CASTILLO - Creativity and The Business Idea

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MGT C302 - 302K

Define and Explain the following:

1. Consumers - Consumers are either individuals or groups who make product or

service purchases. Hiring products and services is another use of the phrase. They are
either people or other economic agents who make use of a good or service. In addition,
they don't sell the goods they bought.

2. Distribution channels - A distribution channel is a group of companies or

middlemen that a product or service travels through before it is purchased by or used by
its final recipient. Retailers, wholesalers, distributors, and even the internet can be used
as distribution channels.

3. Federal government - The federal government system is a way of distributing power

between a central national government and smaller, interconnected state governments.
The national government has power over some aspects of public life, while local
governments have control over other aspects. Because of this, police dramas prefer to
stir up conflict between the federal and local governments over who should be looking
into the current incident.

4. Research development - Businesses conduct research and development to either

produce new products or find new methods to enhance their current products and
services. Bigger businesses might have their own research and development group that
tests and improves items or procedures before they are used commercially.

5. Brainwriting - Brainwriting is an idea creation technique where participants write

down their thoughts for a short period of time without speaking about a specific issue.
Each person then passes on their ideas to the person behind them, who utilizes them
as a springboard for expanding upon or improving their own ideas.
6. Problem inventory analysis - it is a technique for coming up with fresh concepts
and answers by concentrating on issues. Similar to focus groups, this approach uses
people to identify potential new product categories.

7. Reverse brainstorming - Reverse brainstorming is a method that capitalizes on our

innate tendency to identify issues before solutions. Instead of asking a group to come
up with ideas that would work, they brainstorm every possible way a plan could go

8. Gordon method - The Gordon approach is a communication strategy that

emphasizes respectfully and equally communicating with the child while also listening to
them. Respect for one another's viewpoints and needs is crucial. Disputes are settled in
a way that makes no party feel like they lost.

9. Forced relationships - One individual puts in extra effort to forge a connection in a

forced relationship. Healthy couples ought to be confident in their ability to counsel and
persuade one another. Your partner should think of you as someone who deserves to
be heard.

10. Collective notebook method - For gathering thoughts over a longer length of time,
the collective notebook method is appropriate. Each participant begins by gathering
their thoughts on a personal IdeaClouds whiteboard. Ideas may be gathered over the
course of one or several weeks.

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