Software Project Lecture 3

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Software Project Spring 2023

Software Project (Java Programming)

Lecture 3. Reference Type in Java

Joon-Woo Lee

School of Computer Science and Engineering

College of Software
Chung-Ang University
Software Project Spring 2023

Primitive Type vs Reference Type

• Java's data types are largely divided into primitive types and
reference types.
• The reference type is a type that refers to the address of an object,
and includes
• array type
• enum type
• class
• interface type.

Software Project Spring 2023

Primitive Type vs Reference Type

Data Type

Primitive Type Reference Type

Array Type
byte char short
Enum Type
int long
float double


Software Project Spring 2023

Primitive Type vs Reference Type

• The difference between the default type and the reference type is the
stored value in the variable.
• Default types store the values themselves, but reference types store
the memory address at which the object was created.
• Variables is allocated in the stack.
• The object itself of the reference type is allocated in the heap.

Primitive Type Reference Type

Value Address Address Object

Software Project Spring 2023

Primitive Type vs Reference Type

• The following figure represents this situation.
• int age = 25;
• double price = 100.5;
• String name = “Java Programming”;
• int[] numarr = {1, 2, 3};
Stack address: 100 String object

reference name 100 “Java Programming”

type numarr 200
price 100.5 address: 200
type age 25
4 6 2

Array object
Software Project Spring 2023

Runtime Data Area

• When the JVM is operated by the java command, the JVM uses the
runtime data area allocated by the operating system as follows.

Method Thread-1 Thread-1

Class-1 Class-n
constants, constants, Stack Stack
static fields ... static fields
Frame-n Frame-n
methods, methods,
construtors construtors variable-n variable-n

variable-1 variable-1



“Java Programming” “Apple”
Frame-1 Frame-1
1 2 3 variable-n variable-n

variable-1 variable-1


Software Project Spring 2023

Runtime Data Area

• Method area
• The area where the contents of the byte code file are stored
• Heap area
• The area where the object is created
• Stack area
• The area where the frames and variables that are generated each time the
method is called are stored

Software Project Spring 2023

==, != Operator for Reference Type

• The ==, != operator examines whether the values of the variables are
the same or not.
• Since the value of the reference type variable is the address of the
object, the ==, != operator for the reference type variable serves to
compare the address.
• refVar1 == refVar2 : false
• refVar2 == refVar3 : true
Stack address: 100 String object

refVar1 100 “Java Programming”

refVar2 200
refVar3 200 address: 200

4 6 2

Array object
Software Project Spring 2023

==, != Operator for Reference Type

package ch05.sec03;

public class ReferenceVariableCompareExample {

public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] arr1;
int[] arr2;
int[] arr3;

arr1 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };

arr2 = new int[] { 1, 2, 3 };
arr3 = arr2;

System.out.println(arr1 == arr2);
System.out.println(arr2 == arr3);
Software Project Spring 2023

null and NullPointerException

• The reference type variable may have a null value indicating that the
address is not yet stored.
• We can check whether a reference type variable is null value.
• refVar1 == null
• NullPointerException error means that you tried to use the data or method
in the object when the variable is null value.

Stack address: 100 String object

refVar1 100 “Java Programming”

refVar2 200
refVar3 null address: 200

4 6 2

Array object
Software Project Spring 2023

null and NullPointerException

package ch05.sec04;

public class NullPointerExceptionExample{

public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] intArray = null;
// intArray[0] = 10;

String str = null;

// System.out.println(str.length);
Software Project Spring 2023

Garbage Object and Garbage Collector

• In some cases, null is intentionally substituted for the reference type
• If null is substituted for a variable, the object will no longer be available
because it will lose its address.
• If an object is not referenced by any variable, the object becomes an object
that cannot be used by the program.
• Java treats these objects as garbage object and automatically removes
them by running a garbage collector.
Stack address: 100

refVar1 100 “Java Programming”

refVar1 null

Garbage object
Software Project Spring 2023

String Type
• String is generated as a String object in Java.
• Java is designed to share a String object if the string literal is the same.
• String refVar2 = “Python”; String refVar3 = “Python” (left figure)
• If you create an object with new operator, which is the operator that creates a
new object, you can create an object with the same string but different object.
• String refVar2 = new String(“Python”);
• String refVar3 = new String(“Python”); (right figure)
Heap Heap
Stack address: 100 String object Stack address: 100 String object
“Java Programming”
refVar1 100 “Java Programming” refVar1 100
address: 200
refVar2 200 refVar2 200
address: 200 “Python”
refVar3 200 refVar3 300
address: 300

Software Project Spring 2023

Array Type
• Array is generated as an array in Java.
• The array itself is generated in the heap area.
• The variable includes the address of the array.
• The array only manages values of the same type.
• The length of the array cannot be increased or decreased.

address: 200

refVar2 200
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Array object

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