Laws of Human Nature Pt. 4

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Laws of Human Nature Pt.

• Spend time with that person you envy and you will begin to reassess your opinion.
• This process is twofold. Look behind the glittering facades people present and imagining
the inevitable disadvantages that comes along with their position. This is not the same as
levelling them down. You are not diminishing their achievements but mitigating the envy we
• Engage in downward comparisons: We normally focus on people who have it better than you
yet we fail to recognize the advantages we have over those who have it harsher than us, facing
more threats, bad health.
• This should enable us to feel empathy and gratitude, the antidote to envy. Gratitude is a
muscle that requires exercise or it will atrophy.
• Practice Mitfreude. Schadenfreude, the experience of pleasure in the pain of others is
distinctly related to envy. Yet it is easy to do so, to feel excitement in the setback and
misfortune others. It takes the highest of creature to empathize and feel happy for people.
Try to empathize their success and emotions, feel the other person's genuine excitement.
Through internalizing other people's joy, we increase our capacity to feel the emotion in
relation to our experiences.
• Transform envy to emulation: We cannot stop our habit of comparing ourselves to others.
Thus, it is recommended we channel this envy to something productive. Instead of discretely
sabotaging others and ruining them to gain what others have. Raise yourself up to their level
and spend time with people who have the competitive spirit. In this way, envy spurs in to
• This requires major psychological shifts. First, we must believe we have the capacity to raise
ourselves up. We must have the confidence in our abilities to learn and improve. Second,
we must have a solid work ethic to back this up. We must be rigorous and persistent to
overcome any obstacle to elevate our position.
• People who are lazy and undisciplined are much more prone to envy.
• You must have a sense of purpose to immunize yourself from envy and you are focused on
your life and goals.
• Self-worth must not comes from without but from within.
• Admire human greatness: Admiration of others successes and achievement is the opposite
of envy. Mitfreude. We shall take pride on this great human achievement. We must have at
least one living person to admire upon. This will serve as something to emulate upon.
• It is worth cultivating moments in life which we feel immense satisfaction and happiness
diverged from our own success or achievements.
• These sublime moments, and as far removed from the pettiness and poisons of envy as
Law of Grandiosity
• We humans have a deep need to think greatly of ourselves, our brilliance, greatness, goodness
which diverges us from reality and when reinforced with events will elevate it over dangerous
levels for it coincides with our high self-opinion. Upon delusion, we make irrational decisions
and belief often causing us failure. Recognize this sign of grandiosity; overbearing certainty
in the positive outcome of your plans; excessive touchiness if criticized, a disdain for any
form of authority and counteract it by maintaining a realistic assessment of yourself and your
limits. Tie any feelings of greatness to your work, achievements and contributions to society.
• To admit one's earlier high self-opinion is wrong will be always impossible for the human
animal to admit.
• This delusional weakness stems from the natural tendency to overestimate ones skills, the
need to feel superior in an aspect and maintain a high self-opinion. Success and attention will
cause that confidence to grow, it can only increase the discrepancy between reality and the
• Without realization, we become more attuned to our ego and our fantasies than to the people
we work for and our audience. Success has an irresistible pull to it that clouds our minds.
• Thus it is necessary to evaluate ourselves and the contributions of others and luck in each
success. Avoid complacency and consolidate and concentrate your forces. Keep your feet
firmly in the ground and be wary of offending with your growing sense of superiority. Maintain
allies. Always have a new project in mind after each success.
• Keys to Human Nature: We must have a realistic attitude in dealing with a goal or a project.
People are resistant, circumstances are changing and old strategies may not work. You
have limits to what you can do. To impress your targets, focus on them and enter their
spirits(AOS). If you fail, learn from experience and try again.
• Normal realistic perceptions are reversed when infected with grandiosity. Your self-opinion
becomes larger, you are focused more on what you deserve and not what you need to
succeed. You see yourself not merely as human but a god.
• There is a low-grade level of grandiosity felt by everyone on a daily basis driving by the need
to feel superior to others in something. Instead of earning other people's praise, you feel
entitled to it hampering your development and learning.
• There are three tasks to counteract this. First, understand the phenomenon of grandiosity
and why it is embodied in human nature and why there are more grandiose people today
than ever before. Second, recognize the signs of grandiosity and how to manage people
who display them. Third, see the signs of the disease yourself and channel it into something
productive(Practical Grandiosity).
• In our early years, we came to believe we are omnipotent, powerful, feel any need and the
mother shall provide them but at some phase of our lives, reality intrudes and we realize that
we are helpless, dependent and weak thus the need to assert ourselves to show that we are
not so helpless to fantasize about powers we do not possess.
• This helplessness suggest the need to feel significant, to expand our sense of self to protest
against our natural smallness. We alternate between moments of sensing our smallness and
trying to deny it making us prone to finding ways to imagine our superiority.
• Some spoiled and pampered children never get to the second phase and our unable to
confront reality. They are more prone to grandiosity. For such the father figure is weak but
they only feel greatness and manipulates other people to pamper them according their will.
When accompanied with luck, they are able to achieve success for their sense of themselves
is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
• In history, humans channel grandiosity through connections with something above and
superior. Thus, religion binds people then worshiping leaders promising utopia with great
• Religion and great causes have lost their binding powers and men have resulted into idealizing
and worshiping oneself. Such is grandiosity in the modern era.
• More people are being pampered. More people are disdaining authority and experts.
Technology gives us the impression that any skill can be easily mastered fast and simple.
Social media creates a medium for us to assert ourselves and spread influence to our fake
• People deal with grandiosity in different ways. Most commonly, people try to earn social
prestige to validate themselves and confirm their high self-opinion. If they are powerful, such
types can get the attention they need for years to come but in some way, shape or form, their
need for accolades will lure them into overreacting.
• Some people are disappointed and will turn to alcohol, drugs and sex as compensation. As
they promise to achieve something great, the next moment falling into depression as reality
intrudes. People tend to idealize leaders and worship them. They also idealize their loved ones
and in some way, they feel this greatness radiating back towards them.
• Some people try to hide grandiosity by appearing humble in the eye of the public but this
false. This is grandiose humility, a way of making them morally superior.
• Another variation of this is the grandiose victim, always having unfortunate circumstances
yet any relationship with them revolves around their needs and they position themselves as
center of your attention.
• You can measure the sense the level of grandiosity of a person through how they respond
to criticism for this betrays their high self-opinion. If they become hysterical and enraged or
concealed it with a martyred, painful expression design to make you feel guilty.
• If people are successful, notice how they react in their private life, whether they have the
capacity to dissociate themselves from their mask or if they get carried away by it.
• Grandiose people are big talkers often believing what they say is true and correct that people
would agree on it.
• Higher grandiose types have low empathy, not good listeners, hungry for the spot light. Their
nonverbal cues suggest greatness and they take more personal space. They tend to speak
faster as to not give people the chance to interrupt.
• Some people have so high of self-opinion that they have no doubts. Don't be distracted by
their level of confidence that hides the deficiency in their ideas, work habits and character.
Avoid any relationships with them as possible. Look at the ideas themselves and not in their
self-belief. Do not confront them about their self-opinion, you might trigger a rage response.
• If they happen to be your rival, they are easy to taunt and bait into overreactions. Cast doubt in
their greatness and you'll make them apoplectic and doubly irrational.
• Grandiosity have some great productive uses if channeled correctly but in general, be realistic
with yourself and your limits. You cannot be good at everything, you need to play to your
strengths, you cannot please everyone. Have a clear understanding of your energy levels, on
how far you could push yourself and a solid grasp of your true allies.
• This self-awareness have a physical component to it. When doing activities that mesh with
your natural inclinations, you learn faster. However, if you take on too much, your body will
collapse to the overwhelming workload becoming irritated and nervous with each success
with your body desiring to go back down.
• Be realistic and pragmatic. Be aware when this grandiose feeling is haunting you. Accept your
limits, you are flawed, no strategy is ever foolproof.
• If people with high levels of grandiosity possess some talent and a little luck, they can
reach the heights of power. But their assertive energy and confidence blinds us from their
deficiencies. Following them without proper discretion is dangerous.
• They depend on the attention we gave to them, once removed, their high self-opinion is not
validated and thus withers their confidence. Thus they perform 6 common theatrical illusions
to lure us. Demythologize them and bring them back to the human level.
• I am destined: Often, grandiose leaders give the impression that they are somehow destined
for greatness by either making up or reinterpreting their past making it sound like a myth, like
fate have chosen them. To combat such actions, find any mundane facts behind the tales of
any kind and publicize them.
• I'm the common man/woman: In general, grandiose leaders came from a relatively priveleged
life. It is essential for them to present themselves as part of the common people as to gain
their attention. They tend to place emphasis on cultural tastes, not on the actual class they
come from.
• Yet their lifestyle and public image contradicts one another. Upon noticing of such, stay back
and analyze the reality. You'll find at the core something highly irrational and quite dangerous.
The grandiose leaders feel licensed to do whatever they want to the public.
• I will deliver you: Often, these leaders rise in time of crisis. They create large and vague
promises, large as to inspire dreams and vague as to avoid accountability. They will use
scapegoats, invented enemies to unite the crowd together against the foe. They'll try to give
the illusion that they will be the one to save us all from all other problems. Their message is
simple and easy to digest.
• They are creating a cult more than leading a political movement or a business. It is hard to
dissuade true believers but maintain distance and keep you analytical powers. They use the
basest human instinct to bring the group under a common identity.
• I rewrite the rules: Most humans longed to do away with conventions and rules and grandiose
leaders excite us by appearing to have them.
• Grandiose leaders will rely on their intuitions disregarding scientific feedback. Their
hunches will miss as often as they hit contrary to what they said it to be. See them not
as a consummate maverick doing away with the rules, but a sign of madness not divine
• I have the golden touch: Those with heightened grandiosity will try to hide their failures,
always blaming or reflecting such things to others. They think they can easily transfer their
skills to anything even outside their expertise. This will eventually lead to their downfall as
they get overwhelmed by such tasks. Look at their records and see the many glaring failures
they've had. People under their influence will not believe but try to publicize these failures as
neutral a manner as possible.
• I'm invulnerable: The grandiose leaders takes risks and often that is what leads them to their
success. The attention they receive only fuels their audacity overcoming any setbacks in
their career. They will work their bones out, walk through fire believing themselves they are
unstoppable. The cause of their failure will be the irrational decisions they have made. But
they go too far and it all comes crashing down. The aura is shattered. Reality has catch up
with a huge shattering blow.
• In dealing with the grandiose leader, deflate the glorious sacred image they have forged. They
will overreact and their followers will become rabid. But some will have second thoughts.
Create a viral disenchantment.
• Grandiosity is a form of primal energy all of us have, to be better than others, to connect to
something larger, to be esteemed by the masses. The problem is not with the energy but with
the direction it takes. Fantastical Grandiosity makes us believe we are better than we actually
are. It is necessary to practice Practical Grandiosity.
• Practical Grandiosity is based on reality. It impels to hone our skills and talent. Our sense of
gratification is not on the attention itself but on the work done and the contribution to society.
• There are five principles that can be used to attain high level fulfillment that can come from a
realistic-based grandiosity.
• Come to terms with your grandiose needs: Accept who you are and confront your ambitions
and desire to be superior and center of attention frankly. This self-awareness can help you
begin the transformation into something productive and practical. Denial is your worst enemy.
• Concentrate the energy: Fantastical Grandiosity will make you flow from one idea to another
without realizing any of them. Focus on one project, one that can be achieved in a relatively
short time frame and months. Break this down into mini steps or goals along the way. Enter a
state of flow in which your mind becomes increasingly absorbed in the work.
• The goal is to continually improve your skill level that will come from your depth of focus.
Confidence will rise. That should keep us advancing.
• Maintain a dialogue with reality: Upon the first phase of the project, let your imagination take
flight, taking on many possibilities. Next, move on to the execution phase and gain feedback
from experts, natural audience and people you respect from. If all fails, see the mistake in you
and brutally identified it as possible. We can then either moved to a new project or return to it.
If we based ourselves on pure imagination, nothing will materialize. Basing too much on the
opinions of others and the project becomes too flat and conventional.
• Upon having success, detach yourself from the attention and get back to square one with a
new project. Never rest on your laurels and let up in your intensity. Maintain the level of focus
you have on that project.
• Seek out calibrated challenges: The problem with fantastical grandiosity is that it that it
lets you imagine a great new goal but you will soon peter out as soon as you start. If your
assertive or ambitious enough, you may continue only failing in a large fashion never really
• Continually look for challenges just above your skill level. If they are below or at your skill level,
you will bore out easily, be ambitious and you will be crushed by their failure. Calibrate it to be
more challenging than the last project on a moderate level giving you the excitement to work
harder. If you fail, you will not be overwhelmed and you will learn more. If you succeed, your
confidence increases but it is tied from your work. Your sense of accomplishment will satisfy
your need for greatness.
• Let loose your grandiose energy: Upon taming this energy, make it serve your ambitions and
goals. It is at times advantageous to have some sense of confidence when facing a crisis, to
take on new, unknown fields, such can be helpful in uniting a group.
• You can allow yourself to feel ever so godlike because you have come so far with your
improved skills and actual achievement. If you have taken the time to properly work through
the other principles, you will naturally return back to earth after a few days or hours of
• The source of infantile grandiosity comes from a deep connection to the mother. It was
so complete and satisfying that most of our time are spent trying to recapture it. We
have glimmers of that original connection in intimate relationships and in moments of
unconditional love but such moments are rare.
• Entering a state of low in our work and cultivating a deeper empathy with people will give us
more of such moments and will satisfy our urge.
• You are not disturbed by your relative smallness but rather ecstatic at being a drop in this
The Law of Gender Rigidity
All of us have masculine and feminine qualities—some of this is genetic, and some of it comes
from the profound influence of the parent of the opposite sex. But in the need to present a
consistent identity in society, we tend to repress these qualities, overidentifying with masculine
or feminine role expected of us. And we pay a price for this, we lose a valuable dimension of
our character. Our thinking and ways of acting become rigid. Our relationships with members
of the opposite sex suffers as we project them our own fantasies and hostilities. You must
become aware of these lost masculine or feminine traits and slowly reconnect to them,
unleashing creative powers in the process. You will become fluid in your thinking. In bringing
out the masculine or feminine undertone to your character, you will fascinate people by being
authentically yourself. Do not play the expected gender role, but rather create the one that suits
• We have qualities of the opposite sex, both genetically and from the influence of the parent of
the other gender.
• Let go of the rigidity that takes hold of you as you overidentify with the expected gender
role. Explore the middle range between the masculine and the feminine, play against peoples
expectations. Train yourself to respond in different ways in confronting a problem or
resistance from others.
• Do not be afraid to bring out the more sensitive or ambitious sides to your character. You
are not easy to categorize, which will fascinate them giving you the power to play with the
perceptions of you, altering them at will.
• Keys to Human Nature: We humans like to believe that we are in control, rational, consistent
and mature. But these self-opinions are shattered when we fall in love.
• When we were in love, we became prey to emotions we cannot control. We dwell into
madness, unable to think rationally about our partners.
• Falling in love reveals the true nature of people. The masks slips of. We realize how deeply
unconscious forces determine many of our actions. We are more connected to the reality of
the essential irrationality in our nature.
• There are several common changes that occurs when we are in love. Normally, the mind is in
a state of distraction. The deeper we fall in love however, the more our attention becomes
absorbed to that person. We become obsessive.
• We like to present a particular appearance to the world, one that highlights our strengths.
When in love, however, opposite traits come to the fore.
• As adults we generally feel mature and practical, but in love, we can suddenly regress
to behaviour that can only be seen as childish. We have wild mood swings, from trust to
paranoia, from love to hate. We experience fears and insecurities that are greatly exaggerated.
• We like to imagine that we are good judges of people's character. Once in love however, we
tend to idealize them, putting down any truth heard from our friends. We continually make the
wrong judgement.
• We tend to be rational yet when we fall in love, irrationality possess us, seeing things that
are not there often fantasizing our partners. Anima(male) animus(female) irrationality that
• We all possess hormones and genes of the opposite sex and are under influence from the
parent of the opposite sex.
• In our early years, we are susceptible to the influence of the parent of the opposite sex for
they are the first dramatic encounter with someone drastically different from us.
• As we become related to their alien nature, much of the dimensionality and multifacility of our
personality is formed in response.
• Children adapt accordingly to their parents behaviours. The boy and the girl will internalize
the positive and the negative qualities of the parent of the opposite sex in ways that are
unconscious and profound.
• However, there comes a critical period in life in which we must separate with our parents
and forge our identity. Boys will overidentify with the masculine role repressing the feminine
qualities in the process as is with girl in reverse.
• The anima and the animus, the unconscious feminine part of the male and the masculine part
of the female respectively. They tend to be repressed deeply that we are hardly aware of it.
They only surfaced when we are in love when such unconscious part is projected to someone
of particular attraction.
• If the association with the parent is positive, the anima/animus is projected to that person.
If it is ambivalent, certain adaptations and fixes here and there is required to subtract the
negative qualities. If the association is negative, we then look for the opposite qualities of
such parent. This strategies is to nurture what is repressed in years.
• Regardless of the association, it conveys powerful emotions feeling ourselves transported
back to childhood, acting in ways contrary to what the persona we present. The anima and
animus have their own qualities.
• We are not really treating men and women as they are but rather through our projections
causing us disappointment in turn.
• Our tasks as student of human nature is threefold.
• First, try to observe the anima and the animus as they manifest in others. Pay attention
to their behaviours in situations such as intimate relationships to gain access to their
unconscious that is normally denied to you. When people go extra far in repressing their
feminine or masculine qualities, these will tend to leak out in a caricatured form.
• The hypermasculine man, for instance, will be secretly obsessed with his clothes and looks,
displaying an unusual interest in people's appearances, making snippy judgements about
them. He is always trying to contain his emotions but they can have a life on their own. For
instance, without wanting to, he will suddenly become sentimental.
• The hyperfeminine woman will often be concealing a great deal of resentment and anger at
the role she has been forced to play. Her seductive, girlish behaviour with men is actually a
clever ploy for power to tease, entrap and hurt the target her masculine side will leak out in
passive-aggressive behaviour, attempts to dominate people in relationships in underhanded
ways. Underneath the sweet deferential facade, she can be quite willful and judgmental of
others and will come out in rather irrational stubbornness in petty matters.
• Second, be aware of this projecting mechanisms and when it comes to play. Projection have
positive roles in life so don't try to repress it. Separate judgement and discernment from
projection to accurately assess people both in intimate and professional relationships. By
observing how you react to both sexes, you can accurately discern reality from projections.
Be aware of your own patterns and types of qualities you tend to project to others.
• Third, look inwards to see the masculine/feminine within you and try to understand them and
incorporate them to your life appearing authentic in the process. Integrate your everyday
personality the traits within you that are repressed.
• Seeing this dynamic, we are able to better control it and have a much smoother interaction.
• Everyday, there is an increasing tension and polarization between the sexes. Constant
repression of our feminine and masculine side have caused distance and sometimes hostility
particularly in men who have come to hate the mother figure due to the dependency and the
weakness that it unconsciously trigger among men.
• The inner connection will vastly improve the outer connection and should be the ideal we aim
• Although there are infinite variations, there are six common types of projects. We are tasks
with using this knowledge in three ways.
• First, we recognize our tendencies towards any form of seduction. Second, observe these
projections from other people so that we gain access to their anima and animus. Third,
recognize what people projects themselves on to you to know how to live up with their
expectations or to see the dynamic of the relationship.
• The Devilish Romantic: For the woman in this scenario, the man that fascinates her is often
older and successful seeming like a rake who will shower her with attention but she believes
she will be the one to reform him, basking in his love often getting disappointed to the
self-absorbance of the man. He cannot be reformed and leaves.
• These types of projection are those of women who have a rather intense, flirtatious
relationship with the father figure often favoring her over her mother. Any association with the
father figure will spark up this projection exaggerating the romantic nature of the man.
• They become trapped by the early attention paid to them by their father. They have to be
continually charming, inspiring and flirtatious. They are in continual search for a man that does
not exist, often growing tired for a man who showers them with too much attention seeing it
as weakness. The only way out for such types is to see their patterns, stop mythologizing the
father and focus on the danger he has done to them due to their attention.
• The Elusive Woman of Perfection: He thinks he has find the ideal woman, the one that will give
him all he needs. He cannot live without her, fantasizing her yet providing no concrete details
whatsoever upon the perfection. He have few actual encounters with women often breaking
them off, disappointed, looking for another woman to project.
• This is a common form of male projection often adding qualities and traits to said person of
targeted projection to fill up what their mother don't have. In real life, she is quite hard to pin
down, often narcissistic, needing no man in her life. Her blank image provides an opportunity
for men to project unto her his ideals. Alternatively, she can seem to be a free spirit, full of
creative energy, but without a clear sense of identity. She serves as a muse, a great spark to
their imagination.
• The men prone to this projection often had mothers who were no totally there for them
perhaps the mother expected his son to give her the attention she doesn't receive from his
husband. He cannot verbalize what he wants or miss thus explains the vagueness of his
fantasy. His anima is dreamy, introspective, and moody a behaviour a bit similar when he is in
• Men of this type must recognize this nature and settle for the flesh-and-blood female and
interact with them giving more of themselves. Learn to find such inspiration from within and
loosen up their thought process. They are too alienated from their own feminine spirit. Not
needing this wildness from their wildness, they will better relate to actual women in their life.
• The Lovable Rebel: For the woman who is drawn to this type, the man who intrigues her have
a noticeable disdain against authority, a noncomformist unlike the devilish rake, he is quite
young and unsuccessful. He tends to be outside of his circle of acquaitances. A relationship
with him is taboo, something his father won't approved. In reality, he is quite lazy and
ineffectual. He's quite conventional, controlling and domineering but the fantasy remains.
• The woman with this type often have a strong, strict, domineering type of father often critical
of her. Her desire to rebel is repressed due to the need to obey and stored in her animus. She
then projects this to someone who is young to avoid the parent figure, becoming charged
and sexual yet his immaturity breaks the relationship leaving her angry and sad. The rebel
repression is express through outside forms and not cultivated form the inside.
• Once a woman recognizes this projection, she must understand that it is independence,
assertiveness and power to disobey is what she wants. She must develop this everyday
becoming assertive and thus being able to live in a relationship that is more equal and

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