CW Short Story

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Chapter 1

In the years of studying to become a doctor, is this what I want?  

Suddenly, a realization hits me I wonder if becoming a doctor is my
dream job. Did I choose to be a doctor, or did they choose it for me?
I began to wonder when our professor asked us about our plan after we
took our Philippine Physician's Licensure Examination. We have a
semester break before our licensure exam 3 months from now. Almost
all of my classmates have agendas, but others are still deciding whether
they ought to take a break before they prepare for their medical field.
While I’m just watching them get excited, they’re also talking about the
hospital where they’re going to submit their application and where
they're going for their vacation. I still don’t have a plan for whether I'm
going to take a break or do some advanced reading.

I went to my favorite coffee shop to refresh my mind. After the things

that happened in our room earlier, I remembered my classmates'
reactions when our professor announced our upcoming semester
break. All of us are excited because, finally, we’re going to have a break
from loads of work.

It was getting dark, so I went home and discussed with my parents our
semester break.
Chapter 2

After talking to my parents, they said it’s my decision if I want to go on

a vacation or just stay at home. I decided to go on vacation because I
need to relax. I've felt so drained these past few weeks.

While it was our semester break, we went to Boracay. It was perfect

because it was already summer. While we were walking around, I saw a
spot that didn’t have a lot of people, so I went there and sat down just
to appreciate the great scenery while reminiscing about my experience
before and where I am right now.

When I’m in high school, I don’t know what course I'm taking in college.
Every time I get to see my aunts, they always ask me what my dream
job is. I tell them that I’m still undecided and haven’t thought of any.
They are giving suggestions like a lawyer, but I’m too sensitive, and I
think I can’t defend my client, if ever. They also suggested a doctor; it’s
a common suggestion from relatives. I told them that I don’t like blood,
but they said to face my fears. They said that I have to think about it
already because I’m already in high school.

They are correct; you must think about the things that interest you
before it is too late. As a result, I'm late for it I accept their suggestion
to become a doctor, despite my fear of blood.
Chapter 3

The day passed; it was our last day in Boracay. I felt relaxed, and I felt
like I didn’t want to go home. While we were buying some souvenirs in
the stall, there was a man beside me. I think he was in his mid-20s. I
noticed that he kept touching his head, then he suddenly fainted. His
skin was red, hot, and dry. I called the attention of some random
people to help me carry the guy inside the nearest store that has air
conditioning. I asked if they could get me ice packs.
Luckily there was a stall selling drinks outside they gave a lot of ice and
then put it in different plastic bags I immediately put it in his armpits,
groin, neck, and back. Because these areas are rich with blood vessels
close to the skin, cooling them may reduce body temperature.
Moments later, he was finally conscious. We gave him water and told
him that he should be careful next time.

That was the first time I witnessed something like that and luckily the
people responded fast and we immediately gave him first aid I feel
proud that I helped someone today. The guy thanked me for saving
him, I said that it was nothing and I’m more thankful that we saved him.

We spend our remaining time in our room sharing our fun experiences
here in Boracay except for what happened earlier of course but we take
it as a lesson to be extra careful especially since it’s summer we should
stay hydrated and always wear sunscreen.
Chapter 4

We were on the plane returning from our vacation. As the flight

attendants went by my seat, I smiled and remembered that being a
flight attendant was my childhood dream job. A flight attendant is my
first-course choice, but my relatives keep pushing me to be a doctor, so
for their happiness, I took their advice and took the doctor course,
which was beneficial to my family, but it wasn't what I wanted to do.

I brushed away my thoughts when the pilot announced that we’d

arrived. I was carried away with my thoughts. If I don’t like to be a
doctor, maybe I didn’t reach this far. Maybe I just didn’t like the idea
that my relatives chose this for me, and it’s like I don’t have any other
choice. After the incident in Boracay, I realized that maybe being a flight
attendant is my dream, I struggled to keep up with the tough
curriculum and was generally frustrated. But I pushed through that was
all in the past. I want to pursue being a doctor now.

I’m going to focus on my upcoming licensure exam. I'll try what I can to
make my family proud. They said I shouldn't put too much pressure on
myself whether I pass or fail the exam; they're always there to support
me, and there's always a chance.
Chapter 5

In the past 3 months, all I did is to review for the licensure exam I had
worked hard to get to this point in her life, and passing the exam was
the last hurdle I had to conquer before earning a medical license in my
area. I knew it would be difficult, but I was determined to give it
everything I had and I didn't want to let myself or my family down.

The test day has arrived, and my anxiety was at an all-time high. As I sat

in the exam room, staring at the questions in front of me, I felt a
sensation of serenity rush over me. I tried to remain calm and focused. I
went through all of the topics I had studied, practiced my test-taking
tactics, and took several deep breaths to calm myself down. I
remembered all of the work I had done and became assured of my

As days turned into weeks, my anxiety increased as I awaited the

results. Finally, the moment of truth arrived. I checked the internet
website anxious to see if I had passed or not. The results of the tests,
much to my surprise and joy, revealed that I had passed with excellent
marks. I leaped up and down, screaming with pleasure, and called my
family right away to tell them the great news. I'd done it! My hard work
and dedication had paid off, and I was now one step closer to fulfilling
my goals. From then on, I just went with the flow, taking on each new
obstacle as it came my way. I understood that with determination, hard
effort, and a positive mindset, anything was possible.

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