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Chapter 1: What is Advertising?

Six (6) Core Components of Advertising

Channels to convey commercial messages: 1. Type of Communication: a structured form of

communication that is composed of both verbal and
TV, Website, Digital Ads, Print, Event Sponsorship,
nonverbal elements
2. Directed to Targeted Audiences: Consumers who are
These are simply referred to as advertising but it is
already familiar with the brand, potential customers
actually marketing communication. Advertising is just
one type of marketing communication 3. It is Paid: Unlike other marketing communication,
advertising involves payment to promote a brands
Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and
product or service
processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and
exchanging offerings that have value for customers, 4. Mediated: It reaches customers through a channel of
clients, partners, and society at large. communication (medium)

It is a process wherein a sequence of actions or methods 5. Intended to be Persuasive: The main messaging
aimed at satisfying customer needs profitably component is intended to do something upon seeing
the ad
Ultimately, the goal of marketing is to earn profit for the
firm in exchange for products/services with customers 6. An Ad Identifies the Brand: Unlike product
who need them placements wherein the brand is not mentioned,
advertising’s purpose is to showcase the brand name

Timeline of Advertising

Marketing Communications - The various efforts and

tools companies use to communicate with customers
and prospects, including newspaper ads, event
sponsorship, publicity, telemarketing, digital ads, and
coupons, to mention just a few. 1. The Chinese invented paper and Europe had its first
paper mill by 1275. In the 1440s Johannes Gutenberg
invented a printing press with movable type in Germany.
The device was an important development in the history
of advertising, and indeed communication, and it
revolutionized the way people lived and worked

2. 1472 the first English ad appeared: a handbill tacked

on church doors in London announcing a prayer book
for sale

3. 1700s, the world’s population had grown to about

Advertising 600 million people, and some major cities could support
larger volumes of advertising. This caused a shift in
According to Albert Lasker “Father of Modern
advertising strategy
Advertising”, defined advertising as salesmanship in
print, driven by a reason why Marketing Strategy - the statement of how the
company is going to accomplish its marketing objectives.
- A paid, mediated form of communication from an
identifiable source, designed to persuade the receiver to Advertising Strategy - the advertising objective declares
take some action, now or in the future what the advertiser wants to achieve with respect to
consumer awareness, attitude, and preference.
- As per the Oxford dictionary, advertising is the activity
Advertising strategy describes how to get there. It
or profession of producing advertisements for
consists of two sub strategies: the creative strategy and
commercial products or services
the media strategy.
Four Fundamental Assumptions of Free-market  How does it change or even debase the art and
Economics culture of our society?

1. Self-interest. People and organizations pursue their Economic impact of advertising

own self-interest. People always want more—for less.
The moment a company advertise, it sets off a chain
Companies are formed to offer products and services
reaction that impacts the economy.
that help people acquire things of value
Effect on the value of products
2. Complete information. The more information buyers
and sellers have about what products are available, at Brand Image: advertising affects how people perceive a
what quality, and at what prices, the more efficient the brand’s products. It conveys a positive image even if
competition. The outcome is better quality products and products are of the same quality or taste
lower prices for all.
Awareness: by doing advertising, a product becomes
3. Many buyers and sellers. A wide range of sellers better-known vs competitors.
ensures that if one company does not meet customer
needs, another will capitalize on the situation by Education: it helps brand deliver a new
producing a more market-responsive product. purpose/function for their product.

4. Absence of externalities (social costs). Sometimes Negative advertising

the sale or consumption of products results in benefits  Deceptive advertising
or harm to people who are not involved in the  Subliminal advertising
transaction and who didn’t pay for the product. In these  Offensive advertising
cases, government may use taxation and/or regulation
to compensate for or eliminate the externalities. Social Responsibility and Ethics in Advertising

Functions and effects of advertising as a marketing tool Advertisements should have social impact and must be
done in an ethical manner.
○ To identify products and differentiate them from
others. The organizations in advertising

○ To communicate information about the product, its 1. Advertisers (The Brand)

features, and its place of sale.
- The group behind the advertisements
○ To induce consumers to try new products and to - In charge of payment to produce an ad for their
suggest reuse. brand

○ To stimulate the distribution of a product. 2. Advertising Agency

○ To increase product. - Independent organizations of creative people

and businesspeople
○ To build value, brand preference, and loyalty. - developing and preparing advertising plans,
○ To lower the overall cost of sales. advertisements, and other promotional tools for
Celebrities in Advertising - The agencies also arrange for or contract for
Celebrities help make ads believable, enhance ad recall, purchases of space and time in various media.
increase brand recognition, and ultimately influence 3. Supplier
consumers to choose an endorsed brand. However,
selecting the right celebrity is the key. - Photographers
- Videographers
Controversies about advertising - Printers
Economic - Graphic Artists

 Does advertising cause higher prices? 4. Media

 Does it discourage competition? - Sells spots via:
 Can it influence overall consumer demand? - Radio
What effects does it have on consumer choice - TV
and on the overall business cycle? - Print
- Digital

 Does advertising make us more materialistic?

 Does it tempt us to buy things we don’t need?
 Does it affect us through subliminal processes?
Local Advertising around the world and can help their clients market
internationally or globally
Advertising by businesses within a city or county
directed toward customers within the same geographic Types of Agencies
1. Geographic Scope
Types of Local Advertising
Local Agencies: Advertising agencies that specialize in
1. Product advertising promotes a specific product or creating advertising for local businesses
service and stimulates short-term action while building
Regional Agencies: Advertising that focuses on the
awareness of the business
production and placement of advertising suitable for
2. Sale advertising is used to stimulate sales of regional campaigns
merchandise or increase store traffic, local merchants
National Agencies: Advertising agencies that produce
frequently use sales, promo, discounts
and place the quality of advertising suitable for national
3. Institutional advertising aims to promote an idea campaigns
about the company and build long-term goodwill. It
International Agencies: Advertising agencies that have
makes the public aware of what the business stands for
offices or affiliates in major communication centers
and attempts to build reputation and image
around the world and can help their clients market
4. Classified advertising is employed to locate and internationally or globally
recruit new employees, offer services (such as those of
2. Range of Services
an employment agency or business opportunity broker),
or sell or lease new and used merchandise (such as cars, Full-Service Agencies: An agency equipped to serve its
real estate, and office equipment). clients in all areas of communication and promotion. Its
advertising services include planning, creating, and
Types of Local Advertisers
producing advertisements as well as performing
1. Dealers or local franchisees of national companies research and media selection services. Non-advertising
functions include producing sales promotion materials,
2. Stores that sell a variety or branded merchandise
publicity articles, annual reports, trade show exhibits,
3. Specialty businesses and services and sales training materials.

4. Governmental and nonprofit organizations General Consumer Agencies: An agency that represents
the widest variety of accounts, but it concentrates on
Regional Advertisers: Companies that operate in one companies that make goods purchased chiefly by
part of the country and market exclusively to that region consumers
National Advertisers: Companies that advertise in B2B Agencies: Represents clients that market products
several geographic regions or throughout the country. to other businesses
Types of Media Creative Boutiques: Organizations of creative specialists
International Media: Media serving several countries, (such as art directors, designers, and copywriters) that
usually without change, that is available to an work for advertisers and occasionally advertising
international audience agencies to develop creative concepts, advertising
messages, and specialized art. A boutique performs only
Foreign Media: The local media of each country used by the creative work
advertisers for campaigns targeted to consumers or
businesses within a single country. Media-buying Service: An organization that specializes
in purchasing and packaging radio and television time
Types of Agencies
Interactive Agencies: An advertising agency that
Local Agencies: Advertising agencies that specialize in specializes in the creation of ads for a digital medium.
creating advertising for local businesses
What does Agencies do?
Regional Agencies: Advertising that focuses on the
production and placement of advertising suitable for 1. Account Management
regional campaigns 2. Research and Account Planning
3. Media Planning and Buying
National Agencies: Advertising agencies that produce 4. Creative Concepts
and place the quality of advertising suitable for national 5. Advertising Production
campaigns 6. Traffic Management
International Agencies: Advertising agencies that have 7. Additional Services
offices or affiliates in major communication centers 8. Agency Administration
How does Agencies earn? A company prospers only if it can attract and keep
customers who are willing to buy the firm’s goods and
1. Media Commissions
services. That’s where advertising comes in!
2. Mark-ups
3. Fees The ultimate purpose of marketing is to create
exchanges that satisfy the perceived needs and wants of
How does Agencies get their clients?
individuals and organizations.
1. Referrals
One of the important elements of that definition is the
2. Presentations
special relationship between a customer’s needs and a
3. Network and Community Relations
product’s need-satisfying potential or better known as
4. Soliciting and Advertising for New Business
product utility.
Factors that affects client-agency relationship
Product utility - a product’s ability to satisfy both
4 Cs functional needs and symbolic or psychological wants.
A product’s problem-solving potential may include form,
1. Chemistry task, possession, time, or place utility
2. Communication
3. Conduct (Performance) Advertising’s main function is to communicate this
4. Changes utility. Thus, some ads promote how well a product
works (function); others tout glamour, sex appeal, or
Suppliers status (symbolism).
1. Art Studios Six Types of Functional Utility
2. Printers and Related Specialists
3. Film and Video Houses 1. Form Utility
4. Research Companies
- A type of utility that is present when a company
6 Categories of Media creates a tangible good
- Bicycle that fits a consumer’s needs
1. Print - Shoe that fits and is comfortable,
2. Electronic - Pickup truck that tows large loads and can carry
3. Digital a big payload
4. Out-of-Home
5. Direct Mail 2. Task Utility
6. Other Media
- Originates in others doing something for us
Chapter 4 (Service)
- Accountants who prepares our income tax
Target Market: A group of potential customers that you returns
identify to sell products or services to - Mechanics who fixes our cars
Each group can be divided into smaller segments. 3. Possession Utility
Segments are typically grouped by age, location, income
and lifestyle. Once you’ve defined your target audience, - Provides the ability to customers to purchase a
you’ll find it easier to determine where and how to product
market your business. - Includes distribution, pricing strategies, shelf
availability, purchase agreements, and delivery
Why have a target market?
4. Time Utility
Because no product or service pleases everybody,
marketers need to select specific target markets that - Providing the consumer with the product when
offer the greatest potential. They can then fine-tune he or she wants it
their mix of marketing elements (the four Ps) to match - Availability of products
the needs or wants of the target market. - Enough manpower to service the customers

How do we identify the market? 5. Place Utility

Research > Segment > Define - Having the product available where the
customer can get it
As advertiser, we have to remember that it is not only - Physical Store
important about what we say but also to whom we say - Marketplace
it to.
6. Psychic Utility
All advertisers face the challenge of how best to present
their products, services, and ideas effectively through - Product offers symbolic or psychological need
the media to audiences. satisfaction
- Sex Appeal 2. Professional Advertising aimed at teachers,
- Social Status/ Symbol accountants, doctors, dentists, architects, engineers,
- Confidence lawyers

The Purpose of Marketing and Advertising 3. Agricultural Advertising (Farm) to promote products
and services used in agriculture to farmers and others
employed in agribusiness
- Develop goods and services we want
User-Status Variables
- Pricing them attractively
- Distributing them to convenient locations Six categories into which consumers can be placed,
- Informing us about them through advertising which reflect varying degrees of loyalty to certain
and IMC brands and products.

Advertising 1. Sole users - most brand loyal and require the least
amount of advertising and promotion
- Communicates product features and benefits
price options, and locations where the product 2. Semisole users - not brand loyal and has an
can be purchased alternative brand

Two Steps of Market Segmentation 3. Discount users - They will only buy at a discount

1. Identifying groups of people (or organizations) with 4. Aware Non-triers - Patrons of other brands and have
shared needs and characteristics tried your product but is not satisfied

2. Aggregating (combining) these groups into larger 5. Trial/rejectors - Tried the product based on
market segments according to their interest in the advertising message but did not like it
product’s utility
6. Repertoire users - Brand switchers and not brand
A company may differentiate its products and marketing loyal. Primary target of brand advertising
strategy for every segment, or concentrate its marketing
Usage-Rate Variables
● Determines the extent to which consumers use a
Target Market: The market segment or group within the
product: light, medium, or heavy
market segment toward which all marketing activities
will be directed. ● Advertising has an easier time getting heavy user to
increase usage than light users
Target Audience: The specific group of individuals to
whom the advertising message is directed. ● By finding common characteristics among heavy users
of their products, marketers can define product
Two Main Types of Target Market
differences and focus ad campaigns more effectively
1. Consumer Market (B2C)
Purchase-Occasion Variables
- Typically directed to the customers/end users
● Buyers can also be distinguished by when they buy or
- For personal consumptions
use a product or service
- Advertising forms: websites, social media, TV,
radio, newspapers, and magazines ● The purchase occasion might be affected by frequency
of need (regular or occasional),
2. Business Market (B2B)
Geographic Segmentation
- Business are the buyers
- For resell ● People in one region of the country (or the world)
- For corporate use have needs, wants, and purchasing habits that differ
- three specialized types of business advertising: from those in other regions.
trade, professional, and agricultural
- Business Advertising: people who buy goods ● When marketers analyze geographic data, they study
and services for resale, for use in a business or sales by region, country size, city size, specific locations,
organization, or for manufacturing other and types of stores
products Demographic Segmentation
3 Specialized Types of Business Advertising ● Is a way to define groups by their statistical
1. Trade Advertising targets resellers (wholesalers, characteristics: gender, age, ethnicity, education,
dealers, and retailers) to promote greater distribution of occupation, income, and other quantifiable factors
their products
● Demographics are often combined with geographic 6. Receiver: In advertising, the receiver is the target
segmentation to select target markets for advertising customer whom the ads are directed to
(Geodemographic Segmentation)
Consumer Perception Process
Psychographic Segmentation

● With psychographics, marketers group people by their

values, attitudes, personality, and lifestyle.

● This enables marketers to view people as individuals

with feelings and inclinations.

Product Concept
Consumer Motivation Process
● The consumer’s perception of a product as a “bundle”
of utilitarian and symbolic values that satisfy functional,
social, psychological, and other wants and needs.

Product Classifications

Account Planner: the individual at an advertising agency

primarily responsible for account planning.

Boase Massimi Pollitt, has been called the “father” of

account planning. He described planners as “the
architects and guardians of their clients’ brands, the
detectives who uncovered long-hidden clues in the data
and gently coerced consumers into revealing their inner

Marketing Research
Product Branding: That combination of name, words, The systematic gathering, recording, and analysis of
symbols, or design that identifies the product and its information to help managers make marketing
source and distinguishes it from competing products— decisions.
the fundamental differentiating device for all products.
It helps identify consumer needs and market segments;
Advertising and Price Element: Companies that don’t it provides the information necessary for developing
compete on price typically use image advertising to new products and devising marketing strategies; and it
create a particular perception of the company or enables managers to assess the effectiveness of
personality for the brand. Companies that are more marketing programs and promotional activities.
price competitive may regularly use sale advertising,
clearance advertising, or loss-leader advertising. Advertising Research

Chapter 5 The systematic gathering and analysis of information

specifically to facilitate the development or evaluation
Communication Process in Advertising of advertising strategies, ads and commercials, and
media campaigns.
1. Source: The party that formulates the idea, encodes it
as a message, and sends it via some channel to the 4 Categories of Advertising Research
1. Advertising strategy research. Helps define the
2. Encoding product concept or assists in the selection of target
markets, advertising messages, or media vehicles.
3. Message: In oral communication, the idea formulated
and encoded by the source and sent to the receiver. 2. Creative concept research. Evaluates the target
audience’s acceptance of different creative ideas at the
4. Channel: Any medium used to send the message to
concept stage.
the receiver. Can be on the inform print, tv, radio,
digital, and other media 3. Pretesting of ads. Uncovers and diagnoses possible
communication problems before a campaign begins
5. Decoding
4. Posttesting of ads. Evaluates the impact of a specific strategy from which ads and campaigns are
campaign after it runs. created.

Reviewing the Marketing Plan

The advertising manager first reviews the marketing

plan to understand where the company wants to go,
how it intends to get there, and what role advertising
plays in the marketing mix. The first section of the
advertising plan should organize information from the
marketing plan’s situation analysis into a SWOT analysis.

Setting Advertising Objectives

Research that defines the product concept or assists in
the selection of target markets, advertising messages, or Based on the marketing plan, the advertising manager
media vehicles. determines what tasks advertising must take on.

Methods for Pretesting an Ad What strengths and opportunities can be leveraged?

What weaknesses and threats need to be addressed?

Unfortunately, some corporate executives (and

advertising managers) state vague goals for advertising,
such as “increase sales and maximize profits by creating
a favorable impression of the product in the

Advertising Strategy

The advertising objective declares what the advertiser

wants to achieve with respect to consumer awareness,
attitude, and preference.

Advertising strategy describes how to get there.

It consists of two substrategies: the creative strategy

and the media strategy.

Creative Strategy

A written statement that serves as the creative team’s

guide for writing and producing an ad. It decides the
most important issues that should be considered in the
development of the ad (the who, what, where, when,
and why), including the objective of the advertising; a
definition and description of the target audience; the
key benefit to be promised; the product features that
support that promise; the style, approach, or tone to be
used; and generally, what the copy should

Media Strategy

A document that helps media planners determine how

messages will be delivered to consumers. It defines the
target audience, the communication objectives that
must be achieved, and the characteristics of the media
that will be used for delivery of the messages.

Allocating Advertising Funds/Budget 3 Methods:

1. Percentage-of-Sales Method: A method of

advertising budget allocation based on a percentage of
Advertising Plan
the previous year’s sales, the anticipated sales for the
The plan that directs the company’s advertising effort. A next year, or a combination of the two.
natural outgrowth of the marketing plan, it analyzes the
2. Share-of-Market / Share-of Voice Method: A method
situation, sets advertising objectives, and lays out a
of allocating advertising funds based on determining the
firm’s goals for a certain share of the market and then
applying a slightly higher percentage of industry
advertising dollars to the firm’s budget.

3. Objective/Task Method: A method of determining

advertising allocations, also referred to as the budget-
buildup method, that defines objectives and how
advertising is to be used to accomplish them. It has
three steps: defining the objectives, determining
strategy, and estimating the cost.

Other Ways to Allocate Budget

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