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What are Life skills?

Life skills are those skills that are not related to a

particular intellectual or vocational discipline, but
rather describe the foundation skills for
maintaining a fulfilling and independent lifestyle.
Advocates of life skills training typically mean one
or both of two things when they talk about life
skills. First, they refer to practical skills that
facilitate independent living. Typically, these
include keeping oneself fed and nourished, dealing
with certain sorts of bureaucracy and budgeting.

More to ‘softer’skills – skills that enable people

to interact with one another successfully and form
good relationship, as well as to develop their self-
awareness and understanding of themselves

Central to both these analyses is the individual’s

perception of their own self-efficacy. Self efficacy is
the ability to change our own situation or
circumstances. It is separate from notions of
self-esteem or self-worth, although there is
evidence that both those factors may impact on
self efficacy and vice versa.

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