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Rubrics POs and PSOs Attainment

A. Calculation of attainment of POs and PSOs from Course Outcomes - Direct Method

The attainment of POX from Course Outcomes is calculated as –

Let Ci be the course with N outcomes Ci1 to CiN
Cioutcomes = { Ci1, Ci2, ……, CiN } is the set of all outcomes of Ci
Let C’ioutcomes be the subset of all outcomes of course Ci which are mapped to POX C’ioutcomes is
the subset of Cioutcomes with M members where (M ≤ N)
Let C’ioutcomesATj be the attainment value of outcome C’ioutcomesj The attainment of POX from
course Ci is calculated as
POXATCi = { Sum of j=1 to M (C’ioutcomesj ) } / M (1)
ie it is the average of attainment of all course outcomes which are mapped to POX
Let the total number of courses available in program be P, then the attainment of POX from all
courses in program is calculated as, POXATDIRECT = { sum of j=1 to P (POXATCJ ) } / P (2)
ie the average of the attainment of POX due to all courses in program
Similarly, attainment values for all POs (1 to 12) and PSOs (1 to 3) are calculated

B. Calculation of attainment of POs and PSOs from Course Outcome Survey - Indirect

The Course Outcome Survey is administered by Course Coordinator (CC) at the closure of
the course. In this survey all students who have undertaken the course rates about fulfillment
of the Course Outcomes on the scale of 1 to 5 (1 being lowest and 5 being highest)
The attainment of POX from Course Outcomes is calculated as
POXATCOSUR = (0.6) { 0.2 * Average rating scale of all COs which are slightly related to
POX }+ { 0.3 * Average rating scale of all COs which are moderately related to POX } + {
0.5 * Average rating scale of all COs which are substantially related to POX
Average rating scale of all COs is calculated –
First by taking average over all Course Survey forms for a CO which is related to POX and
then taking average over all such Cos
Relation between COs and POs is found through Course Articulation Matrix for all courses
in the program
 CO is slightly related to PO if the correlation in CO and PO is ‘1’
 CO is moderately related to PO if the correlation in CO and PO is ‘2’
 CO is substantially related to PO if the correlation in CO and PO is ‘3’
C. Calculation of attainment of POX from Exit Survey – Indirect Method
The Exit Survey is the opinion given by a graduating student at the closing stage of his total
education experience in the program. Usually this survey is conducted at the end of the
second semester of final year; after all internal examinations are over. This survey is
administered by class coordinator for final year. The questions in the Survey are mapped to
POs & PSOs and student answer them by expressing their satisfaction level on the scale of
1 to 5 (1 being lowest and 5 being highest)
The attainment of POX from Exit Survey is calculated as
POXATEXSUR = (0.6) * Average rating of all questions which are mapped to POX (4)
Average rating is calculated over all exit survey forms submitted
D. Calculation of attainment of POX from Alumni Survey – Indirect Method
The alumni feedback given by passed out students from Civil Engineering program is invited
with google form having questions designed to get their reflections relevant to program
outcomes of the program based on the abilities, knowledge and skills gained as a result of
their professional experience. The questions in the Survey are mapped to POs & PSOs and
alumni answer them by expressing their satisfaction level on the scale of 1 to 5 (1 being
lowest and 5 being highest)
The attainment of POX from Alumni Survey is calculated as
POXATALSUR = (0.6) * Average rating of all questions which are mapped to POX (5)
Average rating is calculated over all exit survey forms submitted
E. Calculation of attainment of POX from Content beyond curriculum – Indirect
Indirect Attainment of PO and PSO through Content beyond Curriculum

1. Lectures on Soft Skill and Core domain

For employability enhancement, the special sessions are arranged. These sessions are For
based on input of alumni and industry experts. These sessions are considered for mapping POs
and PSOs and especially these are found mapped with PO-6, PO-7 and PO-8 for lectures on
soft skill and PO-2, PO-3, PO-5, PSO-1, PSO-2 and PSO-3 for lectures on core topics.

Outcome of these lectures is seen via Placement Index.

Placement Index (PI) =

Total number of students in the final year (N)

Total number of students turned entrepreneurs (NE)
Total number of students admitted to higher studies (NHS)
Total number of placements (NP)
Sample calculation:
For CAYm1 (2020-21)

Placement Index (PI) = = = 0.82

Total number of students in the final year (N) =57

Total number of students turned entrepreneurs (NE) =08
Total number of students admitted to higher studies (NHS) =16
Total number of placements (NP) =23

The attainment of POL is calculated on a scale of 0 to 3 as below

POLSS and POLC= PI x 3= 0.82x3 = 2.46

The indirect attainment through lectures on content beyond curriculum is 2.46

2. Through MOOCs

 Soft Skill domain

Self-learning HSS Courses mapping with PO-6, PO-7 and PO-8

Total number of students opting for soft skill domain courses NSS =65

AVgScoreSS =

The average score (AVgScoreSS) of the students appearing for the soft skill courses through MOOC is

The attainment of PO is calculated as below

POMSS = (AVgScoreSS) x 2.75 =1.96

 Core domain

Self-learning Technical Courses mapping with PO-2, PO-3, PO-5, PSO-1, PSO-2 and PSO-3

Total number of students opting for core domain courses NCORE =65

AVgScoreCORE =

The average score of the students appearing for the technical courses through NPTEL (AVgScoreCORE)
is 79.16%

POMC = (AVgScoreCORE) x 2.75 =2.17

The overall indirect attainment through the content beyond curriculum for the PO-6, PO-7, PO-8
and PO-2, PO-3, PO-5, PSO-1, PSO-2 and PSO-3 is calculated as follows.

 For PO-6, PO-7, PO-8

(𝑷𝑶𝑳𝑺𝑺 + 𝑷𝑶𝑴𝑺𝑺 ) (𝟐.𝟒𝟔+ 𝟏.𝟗𝟔)

= 𝟐

 For PO-2, PO-3, PO-5, PSO-1, PSO-2 and PSO-3

(𝑷𝑶𝑳𝑪 +𝑃𝑂𝑀𝐶 ) (𝟐.𝟒𝟔+𝟐.𝟏𝟕 )

= 𝟐
= 𝟐. 𝟑𝟏 (6)

E. Calculation of total attainment of POX from direct and indirect tools

Total Attainment of POX is calculated as
ie. The total attainment is calculated as weighted sum of attainment due to direct tool (weight
0.8) and average of attainment due to four indirect tools (weight 0.2)
POXATDIRECT is the attainment of POX due to course outcome (calculated as per equation 2)
POXATCOSUR is the attainment of POX due to Course Outcome Survey (calculated as per equation
POXATEXSUR is the attainment of POX due to Exit Survey (calculated as per equation 4)
POXATALUMNISUR is the attainment of POX due to Alumni Survey (calculated as per equation 5)
POXATCONTENTBEYONDCURRICULAM is the attainment of POX due to content beyond curriculum
(calculated as per equation 6)
 Attainment of all Program Outcomes (POs) and Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) is
calculated by above procedure
 Attainment of all POs & PSOs is evaluated over a scale of 0 to 3
 Assessment of attainment of POs & PSOs is administered by Program Coordinator with the
help of module coordinators.
 All POs & PSOs are assessed once every year after completion of academic year and
declaration of University Examination results
 If an expected attainment level for PO / PSO is achieved then we shall elevate its expected
attainment value for next year. If it is not achieved, then Program Coordinator and Module
Coordinators shall perform analysis of all attributes (like delivery, gaps etc) associated with
total education experience at the program and present it to Departmental Advisory Board
(DAB) and implement suggested reforms by DAB for next academic year
 Usually, initial target value is 60 % for all POs & PSOs. If this is achieved, the expected
attainment value is elevated for next year.

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