Teacher Evaluation

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Monday 15/11
Class reading: 2 pages of ‘Growth and Development’ as well as providing reasoning and
highlighting aspects such as empathy. Within the passage, different kinds of verbs were
Reading Groups: 2x 20-minute rotations of reading groups and writing. Consisting of
questioning and reflecting upon what was read, students also participated in clarifying,
predicting, and summarising.
Maths: 50-minute lesson based on time, specifically converting units of time such as
minutes, seconds, fortnights etc.

Tuesday 16/11
Today students participated in listening and actively searching for verbs in another page of
‘Growth and Development’, looking specifically of genetics and why they are the way they
The two rotations of reading groups completed reciprocal reading
In maths, the class continued to build on learning about time, today specifically, students
worked through looking at AM and PM and what kinds of activities they complete in each
part of the day.

Wednesday 17/11
Students continued with the book of ‘Growth and Development’ however this was the final
page of the book. We had class discussions circling issues within today’s society and the
impact social media has on young individuals.
Reading groups completed the ICT reading program ‘Wushka’ and completed the follow up
quiz on what was read, students scored were ranging from 3/5 to 5/5.
Children completed a range of simple and challenging kahoots in Maths, gathering a range
of information on student’s previous knowledge and what they learned from the lesson.

Thursday 18/11
Reading groups were focusing on guided reading in their ‘Wushka’ online reading books and
discussing what was read throughout.
In maths, students discussed the properties of the short and long hand, looking at analog
time and completing a couple of work sheets relating to this.

Friday 19/11
Reading groups for today looked over handwriting and completed their weekly spelling test
and dictation.
In maths, the class were briefly looking over dates, timelines and calendars doing a few
examples as a class. Students were then assessed on what they have learned throughout
the week by completing two more complex kahoots to finish of the topic of time. All student
achieved a pass mark and some even getting every answer correct.
Monday 22/11
The class were informed that this week we will be taking a look at different Christmas
related image reveals and discussing who, what, when and where? Today we revealed one
of the four boxes covering the glass stone window image of Jesus being born in the stables
where they wrote down a list of verbs they could use to express what they were seeing.
We also completed the same two rotations of reading groups as the previous Monday.
Students listed what their previous knowledge around the subject of patterns and algebra
and opened a class discussion. Also, completed two different kahoots to gauge their level of
understanding surrounding the topic.

Tuesday 23/11
Today in maths, students were shown a PowerPoint informing them on the properties of
even and odd whole numbers and what the result is when adding, subtracting, and
multiplying them. Students then followed up by completing two worksheets which
surrounded this topic.

Wednesday 24/11
The shared reading was a new reveal today, looking at two of the four reveals in the image
of the three wise men walking through the desert. Focusing on the who and what of the
image, and verbs describing what they see.
For reading groups, 2 x 20-minute rotations of guided reading were completed, consisting of
predicting, questioning, clarifying and summarising.
In maths today, students continued with where they finished at whatever point in their
worksheets, students who had finished were given a challenging extension question which
most students didn’t finish or could not figure out.

Thursday 25/11
This morning students participated in a couple of games of buzz off consisting off our
spelling words for the week (using g j ge edge). In shared reading, continuing on from the
reveal of the three wise men in silhouette the final two parts were revealed and children
discussion the setting of where and when and using verbs.
In maths, I placed the questions on the board which students found difficult. I broke down
the question into a simple form and assisted them in answering it. Once I had completed all
of them students were instructed to head back and complete it with full working out, as well
as the extension activity.

Friday 26/11
Today children completed their list words in a silent spelling test format. We also began the
final reveal of Santa Claus. Once the students identified who it was, we had print out sheets
of Santa to complete. The class independently wrote a combination of what, who, when and
when? As well as creating their own personal sentence using verbs and adjectives to
describe their understanding of Mr. Claus and the image present.
For maths, students completed two games of buzz off (1 game of 7 times tables and 1 game
of 9s) for a mental warmup. The class then completed two worksheets based around
multiplication and divisional algebraic questioning. A few students had time to begin the
extension activities.

Monday 29/11
Today students participated in actively listening and identifying noun groups within the
Christmas themed picture book of ‘Dear Santa’ – Elise Hartley & Shannon Horsfall. We wrote
down the list of nouns which were found throughout the duration of the book.
In reading groups, two rotations were completed, looking at predicting, clarifying and
questioning what has been read throughout the process.

Tuesday 30/11
This morning the class looked over the picture book of ‘Santa Claus vs The Easter Bunny’. As
a collective, we looked at nouns and the surrounding adjectives to communicate a noun
group. Writing examples on an A3 sheet along the way.
In reading groups, students continued from yesterday completing the same activities with
the same books.
In maths, the class played a warmup game of buzz off with the 12s times tables. Then, we
looked at extension originated questioning, encouraging students to push their knowledge
of what they have learned so far within the patterns and algebra outcome.

Wednesday 01/12

Thursday 02/12
Today we looked
In maths, students began to look at three-dimensional shapes and their properties.

Friday 03/12
This morning we looked at our final shared reading Christmas picture book of ‘The Christmas
Caravan’ and continuing to look at noun groups.
Students then took part in a spelling test, all doing a satisfactory job.
In maths, we furthered our understanding on 3D shapes, specifically looking at front, top
and side views as well as cross section. The class focused on drawing the shapes and
displaying their different interpretations of views.

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