that limit both genders. It normalizes
violence and sexism that harm both genders. And it undermines the potential of
boys and men to grow and change. Therefore, we should stop using this phrase and
instead hold boys and men accountable for their actions. We should also encourage
boys and men to express themselves authentically without conforming to rigid
gender norms. And we should support boys and men to develop healthy
relationships with themselves and with others based on respect, empathy, and

“Boys Will Be Boys, Good Persons”

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