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NAME Roll No

Mid Semester Esaminations

Program: MBA Semester: 1" Sem (2021-22)
Course Name: Business Accounting Maximum Marks - 30
Course Code: MBA 103 Submit online before 5 pm

Attempt all the questions.

Q.1 Write short notes on it;- ( ANY 4 ) ( 4 X 5 = 20 )

a. What is called Accounting?

b. What is the main objective of accounting?

c. What are the names of the three functions of accounting?

d. What are the branches or types of accounting?

e. What are international accounting principles?

f. What is Double entry system of accounting?

Q.2 Multiple choice Questions;- (ANY 5 ) ( 5 X 2 = 10 )

1. Return of goods by a customer should be debited to

a. Customers account b. Sales return account c. Goods account d. Purchase account

2. Cash discount allowed to a debtor should be credited to

a. Discount account b. Customer's account c. Sales account d. Cash account

3. Accounting principles are generally based upon:

a. Practicability b. Subjectivity c. Convenience in recording d. None of the above

4. Debit the receiver credit the giver rule for

a. Real a/c b. Personal a/c c. Nominal a/c d. None of these

5. Managerial accounting information is generally prepared for

a. Shareholders b. Creditors c. Managers d. Regulatory agencies

6. Which of the following is a real (permanent) account?

a. Goodwill b. Sales c. Accounts Receivable d. Both Goodwill and Accounts Receivable

NAME Roll No

Mid Semester Examinations

Program: MBA Semester: 1" Sem (2021-22)
Course Name: BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT Maximum Marks - 30
Course Code: MBA 104 Submit online before 5 pm

Q.1 Write short notes on it;- ( ANY 4 ) ( 4 x 5 = 20 marks)

a) SEBI.
b) Explain economic environment.
c) FEMA act.
d) WTO.
e) EXIM Policy.
f} RBI.

Q.2 Multiple choice Questions;- ( 5 x 2 = 10


1. Which of the following is not a feature of Business environment

(a) Interrelated Elements
(g) Dynamics
(c) Complexity
(d} Continuous
2. Identification of opportunities to get first more advantage is one of the importance of
business environment
(a) True
(6) False
(c) Cannot say
3. Which of the following does not explain the impact of government policy changes on
business & industry
(a) Increasing competition
(g) More demanding market customers
(c) Market orientations
(d} Change in agricultural prices

4. refers to negative and unfavourable external factors that are likely to create
hurdles for a firm:-
(a) Opportunities
(6) Warning
(c) Threats
(d} None of these

5. Which of the following are the dimensions of the business environment: -

(a) Economic & Social
(6) Technological & Economic
(c) Legal & Social
(d} All of the above

6. Liberalisation means
[a) Policy of planned disinvestment
(6) Integrating among economies
(c) End of license & reduction of government control
(d} None of these


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