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Chapter 1: ICT: Tools and applications

A. Definition
ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology. It refers to the technologies and
tools that are used to transmit, process, and store information, as well as to facilitate
communication. Examples of ICT include computers, the internet, mobile phones, software, and
networking technologies. ICT is considered a broad term that encompasses many different
technologies and is used in many different contexts, including business, education, healthcare, and
government. ICT is critical for the modern economy, as it enables faster and more efficient
communication, collaboration, and access to information, which can drive innovation and
In summary: ICT is combination of IT & CT where you are collecting, processing and storing
data and also transmitting this data or sharing this data across the globe by the use of networks

B. ITC Services
ITC services refer to Information Technology and Communication services. These are a set
of services that help organizations to manage, process, store, and communicate information. ITC
services typically include hardware, software, networking, and data management tools that
support an organization's daily operations.
Examples of ITC services include:
• Hardware Services - provision of devices such as servers, computers, and peripherals
that support an organization's daily operations.
• Software Services - provision of software applications, including operating systems,
productivity tools, and business software.
• Network Services - provision of networking solutions such as LAN, WAN, VPN, and
wireless networks to facilitate communication and data transfer.
• Cloud Services - provision of cloud computing solutions such as Infrastructure as a
Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Software as a Service (SaaS).
• Data Management Services - provision of services that manage the storage, security,
and access of an organization's data.
• Technical Support Services - provision of support services to help organizations
manage and troubleshoot IT-related issues.
ITC services are essential for the smooth functioning of organizations and for enabling them
to achieve their business objectives. ITC services are usually provided by specialized vendors and
service providers, who can tailor their offerings to meet the specific needs of individual

C. ICT tools:

a. Input and output equipment

Input and output (I/O) equipment refer to the devices used by computer systems to
communicate with users and with other systems.

Input equipment is used to enter data into a computer system. Examples of input devices
• Keyboard - used to enter text and commands.
• Mouse - used to control the cursor on the screen and to make selections.
• Touchscreen - allows users to interact with the computer by touching the screen.
• Scanner - used to convert physical documents or images into digital format.
• Microphone - used to input sound or voice.
• Webcam - used to input video or images.
Output equipment is used to display or present information that has been processed by a
computer system. Examples of output devices include:
• Monitor - displays text, images, and other visual information.
• Printer - prints out text and images.
• Projector - displays visual information on a larger screen or surface.
• Speaker - plays sound or voice.
• Headphones - allows users to listen to sound or voice in private.
• Plotter - produces high-quality graphics or technical drawings.
• Haptic devices - provide tactile feedback to users.
Both input and output equipment are essential components of a computer system. They enable
users to interact with the computer, receive feedback, and perform various tasks. The choice of
input and output devices can impact the usability, efficiency, and productivity of a computer

b. Computers
A computer is a machine or device that can accept, process, store, and output data. It is
designed to perform a wide range of tasks, such as data processing, communication, and
entertainment. Computers can be classified into several different types based on their size,
capacity, and intended use. Some common types of computers include:
• Personal computers (PCs): These are designed for use by individuals and typically
include a monitor, keyboard, and mouse. They can be used for a wide range of tasks, such
as word processing, email, internet browsing, and gaming.
• Laptops: These are portable computers that can be used for many of the same tasks as a
desktop PC. They typically have a built-in keyboard and screen, and can be powered by a
• Servers: These are powerful computers that are designed to handle a large amount of data
and requests from multiple users simultaneously. They are commonly used in businesses,
government, and other organizations to store, manage, and distribute information.
• Mobile devices (smartphones, tablets): These are portable computers that are designed to
be used on the go and have touchscreens, internet access, and various apps. They are
usually small and lightweight and can be used for calling, messaging, and internet
browsing, among other tasks.
All computers have a central processing unit (CPU) which is the "brain" of the computer that
performs calculations and logic operations, also have memory, storage and input-output devices.

c. Software
Software refers to the set of instructions and programs that tell a computer what to do. It is a

collection of programs, procedures, and documentation that perform specific tasks on a computer
or other electronic device. Software can be divided into two main categories: system software and
application software.
• System software: This type of software controls the basic functions of a computer, such
as managing memory, coordinating input and output, and controlling the central processing
unit. Examples include operating systems (Windows, Mac OS, Linux), device drivers, and
• Application software: This type of software is designed to perform specific tasks for users,
such as word processing, email, web browsing, and video editing. Examples include
Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, and Google Chrome. Software can also be classified
into different types based on their delivery method:
o Desktop software: It is installed on a computer or device and runs locally.
o Web-based software: It runs on a remote server and is accessed through a web
o Mobile apps: Software designed for mobile devices, such as smartphones and
In summary, software is a set of instructions and programs that tell a computer what to do, it
runs on a computer or device and can be system or application software, and can be delivered as
desktop, web-based, or mobile apps.

d. Communication Networks
Communication networks are systems that allow the transmission of information, data, and
messages between devices or computers. They allow communication between different devices
and computers, regardless of their location, and enable a wide range of applications, including
telephone and internet communication, video conferencing, and data transfer.
Communication networks can be classified into several types based on their characteristics
and the technology they use. Some common types of communication networks include:
• Local Area Networks (LANs): These networks connect devices and computers within a
small geographic area, such as an office or a home. They typically use wired or wireless
technology and are used for file sharing, printing, and other functions.
• Wide Area Networks (WANs): These networks connect devices and computers over a
larger geographic area, such as a city, a country, or even the world. They typically use
telephone lines, satellite links, or other forms of connectivity to link computers.
• Wireless networks: These networks use radio waves or infrared signals to transmit data
between devices and computers without the use of cables. Examples include Wi-Fi and
cellular networks.
• Internet: The Internet is a massive global network of connected computer networks,
servers, and devices that communicate with each other using standardized communication
protocols, such as TCP/IP. It enables the exchange of information, data, and digital content,
including text, images, videos, and audio, among millions of users around the world. The
Internet provides access to a vast array of resources, including online databases, websites,
and email services, as well as a platform for communication and collaboration. The Internet
has become an essential tool for communication, commerce, education, and entertainment,
and has dramatically changed the way we live and work.
In summary, communication networks are systems that allow the transmission of
information, data, and messages between devices or computers, and can be classified into several
types such as LANs, WANs, wireless networks and the Internet, which is the global system of

interconnected computer networks that link devices and computers worldwide.

e. Smart Chips
Smart chips, also known as microchips or integrated circuits, are tiny semiconductor devices
that are capable of processing and storing information. They are used in a wide range of electronic
devices and systems, including computers, smartphones, televisions, automobiles, and appliances.
Smart chips contain a processor, memory, and other components that allow them to perform a
variety of functions, including data processing, communication, and control. They are often used
in conjunction with other electronic components to create more sophisticated devices and systems.

D. Network Topology
Network topology refers to the way devices in a network are connected to each other and the
way data is transmitted between them. Some common network topologies are:
• Network Star topology: Devices are connected to a central hub.
• Bus topology: Devices are connected to a central cable.
• Ring topology: Devices are connected to each other in a closed loop.
• Mesh topology: Each device is connected to every other device in the network.
• Tree topology: Devices are connected in a hierarchical structure, with branches from
a central trunk.
• Hybrid topology is a network configuration that combines two or more different basic
network topologies to create a more complex network infrastructure. This type of
topology can provide the benefits of multiple network topologies while overcoming
the limitations of each individual topology.
The choice of network topology depends on various factors such as cost, performance,
scalability, and reliability.

E. ICT applications

a. Communication spaces: Internet, Intranet, Extranet

• Internet :
The Internet is a global network of interconnected computer systems that use standardized
communication protocols to transmit and exchange information. It enables the sharing of
information, resources, and services through the use of various technologies such as the
Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), Domain Name System (DNS), and
hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP). It is a collection of interconnected networks that are
connected to each other using routers, switches and other networking devices.
The Internet allows users to communicate and share information through various services such
as email, instant messaging, file transfer, and the World Wide Web (WWW). The World Wide
Web is a system of interlinked hypertext documents that are accessed through web browsers, it
allows users to access and share text, images, audio, video and other multimedia content.
The Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate, work, learn, and access
information. It has become an integral part of our daily lives and has made it possible to connect
with people and resources from all over the world. The Internet has also enabled the growth of e-
commerce, online banking, and social media, among other things.
In summary, The Internet is a global network of interconnected computer systems that use
standardized communication protocols to transmit and exchange information, it allows users to

communicate and share information through various services such as email, instant messaging,
file transfer, and the World Wide Web (WWW). It has revolutionized the way we communicate,
work, learn, and access information and has become an integral part of our daily lives.
• Intranet :
An intranet is a private, internal network that is used by an organization to share information
and resources among its employees. It is similar to the internet, but it is only accessible to
authorized users within the organization and is not connected to the public internet.
An intranet uses the same technologies as the internet, such as TCP/IP and HTTP, but it is
typically protected by a firewall to prevent unauthorized access. It can be used for a variety of
purposes, such as internal communication, document sharing, and online collaboration.
An intranet typically includes a variety of tools and resources such as:
• File servers and shared drives: to store and share documents and other files
• Email and instant messaging: to facilitate internal communication
• Online databases and applications: to support business processes
• Intranet portals: to provide a centralized access point to company information and
• Web conferencing and collaboration tools: to support remote working and team
In summary, an intranet is a private, internal network that is used by an organization to share
information and resources among its employees, it uses the same technologies as the internet, such
as TCP/IP and HTTP, but it is typically protected by a firewall to prevent unauthorized access. It
includes various tools and resources such as file servers, shared drives, email, instant messaging,
online databases, applications, intranet portals, and web conferencing and collaboration tools.
• Extranet :
An extranet is a type of private network that allows authorized external users, such as
customers, partners, or suppliers, to access a company's internal resources and information. It uses
the same technologies as the internet and intranet, such as TCP/IP and HTTP, but it is typically
protected by a firewall to prevent unauthorized access.
An extranet can be used for a variety of purposes, such as:
• Online customer service and support: allowing customers to access their account
information, place orders, and track shipments.
• Supply chain management: allowing suppliers and partners to access information
such as inventory levels, production schedules, and shipment tracking.
• Collaboration and project management: allowing external partners and suppliers to
work together on projects and share documents and other resources.
• Business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce: allowing companies to conduct electronic
transactions with other businesses.
Like intranet, Extranet also includes various tools and resources such as file servers, shared
drives, email, instant messaging, online databases, applications, extranet portals, and web
conferencing and collaboration tools. The main difference is that extranet is designed to share
information and resources with authorized external users.
In summary, an extranet is a type of private network that allows authorized external users,
such as customers, partners, or suppliers, to access a company's internal resources and
information, it uses the same technologies as the internet and intranet, such as TCP/IP and HTTP,
but it is typically protected by a firewall to prevent unauthorized access. It allows companies to


b. Databases
A database is an organized collection of data that is stored and accessed electronically. It is
designed to allow efficient retrieval and manipulation of large amounts of information. Databases
are used in a wide range of applications, including e-commerce, financial systems, and medical
There are several types of databases, including:
• Relational databases: SQL (Structure Query Language) These are the most common type
of databases and are based on the relational model, which organizes data into tables with
rows and columns. Each table has a unique key that is used to relate it to other tables.
Examples of relational databases include MySQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server.
• NoSQL databases: These databases are designed to handle large amounts of unstructured
data and do not use the traditional relational model. They are often used for big data and
real-time web applications. Examples of NoSQL databases include MongoDB, Cassandra,
and Redis.
The choice between SQL and NoSQL databases depends on the specific needs of the
application. For example, if you need a database for a financial application that requires
transactions, complex data relationships, and ACID guarantees, a SQL database would be a better
choice. However, if you need a database for a big data application that requires high scalability,
real-time data processing, and flexible data structures, a NoSQL database would be a better choice.
(ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability)
ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability, which are properties of a
database management system that ensure that database transactions are processed reliably.
Atomicity: Ensures that a transaction is treated as a single, indivisible unit of work, either all of
its operations are executed or none are. Consistency: Ensures that the transaction brings the
database from one valid state to another, and all data constraints are maintained. Isolation:
Ensures that concurrent transactions do not interfere with each other, and that each transaction
appears to execute in complete isolation from other transactions. Durability: Ensures that once a
transaction is committed, its changes are permanent and will survive future system crashes or
In conclusion, both SQL and NoSQL databases have their advantages and disadvantages, and
the choice between them depends on the specific needs of the application.
Databases are used in a wide variety of applications, such as:
• Online shopping: storing product information, customer information, and order
• Banking: storing account information, transactions, and customer information
• Human resources: storing employee information, payroll information, and benefits
In summary, a database is a structured collection of data that is stored electronically.

c. Multimedia: audio conferencing, video conferencing

Multimedia: Audio conferencing:
Audio conferencing is a type of multimedia communication that allows multiple people to
participate in a telephone call or a voice chat at the same time. It is a feature that is commonly

used in teleconferencing, web conferencing, and distance learning.
There are different types of audio-conferencing services available, such as:
• Teleconferencing: This is a service that allows multiple people to participate in a
telephone call at the same time. It is typically used for business meetings,
presentations, and other types of group discussions. It can be done with the use of a
telephone bridge or an audio-conferencing platform
• Web conferencing: This is a service that allows multiple people to participate in a
voice chat and share other multimedia content, such as documents, images, and
videos, over the internet. It is typically used for online meetings, webinars, and remote
• Distance learning: This is a service that allows students in different locations to
participate in live, interactive audio and video classes. It is typically used for online
courses, remote degree programs, and other types of educational programs.
In summary, Audio conferencing is a type of multimedia communication that allows multiple
people to participate in a telephone call or a voice chat at the same time, it is commonly used in
teleconferencing, web conferencing, and distance learning. It can be done with the use of a
telephone bridge or an audio-conferencing platform and allows multiple people to participate in a
voice chat and share other multimedia content, such as documents, images, and videos.
Multimedia: Video conferencing:
Video conferencing is a type of multimedia communication that allows multiple people to
participate in a real-time video and audio conversation over the internet or other networks. It
enables participants to see and hear each other and share other multimedia content, such as
documents, images, and presentations.
Video conferencing can be conducted through a variety of devices and platforms, such as:
• Hardware-based video conferencing: This type of video conferencing uses dedicated
video conferencing equipment, such as video conferencing cameras and codecs, to
establish a connection between participants. This type of video conferencing is
typically used in conference rooms and other dedicated spaces.
• Software-based video conferencing: This type of video conferencing uses software
applications that run on personal computers, smartphones, and other devices to
establish a connection between participants. This type of video conferencing is
typically used for remote meetings, virtual interviews, and other types of ad-hoc video
• Cloud-based video conferencing: This type of video conferencing uses cloud-based
platforms and services to establish a connection between participants. It eliminates
the need to install and maintain on-premises equipment and allows users to join the
video conference from anywhere with internet connection.
Video conferencing is widely used in various fields and organizations, such as:
• Business meetings, webinars, and remote training
• Healthcare, telemedicine and virtual consultations
• Education, distance learning and online classes
• Government, teleworking and e-government services
In summary, Video conferencing is a type of multimedia communication that allows multiple
people to participate in a real-time video and audio conversation over the internet or other
networks. It enables participants to see and hear each other, share other multimedia content, such

as documents, images, and presentations. It can be conducted through a variety of devices and
platforms, such as hardware-based video conferencing, software-based video conferencing, and
cloud-based video conferencing, and it is widely used in various fields and organizations, such as
business meetings, healthcare, education, and government.

d. Electronic data interchange (EDI)

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is a standard format for the electronic exchange of business
documents, such as purchase orders, invoices, and shipping notices, between organizations. It
allows organizations to automate the exchange of business-critical information, reducing the need
for paper-based transactions and manual data entry.
EDI uses a set of predefined, standardized formats and protocols to ensure that the data
exchanged between organizations is accurate and consistent. These formats, known as EDI
standards, are widely adopted across different industries, such as retail, healthcare, and
manufacturing. Some of the most widely used EDI standards include:
• ANSI X12: used in the United States
• EDIFACT: used in Europe and other parts of the world
• TRADACOMS: used in the United Kingdom
EDI can be implemented in different ways, such as:
• B2B (Business-to-Business) EDI: This type of EDI involves the exchange of business
documents between two organizations, such as a supplier and a customer.
• B2G (Business-to-Government) EDI: This type of EDI involves the exchange of business
documents between an organization and a government agency.
• B2C (Business-to-Consumer) EDI: This type of EDI involves the exchange of business
documents between an organization and its customers, such as online order confirmations
and shipment tracking information.
EDI can be implemented through various methods, such as:
• Value-Added Networks (VAN): This method uses a third-party service provider, called a
VAN, to handle the exchange of EDI documents between organizations.
• Direct EDI: This method involves the direct exchange of EDI documents between
organizations using a dedicated communication link or the internet.
• Cloud-based EDI: This method uses a cloud-based EDI platform to handle the exchange of
EDI documents between organizations.
In summary, Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the electronic exchange of structured
business data between organizations. It uses a standard format, called an EDI document, to
represent business data and can be implemented in different ways such as direct EDI and VAN
(Value-Added Network) EDI. It is widely used in various industries such as retail, healthcare,
manufacturing, logistics, and transportation, to automate business processes, reduce errors, save
time and money, and improve data accuracy.

e. The workflows
A workflow is a set of tasks and processes that are required to complete a specific business or
operational goal. It describes the sequence of steps that need to be followed, the roles and
responsibilities of the people involved, and the conditions that must be met for the workflow to
proceed from one step to the next.
Workflows can be used to automate repetitive tasks, reduce errors, and improve the efficiency

of an organization's operations. They can be used to manage the flow of information, documents,
and tasks across different departments, teams, and systems.
There are different types of workflows, such as:
• Document-centric workflows: These workflows manage the flow of documents, such
as purchase orders, invoices, and contracts, through an organization. They are typically
used to automate document-based business processes, such as purchase order
processing and invoice approval.
• Human-centric workflows: These workflows manage the flow of tasks and
information between people. They are typically used to automate human-based
business processes, such as employee onboarding and performance review.
• System-centric workflows: These workflows manage the flow of data and tasks
between systems. They are typically used to automate system-based business
processes, such as order fulfillment and inventory management.
• Workflow management systems are software applications that are used to design,
implement, and manage workflows. They provide tools for creating and editing
workflows, as well as for monitoring and reporting on the status of workflows.
In summary, a workflow is a set of tasks and processes that are required to complete a specific
business or operational goal. It describes the sequence of steps that need to be followed

Chapter 1: ICT: Tools and applications ...................................................................................................... 1
A. Definition......................................................................................................................................... 1
B. ITC Services .................................................................................................................................... 1
C. ICT tools: ......................................................................................................................................... 1
a. Input and output equipment ......................................................................................................... 1
b. Computers .................................................................................................................................... 2
c. Software ....................................................................................................................................... 2
d. Communication Networks ........................................................................................................... 3
e. Smart Chips ................................................................................................................................. 4
D. Network Topology .......................................................................................................................... 4
E. ICT applications .............................................................................................................................. 4
a. Communication spaces: Internet, Intranet, Extranet.................................................................... 4
b. Databases ..................................................................................................................................... 6
c. Multimedia: audio conferencing, video conferencing ................................................................. 6
d. Electronic data interchange (EDI) ............................................................................................... 8
e. The workflows ............................................................................................................................. 8


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