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International Islamic University of Malaysia

Kuantan Campus

Department of Biomedical Sciences

Semester 2, 2012/2013

SBM 3012 Biostatistics

Assignment for Chi-square test (data 89.sav)

No. Group members Matric no.

1 Kevser Unal 1017996
2 Zeinab Abdirahman 0916171

Lecturer: Dr. Nor Azlina bt A. Rahman

Submitted on: 15th April 2013

The date analyzed is taken from data 89.sav. It shows a sample of 173 with variables including sex,
race, status, level of education, glycosylated haemoglobin, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood
pressure, height, and weight. One type of test was performed: Chi-square test (X2 test).

Chi-square test is used to investigate the relationship between two categorical variables. It provides a
method for testing the association between the row and column variables in a two-way table. It is a
significance test which only gives a p-value.


Step 1:
Null Hypothesis: There is no association between level of education and sex in the population.
Alternative Hypothesis: There is significant association between level of education and sex in
the population.

Step 2:
The significance level (α) is set as 0.05 for 95% confidence interval (CI).

Step 3:
The relationship between two categorical variables, level of education and sex, are to be
examined. Thus chi-square test is used.

Step 4:
Assumption 1: All groups within the categorical variables are independent of each other.
Assumption 2: Random sampling is done for the all groups from the corresponding population.
Assumption 3: The expected frequency (EF) value of less than 5 is not more than 20% of the

The footnote in the chi-square test output for level of education and sex indicates that the assumptions
have not been violated as 0.0% (0 cells of 6) of cells has an expected count of less than 5 and the
minimum expected count is 12.21, so the Chi-square test is valid.

Step 5:
Step 6:
Table 1: Association between level of education and sex (Chi-Square Test)

Variable Male Female Chi Square p value

(n=66) (n=107) statistic (d.f)
No. (%) No. (%)
Level of education
Primary 39 (59.1%) 69 (64.5%) 49.523 (2) <0.001
Secondary 27 (40.9%) 5 (4.7%)
Tertiary 0 (0.0%) 33 (30.8%)

Out of the 66 males, 39 or 59.1% have primary education level, 27 or 40.9% have secondary education
level, and none or 0.0% have tertiary education level. From the 107 females, 69 or 64.5% have
primary education level, 5 or 4.7% have secondary education level, and 33 or 30.8% have tertiary
education level.

P value (<0.001) is lesser than 0.05 while chi-square test value (49.523) is more than the X2 value 5.99
(d.f =2 and α=0.05). Therefore, the null hypothesis is rejected.

In conclusion, there is significant association between level of education and sex in the population.

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