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Komplesi dan Kerja Ulang Sumur

Wijoyo Daton
Open Hole 1 Low Cost
Sandface Completions

Interventions Flexibility
• Side tracking
• Underreaming
• Well Deepening

Better Productivity
• No Formation damage
• Full bore size at production zone
Open Hole 1 High Collapse Risk
Sandface Completions

Poor to none zonal isolation /

2 selection

3 Poor GOR/WOR control

When ?
Open Hole 1 No Gas Cap
Sandface Completions

2 Thick Reservoir

3 Strong to Medium consolidated

4 No Bottom Water
Cased Hole 1 Easy control on WOR/GOR
Sandface Completions

Production Flexibility
• Support Multiple Completion
• Easy zone isolation
• Well Deepening
Cased Hole 1 Perforation Cost
Sandface Completions

Production drawbacks
• Formation damage
• Unselected perforation
• Partial Penetration
Cased Hole Completion

1 b = fraction of net pay completed

Bellarby, 2009
Cased Hole Completion

Bellarby, 2009
Cased Hole Completion

Bellarby, 2009
Cased Hole Completion
Partial Penetration

Odeh, 1980
Cased Hole Completion
Partial Penetration

Odeh, 1980 Bellarby, 2009

Tubingless Completion
Tubingless 1 Permanent Well Completion
Sandface Completions

Production Spec
• Through tubing perforator
• Coiled tubing
• Slim hole
Horizontal well Completion
Horizontal well 1 Due to drillng issue
Sandface Completions

Joshi, 1988
Horizontal well Completion

Bellarby, 2009

Kuchuk, 1990
Horizontal well Completion

Bellarby, 2009
Horizontal well Completion

Bellarby, 2009
Types of Completion

Bellarby, 2009
Types of Completion

Bellarby, 2009
Types of Completion

Aadnoy, 2001
Samples of Completion
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