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The linear of communication model The Transactional model of communication

-the exchange of messages between sender and

- the process of one-way communication,
receiver where each take turns to send or receive
whereby a sender transmits a message and a
receiver absorbs it.
-The communicators can be humans or machines
-In its new form, the message is transmitted to
but humans are taken as communicators in this
the receiver, who then decodes it.
-both can be affected article to analyze general communication
-According to the model, many things can between humans
by noise.
affect the one-way communication process.
-Here, both sender and receiver are known
-Although straightforward, there are criticisms as communicators and their role reverses each
of the model. The theory assumes communication time in the communication process as both
communication is a turn-taking process where between the Sender processes of sending and receiving occurs at the
a person sends and receives at a time. same time.
and the Reciever.
- Thischannel acts as the medium and will -the process of continuous change and
change the message into a tangible form, for transformation where every component is
instance speech, writing or animation changing such as the people, their environments
and the medium used.

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