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Dynda Pradnyani Arimbawa

VIII-2/ 03

How Can Food Be Recycled

Ladies and gentleman, did you know that recycling is not just about plastic, paper,
and cans? You can also recycle food waste! it can be done by anyone. Good morning
everyone. My name is Dynda Pradnyani and im here to give a speech about how food can be
recycled. But first, Do you know about recycling? University of Yale belive it is capturing
things that are being discarded into the waste stream, reprocessing them so that they are
useful as materials. One of the materials you can recycle is food waste. But are you all aware
of the benefits of recycling food waste? well recycling food waste can cut down on the
amount of trash dumped in landfills. Food waste that is thrown away ends up in landfills,
which take up a lot of area and release toxic gases that affect the environment. By converting
the trash into compost or electricity, recycling of food waste can avoid this. And also
recycling food waste can contribute to energy savings. When landfills are full, new ones must
be built which uses even more energy. Landfills consume a lot of energy to function.
Recycling food waste lowers the amount of garbage dumped in landfills, which lowers the
energy required to maintain them.

So, how can we recycle food waste? One of the most popular methods of recycling
food waste is composting. Composting can be done at home using a compost bin or pile, or
you can use a composting service. To compost at home, you will need to collect food scraps
like fruit and vegetable peelings, eggshells, and coffee grounds in a container, and then add
them to your compost pile. The compost pile should be located in a spot that gets some
sunlight and should be turned regularly to help the materials break down. Depending on the
size of the compost pile, the materials used, and the area where the compost is being created,
the composting process can last anywhere from a few weeks to several months. But If you
find that you are throwing away food that you no longer need, you might want to consider
donating it to a homeless shelter. In addition to giving the homeless and other people who
otherwise couldn't afford good meals access to inexpensive food, this reduces the amount of
garbage that ends up in landfills.

Recycling food waste is a crucial action we can take to lessen our impact on the
environment. We may recycle waste into a usable product and lessen the quantity of waste
that ends up in landfills. If we as a society and as individuals could take greater care to reduce
the quantity of food we waste, it would help the environment. Let's take action and recycle as
much as we can. That’s all from me, thank you for your time and attention. Have a great day!

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