Home Based Activity and Performance Task On Personal Realtionships and CSE Integration

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Home- Based Activity

On Teen-age Relationships including the Acceptable and Unacceptable Expressions of Attraction

On Comprehensive Sexuality Education Integration

Watch the link below and answer the following questions.
1. What are the myths and facts about Comprehensive Sexuality Education?
2. Why integration of CSE is important in students or adolescents?

Learning Competency
1. Discuss an understanding of teen – age relationships, including acceptable and
unacceptable expressions of attractions
2. Express his/ hers ways of showing attraction, love and commitment
3. Identify ways to become responsible in a relationship

Performance Standard
appraise one’s present relationships and make plans for building responsible future relationships

Comprehensive Sexuality Education- Adolescent Reproductive Health (CSE- ARH) Integration

4. Discuss understanding of effects and ways to prevent early pregnancy among adolescents

Adolescents are said to be normally curious about many things around them which include sexual
relationships and sexual explorations. Some of them already have a sexual experience, have
engaged in sex with someone they met online or through text messages, and first premarital sex
were unprotected against pregnancy and/or STIs.

Now that you have completed the modules on personal relationship and ways to prevent early
pregnancy, you are ready now to sum up all the things that you have learned.

TIKTOK video.
Form a group with a maximum members of 5 and make a 60 seconds tiktok advocacy video on
preventing early teen age pregnancy and becoming responsible in a relationship.

Form a group with a maximum members of 5 and make a 1-2 min infomercial about acceptable and
unacceptable expressions of attraction/ attraction, love and commitment/Becoming responsible in
personal relationships and effects and prevention of early pregnancy.

By yourself, make a poster and slogan combined about acceptable and unacceptable expressions of
attraction/ attraction, love and commitment/Becoming responsible in personal relationships and
effects and prevention of early pregnancy.

Content- 20%
Creativity/ Visual Impact- 20%
Timeliness- 10%
Total- 50%

Chosen output will be exhibited during SAKTO

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