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Deadline: 21 Mei 2023

1. Moist air exist under conditions of 85 °F dry bulb temperature, 40 percent relative humidity,
and 14.696 psia pressure. By the psychrometric chart, determine:
a) The dew-point temperature,
b) Thermodynamic wet-bulb temperature,
c) Humidity ratio,
d) Enthalpy, and
e) The volume

2. Saturated moist air at 15 °C and standard atmospheric pressure undergoes a process which
has a sensible-heat ratio of SHR = 0.7. After the process, the dry-bulb temperature is 40°C. By
the psychrometric chart, determine the following at the end of the process:
a) Humidity ratio,
b) dew-point temperature,
c) Relative humidity, and
d) Wet-bulb temperature

3. Air enters an air washer at a dry-bulb temperature of 100°F and a wet-bulb temperature of
65°F. The air exist the air washer at a dry bulb temperature of 70°F. Barometric pressure is 14.3
psia. Without using a psychrometric chart, answer the following:
a) Calculate the relative humidity of the air exiting the air washer.
b) If the mass flow rate of dry air through the air washer is 3000 lbmu per hour, calculate the
rate at which water is being added to the air stream.

4. A psychrometer indicates a dry-bulb temperature of 90 °F and a wet-bulb temperature of 70 °F.

Barometric pressure is 13.00 psia. Air velocity is 600 ft/min. Assume that both thermometers
are shielded from radiation. Determine the relative humidity in the room.

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