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• The Fallen Woman: To the man in question, the woman who fascinates him seem different
from those he have ever known. Perhaps her social class, education is different. She have a
dubious past and less physically restrained. He will be the one to rescue her but when he gets
close to her, it is not what he expected.
• Men of this type have strong mother figures. They have become good, obedient, excellent
students at school. Consciously, they desire well-educated women to those who seem good
and imperfect but unconsciously, they are drawn to women who are imperfect, bad, dubious
character. A classic split of the mother/whore. One wants the mother figure as a wife but
craves the physical attraction of a whore. They have repressed the playful, sensual, and earthy
sides of their character as boys. They project unto such women weaknesses and convince
themselves they are helping them when in fact they are drawn to them and often become their
slave for the woman is much smarter than he thinks.
• Men of this types must need to develop the less conventional types of their characters, the
physical and the sensual. Moving outside their comfort zones, trying new experiences more,
requiring more challenges and dangers to loosen them up.
• Not having to get what they crave from the fallen woman type, they can began to satisfy their
urges with any type of women not waiting for her to lead them astray but actively leading
them to his guilty pleasures.
• The Superior Man: He seemed brilliant, skilled, strong and stable radiating confidence and
power. Even though he may not be so physically attractive and older, his self-assurance gives
him an attractive aura. Women think he would give her an indirect sense of strength and
• This projection is common among women, the criticisms of the father and others are
internalized giving the feeling of inferiority lowering her self-esteem by telling her what to do
and behave. She will search these qualities on men and exaggerate it. Often, men crave the
attentions of such young, and low self-esteemed adoration. But men tend to be not as smart
as they are and the woman in question will find herself broken and disappointed.
• A woman should realize that the source of her insecurity is the critical opinions of others
of which she has accepted and internalized. She must actively work at developing her
assertiveness and her self-confidence through works and projects. Through self-confidence,
she is able to accurately gauged the true worth of the men around her. She should mean as
• The Woman to Worship Him: He's driven and ambitious, but his life is hard and harsh with an
unforgiving life out there. He feels something missing with his life then comes along a woman
who is attentive to him, warm and engaging being drawn to her energy. Yet at some point, she
has stopped admiring him something has changed and he sense betrayal and gets enraged.
• This male projection comes from the overwhelming attention her mother gives to her son to
compensate for never quite getting what she wants from his husband. He becomes addicted
to the attention and hopes to retain that paradise.
• He grows ambitious trying to live up to his mother's expectations pushing himself hard. He
chooses a woman to pursue and subtly positions her to the mother role to boost his ego. But
once the woman sense this dynamic, she become angry and withdraws which enraged the
man thinking of it as a betrayal when in fact he is the one projecting the qualities that were
never really there.
• If however he is successful at getting the woman play the role, he will grow to resent the
increasing dependency to her just like what he had experienced with his mother. His anima
has a sharp, recriminating edge, always ready to complain and blame.
• The man must see the patterns of his relationship and realize that his drive for excellence is
an unconscious attempt of impressing his mother. He must develop the motherly qualities
with himself, giving more, learning to soothe himself taking care of himself and feeling
satisfied of his accomplishment. He will relate to women as they are. In the end they will feel
unconsciously impelled to provide more of the comfort he needs without being pushed to
• A common experience among humans is a midlife crisis at the age of forty where
relationship, jobs become boring and meaningless.
• The true problem lies at the repression of the feminine/masculine within us to present a more
consistent self acceptable to society.
• Throughout youth, the identity gradually shifts but with this process, the possibilties for our
identity becomes rigid and narrow losing the essential energy of our youth.
*In many myths of ancient culture such as the Greeks, Hebrews, Persian, Egyptian. Original
humans were believed to be both man and woman which makes them so powerful that the gods
split them out of fear.
• Return to your original nature and unleased the repressed powers. For centuries the feminine
ways were seen as inferior so women of today try to be aggressive to appear equal yet
feminine styles and masculine styles of thinking are equal in different ways and situations.
• Reconnect to the feminine style of thinking.
• Masculine and Feminine styles of thinking: Masculine thinking is linear, prefers specialization
and separate the functioning parts and categorize them.
• Feminine thinking prefers to see the whole picture and how objects and processes
interconnect each other.
• Almost all people lean to one particular thinking. As a student of human nature, the task is to
widen ones perspective and open one self to styles of thinking.
• If one leans toward the masculine style of thinking, try widen the fields you are looking at and
its connections and be able to consider your intuitions.
• If one leans toward the feminine style of thinking, try specializing and deducing ones emotion
towards a project deriving pleasure from focus on the structure.
• Masculine and Feminine styles of action: The masculine styles of action tend to move
forward, always on the offensive pushing obstacles along the way.
• The feminine styles of action prefers to step back, wait to see how the dynamic will work
itself out and lay traps and lures.
• For those of the masculine style of action, step back to move forward and see the effects of
important decisions in introspect.
• For those of feminine styles of thinking, try to confront people and stop avoiding displeasing
everyone. Sometimes, aggressive action will be effective at thwarting the enemy's advance for
there are enemies out there immune to the charms of negotiation.
• Masculine and Feminine style of self-assessment and learning: Men tend to blame others in
failure and discredit them in success. They are more prone to grandiose tendencies and have
high self-confidence. Overestimates their skills. They don't like asking for help.
• Women tend to be the opposite. Blaming themselves in failure and downplaying their part in
success. They are less prone to grandiosity. They don't see asking for help as weakness.
• For the masculine style, reverse this thinking and look inward to actually improve yourself and
do better through learning with your mistakes.
• For the feminine style, train yourself to not take things personally and have a high level of
self-confidence without the attendant stupidity.
• Masculine and Feminine styles of relating to people and leadership: In a group setting,
men requires a leader, either to aspire to that role or gain power through loyalty. Men form
hierarchies and punish those who form out of line. Highly status conscious and hyper aware,
they focus on results regardless of the means.
• The feminine style is more empathetic valuing each others opinions putting no differences.
The result is equally important with the means.
• For the masculine style, enlarge your concept of leadership and engage with the individuals in
the team and their energy and creativity.
• For the feminine style, you must not be afraid of assuming the leader role especially in time of
crisis. Instill fear and recognize valuable opinions and meaningless suggestions.
• Move closer to your anima or animus to access your unconscious and you will attain the
creative treasure that lies within.
The Law of Aimlessness
• Unlike animals, we have to rely on our conscious mind for decisions yet this type of process
can be prone to shift in directions for we rely on the opinions and criticism of others. Develop
your sense of purpose, your calling in life and you will discover your tastes and inclination,
to choose which battle to fight. With such energy and direction, our action have unstoppable
• We humans are complex. We tend to present a consistent and mature front when in fact
we have different faces causing inner turmoil and pain. We enmesh ourselves in various
addictions and pleasures to nullify our sense of aimlessness.
• We must search for the higher sense of purpose in life, what you are made for. Finding this
higher sense of purpose gives us the direction and the direction we all crave.
• This sense of purpose is a voice from within us telling us to stop when we become entangled
to career paths that are unsuited for us and energy and clarity for those appropriated to our
• It is not the voice from your ego. It comes from deep within and can only be uncovered
through introspection, effort and practice. Your course has been set and deviating from it will
cause anxiety and pain.
• Upon committing oneself to developing or strengthening your sense of purpose, you will face
obstacles, hardships with laziness and boredom pushing you back . There are 5 strategies to
combat these setbacks.
• Discover your calling in life: Look for signs of primal inclination in your early life through
introspection and deep effort upon of which subtracts the negative opinions and criticisms of
others and reunites us with our true inclinations.
• Sometimes these moments occur when were older or when doing tasks effortlessly without
internal resentment and greater energy.
• Through this factors, we are abled to reconnect to our primal desires repressed by the
criticism and opinion of others.
• If young, try to explore a wide field related to your inclinations. If older, utilized your already
developed skills and keep the process open ended.
• Use resistance and negative spurs: First develop skills in various areas and combine them
in creative and various ways. But along with this process comes pain and failures. Embrace
failures as ways to improve oneself and acknowledge ones mistakes. The realization alone of
our limits and lack of abilities is debilitating enough. Use and embrace deadlines. Make it as
tight as possible to fully concentrate your energy. (48LP:Put yourself on death ground)
• Throughout your progress, you will encounter many criticisms, some of which are
constructive while others are from envy marked by their emotional and personal attachment
and lack of relation to your work. Use this energy to encourage yourself.
• Absorb purposeful energy: We humans are susceptible to the energy around us. Thus it
is of necessity to avoid those who have negative energy and lack a sense of purpose. By
associating oneself with successful and confident people, we can take their criticisms and
they will be the one to lead the way for us to learn new skills.
• Create a ladder of descending goals: Operating with long-term goals brings us tremendous
clarity and resolve. However, anxiety can get in the way and the need to create steps of lesser
goals but with equal significance to the larger goal will give us the opportunity to realize them
in shorter timeframea and effective ways.
• Always remind of yourself of the larger goal. You are after a series of practical results and
accomplishments not a list of unrealized dreams and aborted projects. Work with smaller and
embedded goals.
• Lose yourself in the work: The greatest difficulty in maintaining a high and consistent sense of
purpose is the large amount of commitment required for it. Moments of doubts, frustrations,
failures, boredom, distractions and immediate pleasures will redirect our efforts to other
useless sectors.
• First, you must be further along the process. Second, give yourself uninterrupted time to
absorb yourself to the work. Maintain this depth of focus. Third, put your emphasis on the
work itself not on the recognition or yourself and even with the attention gained.
• Devote yourself with your work.
• The human nature have a the requirement to have some direction and feel larger, something
that transcends it. Thus the pursuit for a sense of purpose.
• Many have succumbed to false purposes unlike the real ones does not come from within and
are imposed by society, rules and desire to conform. They require little effort. False purposes
lead us downward, to the animal side of our nature, addictions, loss of mental powers,
conformity, and cynicism.
• Real purposes leads us upward to a more human level. We improve our skills and sharpen our
minds, realizing our potential and contributing to society.
• It is critical to be aware of these false purposes and avoid its most common forms. They're
relatively cheap, easy to get, and popular but don't be lured into such things as is with our
ancestors of the early civilizations.
• The pursuit of pleasure: For us, work is just an irritating necessity of life so we indulge
ourselves in various distractions, games, technological fads, drugs, alcohols, sex, stimulants
and entertainment of all sorts.
• We become addicted, dependent on these distractions becoming overstimulated and
receiving more diminishing returns of pleasure in the process. The pleasure of human nature
comes from limiting oneself. Opt for depth of experience rather than overstimulation.
• Causes and cults: People have a profound need to believe in something, they join groups
advocating microcauses and cults using scapegoats for them to vent their personal
frustration, envy and hatred. They get to feel superior and bigger when in fact they actually
being reduced out of their will and reasoning powers. They lose their individuality and groups
are only their to serve as vents for their emotions. People in a crowd are highly suggestible.
• Allying ourselves to a cause is important in developing our sense of purpose but it must come
internally, thought deeply and dedicated. We must bring our uniqueness into play, needing not
to gratify our ego or vent ugly emotions but to stand up for truth and justice.
• Money and success: For many, the pursuit of money and social status is enough to give them
motivation and focus. But in the long run, this philosophy often gives impractical results.
• First, they chose the fields upon of which they think will make them the most money yet
this field is full of competition and they will struggle. If they are zealous enough, they might
get some success but they tend to tire themselves, wearing their bodies as they get older
becoming restless. Their short-term thinking will be prone to disastrous mistakes.
• Second, money comes from becoming original and not mindlessly following the path others
are following. Eventually, someone younger and hungrier will supplant us and we never really
cultivate our uniqueness.
• Third, what motivates this people is to feel superior than others yet there will always be
people more superior to them and nothing is really enough.
• Concentrate on maintaining a high sense of purpose and success will come to you naturally.
• Attention: People have always pursued fame and attention as a way to feel more important
and enlarged. We become addicted to it becoming clowns in the process and with each
decreasing attention we receive, we felt a gnawing pain to desire more
• It is better to concentrate on your sense of purpose and you will attract attention more
naturally. It is more pleasurable when the attention is unexpected.
• Cynicism: The feeling of no purpose or meaning in life. Cynicism involves some or all of the
following beliefs: Life is absurd, meaningless and random. Standards of truth, excellence or
meaning are completely old-fashioned. Everything is relative. People's judgement are simply
interpretations of the world, none better than another. All politicians are corrupt, so its not
really worth it to get involved; better to abstain or chose a leader who will deliberately tore
it all down. People who are successful get there through gaming the system. Any form of
authority should be naturally mistrusted. Look behind people's motive and you will see that
they are selfish. Reality is quite brutal and ugly; better to accept this and be skeptical. Its really
hard to take anything seriously, better to laugh and have a good time. Its all the same.
• The attitudes seems to give a somewhat apathetic and sardonic air that gives them the
appearance they see through it all. Don't believe this appearance for they are just naturally lazy,
afraid of failing standing out and being ridiculed.
• Move into the opposite direction. Realize our potential not wallow in a cynical and slacker
attitude. Fuse our childish attitude, curiosity and excitement with adult intelligence.
*Friedrich Nietzsche: Man would rather have the void as purpose than be void of purpose.
The Law of Conformity
• We have a side to our character that we are generally unaware of—our social personality. It
possess us, a social masks that we put on to mimic what others are doing, belive what others
are believing in the hope to fit in at the expense of our rationality and individuality. Develop
self-awareness and the changes that occurs to us and we will be superior actors while
cooperating with others in a high level, retaining our distance and independence.
• Human nature cannot be uprooted. When people operate in groups, they do not engage in
nuanced thinking and deep analysis. They become overwhelmed by emotions, infected by the
group spirit. Their thinking becomes simplistic, good vs evil, with us or against us.
• Around others, we naturally feel insecure. We are pressured to fit into the group spirit losing
our individuality. Charismatic leaders trigger powerful emotions making us idealize them and
hate the other rival groups becoming more simplistic in thinking. When multiplies by stress,
the group will be possesses by anger, hatred, grandiosity and man would return to its primal
inclinations revealing the less developer aides of our personality, the aggressiveness and
• Be aware of the effects of the group in your thinking, detach yourself, demystify the leaders,
understand the side and discern which emotions comes from the group or from within. Resist
and detach.
• Keys to Human Nature: At certain moments of our lives, we experience a powerful energy,
sensation we are rarely unaware of. This is the feeling of belonging in a group, it impels us to
do what we won't normally do under our right senses. The feeling of connecting with others
inspires us. This is the social force binding groups with shared sensation.
• This force differs according to the size and chemistry of the group. We are drawn to this
force. At its basic level, only the eyes of other people can reassure us that we are real and
whole and that we belong. It can be felt in virtual worlds and crowds.
• Our smartphones act as a kind of substitute for a pair of eyes upon us. We are prone to
unconsciously imitate gestures from leaders, play our role and hunt in packs.
• We generally deny this phenomenon because it disrupts our high self-opinion of our species'
free will, sophistication and civilized manner.
• This force is neither positive or negative but an integral part of our primal human nature. When
used incorrectly, it goes against modern conditions.
• We are in continual denial with this force.
• What we need is group intelligence, being able to outwardly fit into the group and navigate the
social spaces but inwardly keep our distance.
• It is necessary to acquire and master two of aspects of the social force—the individual effect
of groups on us and the patterns and dynamics that groups will almost always fall in to.
• Any type of court revolves around its leaders and all courtiers (except the cynical ones) will
idealize their leaders.
• Their behaviour is predetermined by their childhood attachments. Some will prove
advantageous while others dangerous, learn to identify which is which and take necessary
defensive action.
• The Intriguer: Difficult to recognize, these people appears to be intensely loyal to the leader
and to the group working the hardest and most efficient yet their motives are malicious for
they aim to gain more power for themselves being the boss someday stemming from their
childhood attachments.
• Look behind the appearance and see the manuevers and impatience to the rise to the top.
They look at others as tools for their goals. Investigate their past and see the extra zeal at
trying to please the leader. Better to avoid them, not being their pawns and enemies either.
• The Stirrer: Riddled with insecurities, these types look at people with contempt and envy and
stirring such emotions to malicious rumors and making the question of loyalty and the source
of doubts. They project a front of loyalty and righteousness yet is pleasured to see the group
succumbed to chaos.
• Be wary of the messenger of rumors, you'll be one day the target of it. Better not to displease
or disrespect such types, they are hypersensitive to such and will make your life miserable.
They have a cheerful mask to hide the negativity within.
• The Gatekeeper: Their main goal is to maintain exclusive access to the leader and monopolize
the flow of information. They have intense admiration for the leader and idealize them
strongly giving them endless supply of attention. They know the leader better than everyone,
his weaknesses and dark sides making them more attached.
• They are usually the police of the group making sure that the rules of the leader is reinforced.
Be aware of their strength when they are in power for fighting them will lose your access to
the most valuable player in the board. They are masters at understanding the insecurities of
the leader. They can easily turn your efforts around. Better to be on their good side.
• As a leader, be aware of such types for they will isolate you from the group and isolation is
• The Shadow Enabler: The leader is often dealing with many burdens, maintaining his
reputation and keeping the group together while at the same time repressing his shadow. The
shadow enabler are clever and the trickiest courtier for they appeal to this dark side. Talking
of taboo topics in a non-threatening way bringing the shadow of the leader forward.
• It is best to avoid these types and maintain your clean reputation for they are generally the
subject of blame when an operation goes bad. It is not worth stopping them unless they are
planning something dark that your position is worth risking for. Maintain a polite distance.
• The Court Jester: Almost every court have its jester. They come in different types, others
are cynics and scoffers poking at everyone or the domesticated rebel allowed to have their
nonconformist and wild ideas out loud.
• Inside they are insecure of their capabilities and fear responsibility knowing well that others
will not treat him seriously amassing little power. Do not be infected by his nonconformist
attitude or let the group be affect by so. Keep your emotional attraction the idea subtle.
Differences in appearance are tolerated but ideas and political correctness is not. Reserve
your nonconformity in your private life or when you have amassed enough power.
• Mirrorer: The most successful courtiers of all capable of playing the double game both
pleasing the leader and other courtiers. They mirror the moods and words of others and are
excellent readers of men with an empathetic attitude allowing them to recognize the high
self-opinion of others and confirm it. They lower their resistance.
• This is a role worth playing if one knows how to read people and their nonverbal cues. Avoid
overt flattery, people see through them.
• The Favorite and the Punching Bag: The highest and the lowest position in the court. Better to
avoid such position.
• The favorite plays on the leader's appeal to friendliness and disdain to formalities. They
usually offered gifts and privileges not based on their skills by the leader becoming arrogant
in the process being alienated from the envious courtiers.
• Better to avoid such position for they will fall once a hint of betrayal or disdain reaches the
ears of the leader and they will fall magnificently.
• In a world of increasing political correctness, the punching bag is an excellent way for others
to feel superior due to its lack of sophistication and incompetence always being ridiculed.
Avoid this cruel game and befriend the punching bag, do not engage such dynamic for it will
debase and coarsen you. See everyone as a potential ally.
• When an operation fails, members of the group look for scapegoats, people to blame into
such as the lieutenants, leaders and bad luck yet this does not addresses the problem of the
dysfunctional dynamic of the group.
• In a dysfunctional group, the overall direction and roles of the member is unclear sowing
confusion, rewarding mediocrity and putting the priority on one's interests instead of the
group's. It creates incompetent lieutenant, grandiose leaders of which becomes isolated by
courtiers making ill-conceived plans. Stirrers take the opportunity to create chaos.
• To alter this dynamic, widen your perspective and see the dynamic to blame for the failures.
Create a healthy and dynamic group by maintaining a tight relationship with reality valuing
empathy instead of political games and creating a sense of collective goals.
• There are five strategies to impose this. Be resolute in the changes you want to effect
• Instill a collective sense of purpose: Capture and channel a high sense of purpose causing
the others the need to belong. There are two sides in human nature, the base side and the
nobler side and this strategy appeals to the nobler one. Make the group goal stated and clear
reminding them every time they succeed. Focus on the work itself not on the money and
power. Isolate those who have egotistical tendencies. Practice what you preach, establish a
clean track record. Adapt but never drift from the core.
• Assemble the right team of lieutenants: In becoming a leader of a reality group, see the big
picture and remove the fear of establishing authorities. Chose those who are competent, wise
and most importantly a good character. You cannot micromanage so chose those who have
the skills you lacked.
• Make them feel part of the group and improve their willingness to challenge the rules
outdated. Share in their sacrifice as to avoid envy from ever rising.
• Let information and ideas flow freely: As the group evolves, you are faced with the problem
of isolation for lieutenants will try to filter information as much as possible isolating you from
reality resulting to ill-conceived plans.
• Listen to your foot soldiers, take your time to better connect with reality thus improving your
decisions. Preach transparency. Make the meetings lively, trust your members and let people
be not overly concerned about offending and bruising egos.
• Extend this open communication to nurture the ability of the group to criticize itself and its
performance. Keep them learning and improving.
• Infect the group with positive emotions: People are more susceptible to emotions in a group
setting thus it is important to use this into our advantage. Show calmness not overly excited
or angry emotions for they might not be productive. Make the focus on concrete tasks.
• Be resolute, do not be upset by setbacks and keep advancing. Be confident but do not inspire
grandiosity. Base this confidence according to the groups success. Show a lack of fear and
openness to ideas.
• Forge a battle-tested group: It is essential to correctly gauge the actual strength of your
group which can only be measured in times of crisis.
• Test individuals and see how well they can do under pressure, others will give in, thinking too
much about their own interest, they lost the group spirit. Others however will persevere and
do better and such will be worth keeping.
• Constantly test your group. You can tolerate a few fearful members but not too many.
• We want a group that has been through wars and are ready to welcome obstacles. With such,
you can expand the limits and move mountains.
• It is the dysfunctional dynamic of the group that makes unstable and neurotic individuals as
is the opposite for the high functioning reality group. We become cooperative, empathetic,
confident and more connected to reality. It is our duty to create such groups to make society
healthier in the process.
The Law of Fickleness
• Although the styles of leadership changes, one fact remains: people are always ambivalent
to those in power, ready to turn on you when you appear weak or experience a setback. They
want to be led but they also want to be free. They want protection but are unwilling to make
the necessary sacrifices. Try to seem to be their equal and they will respond with doubts and
suspicions. Authority is a delicate art of creating the appearance of power, legitimacy, and
fairness while appearing to the people as a servant. Learn this skill early on and they will
stand by you, no matter the fortune.

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