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Department of Agronomy

College of Agriculture and Food Science

Visayas State University
Visca, Baybay City, Leyte

Name: Animos, Kade Course Number: AgSc21

Gocela, Rheo O.
Magsanay, Monica Sheldane Y.
Sumabat, Madeline

Laboratory Instructor: Jay Bernard T. Cutamora Offering Number:C056

Exercise No. 3
Open Channel Discharge Measurements


A river, canal, or conduit is considered a "open channel" if fluid motion can be

described in it. Dams and irrigation channels are examples of open channels. Surface pressure
in an open channel will be equal to atmospheric pressure. Sewers, man-made open-channel
flows, and freshwater drainage ditches are all present. In light of this, we could contend that
an open channel could be a visible channel or a closed pipe with a partial flow. Above free
airspace would be an open channel flow.

As a result, open channels are frequently used to transport water, and it is crucial to
measure in order to compute the depth, width, and flow of the water in places like canals and


At the end of the exercise, the student will be able

1. To determine the velocity of water flow of a river and an open canal by float of a river
and an open canal by float method and be able to calculate the discharge

A pre-laboratory discussion was done. After the short discussion the student started
the activity. First the student went to a river (near FoodTech department). Each group has
prepared a float either a wooden rod in a length of a ruler or other things that could float
(Figure 1). A 10 m distance in the river was measured. The width of the initial and final point,
depth of the initial and final point (1m distance, then get the average) was determined. All
readings were recorded in table 3. The float was used in measuring the velocity of the water.
Velocity of water flow was measured by recording the time spent for the float to travel from
the initial point to the end point. Three trials of floating of wooden stick was done. The
velocity was computed using the formula shown below:

V (Velocity) = Distance Traveled / Time to travel

Next, the average with and depth of both the initial and end point. Then, the cross-
sectional area of the river was computed using the formula below:

A (Area) = Width of Channel (m) x Depth of Water (m)

The river discharge per trial was next calculated using the formula below:

Discharge (m3day-1) = Area (m2) x Velocity (ms-1)

The procedure was repeated and the present open canal in FoodTech Department was
measured. After having the findings, questions were answered.

Results and Discussion

There a total of five groups in this activity and each group was in charge of every trial
with different floater that is why there are 5 trials as shown in Table 1. Group 1 used
Styrofoam as floater. For the first try they had 43.33 seconds, 36.91 seconds for second trial
and 41.70 seconds for the third try accumulating 40.65 seconds as the average. The velocity
for group 1 was computed and garnered 0.25 m/s as the velocity as shown in the computation
and Table 1 below. Group 2 on the other hand used the spathe of coconut as floater. For the
first try they had 1 minute and 2 seconds, for the second try they had 56.16 second and for the
last try they had 30.2 having 95.56 seconds as the average. The velocity for group 2 was
computed and garnered 0.20 m/s as the velocity as shown in the computation and Table 1
below. The spathe of a coconut is heavy that is why the velocity for group 2 is slower than the
rest of the group. For the third group they used empty plastic bottle as floater. The time for
their trial were 43.81 seconds, 36.78 seconds and 38.43 seconds consecutively having 39.46
seconds as the average. The velocity for group 3 was computed and garnered 0.25 m/s as the
velocity as shown in the computation and Table 1 below. Group 4 on the other hand, used
empty plastic container as floater. For the first try they had seconds, for the second try they
had second and for the last try they had having seconds as the average. The velocity for group
4 was computed and garneredm/s as the velocity as shown in the computation and Table 1
below. Group 5 used coconut peduncle or the one that holds the coconut inflorescence as
floater. For the first try they had 57.28 seconds, 38.87 seconds for second trial and 40.34
seconds for the third try accumulating 45.50 seconds as the average. The velocity for group 5
was computed and garnered 0.22 m/s as the velocity as shown in the computation and Table 1

The area for this exercise was just the same (Table 1) for all trial it was done in the same area
(Figure 1).

Table 1: River discharge determination

Trial Velocity Initial point End point Average Area Discharge
no. (ms-1) River Water River Water River Wate (m2) (m3 day1)
width depth widt depth width r
(m) (m) h (m) (m) depth
(m) (m)
1 0.25 m/s 5.4 0.13 2.5 0.23 3.95 0.18 0.71 m2 15,336 m3
2 0.20 m/s 5.4 0.13 2.5 0.23 3.95 0.18 0.71 m2 12,268.8 m3
3 0.25 m/s 5.4 0.13 2.5 0.23 3.95 0.18 0.71m2 15,336m3
4 0.24 m/s 5.4 0.13 2.5 0.23 3.95 0.18 0.71 m2 14,722.56m3
5 0.22 m/s 5.4 0.13 2.5 0.23 3.95 0.18 0.71 m2 13,495.68
m3 day-1
Mean 0.23 m/s 5.4 0.13 2.5 0.23 3.95 0.18 0.711 14,231.81m3
m2 day-1
Shown below are the computation for the velocity of each trial, the area and the
discharge. 86400 represents the hours that comprises in a day since total discharge represents
the discharge of an open water source per day.

Raw Data:
Distance: 10 m
Time travel
Trial 1: 40.65 (Trial1) Velocity = 10 m/40.65 s = 0.25 m/s
Trial 2: 49.56 (Trial 2) Velocity = 10 m/49.56 s = 0.20 m/s
Trial 3:39.46 (Trial 3) Velocity = 10 m/39.46 s = 0.25 m/s
Trial 4: 42 (Trial 4) Velocity = 10 m/42 s = 0.24 m/s
Trial 5: 45.50 (Trial 5) Velocity = 10 m/45.50 s = 0.22 m/s

A (Area) = Width of Channel (m) x Depth of Water (m)

=3.95 x 0.18
=0.71 m2

Discharge (m3day-1) = Area (m2) x Velocity (ms-1) 60 x 60 x 24 = 86400

Trial 1 =0.71x 0.25
=0.1775 x86400
=15,336 m3 day-1
Trial 2 =0.71 x 0.20
= 0.142 x 86400
=12,268.8 m3 day-1
Trial 3 =0.71x 0.25
=0.1778 x 86400
=15,336 m3 day-1
Trial 4 =0.71x 0.24
=0.1704 x 86400
= 14,722.56m3 day-1
Trial 5 =0.71 x 0.22
= 0.1562 x86400
=13,495.68 m3 day-1

Figure 1: Natural Figure 2: Students with Figure 3: Floaters (from left)

channel (river near their floaters Styrofoam, empty bottle,
Shown in the table below is the total discharge of the canal near
FoodTech) Foodtech
peduncle department.
of coconut or the
The floater used in canal discharge determination was empty bottle. one
holds the coconut
went just
inflorescence, Spathe of
like in river determination. Three trials were done in the same spot. coconut,
Area and total
discharge was computed and the answer and formula are shown below and in Table 2.

Table 2: Canal discharge determination

Trial Velocity Initial point End point Average Area Discharge
no. (ms-1) Canal Water Cana Water Cana Water (m2) (m3 day1)
width depth l depth l depth
(m) (m) width (m) width (m)
(m) (m)
1 0.5 0.6 0.08 0.52 0.06 0.56 0.07 0.04 1728 m3
day -1
2 0.53 0.6 0.08 0.52 0.06 0.56 0.07 0.04 1831.68
m3 day -1
3 0.48 0.6 0.08 0.52 0.06 0.56 0.07 0.04 1658.88
m3 day -1
Mean 0.503 0.6 0.08 0.52 0.06 0.56 0.07 0.04 1739.52
m3 day -1
Raw Data:
Distance: 10 m
Time travel
Trial 1: 20 s (Trial 1) Velocity= 10 m/20 s = 0.5 m/s
Trial 2: 19 s (Trial 2) Velocity= 10 m/19 s = 0.53 m/s
Trial 3: 21 s (Trial 3) Velocity= 10 m/21 s = 0.48 m/s
A (Area) = Width of Channel (m) x Depth of Water (m)
Discharge (m3day-1) = Area (m2) x Velocity (ms-1) 60 x 60 x 24 = 86400
Trial 1 =0.04 x 0.5
=0.02 x 86400
=1,728 m3 day-1
Trial 2 =0.04 x 0.53
=0.00212 x 86400
=1831.68 m3 day-1
Trial 3 =0.04x 0.48
=0.0192 x 86400
=1658.88 m3 day-1

In conclusion, the mean discharge of the canal is 1,739.52 m 3day-1 and the river is
14,231.81 m3day-1. This means that the river’s discharge is faster than the canal’s discharge.
The area of the river is wider than the area of irrigation canal because the area of the canal is
compact than the river. That is why the number of the river is higher than the irrigation canal.
The depth of the river is deeper than the canal. The total discharge would depend on the
floater used. The heavier the floater the slower it moves.

Answer to Guide Questions

1. What are the other methods of determining water discharge?

Figure 4: Canal discharge Figure 5: Canal discharge
determination near determination using empty
FoodTech bottle as floater
- The water discharge can be determined through different kind of methods such as;
volumetric gauging, current metering, float gauging, dilution gauging, structural
methods, and slope-area methods.
2. Why is it important to know the discharge in a canal system?
- Canals are commonly used for irrigation purposes, and knowing the discharge
helps in managing the water supply to agricultural fields. By understanding the
discharge, farmers and irrigation authorities can ensure an adequate and consistent
water supply to crops, leading to efficient irrigation practices and optimal crop
3. What is a Parshall flume? Explain how to measure water discharge using a Parshall
- A parshall flume is a device used to measure the flow of water in an open channel
(or non-pressurized pipe). This device works by constricting the flow of water in
an open channel, which causes an increase in velocity and pressure.
4. What is the average flow velocity in a canal if: the measured length within a straight
and uniform portion of the canal was 20 m (L+20m), and it takes 50 seconds (t=50 s)
for a stick to travel along the measured length. The cross section of the canal is
trapezoidal and the depth of water is half its height as shown below.

B 1+ B 2
- Area =
x height

5 m+3 m
= 2
x 1m
= 4m x 1m
= 4 m2

Velocity = t
20 m
= 50 s
= 0.4 m/s

Discharge = Area x Velocity

= 4m2 x 0.4 m/s
= 1.6 m3/s x 86400
= 138,240 m3 day-1
1. Do you know how to calculate the amount of water that an irrigation canal can supply
to a farmer’s field? If no, how will you determine it? If yes, how did you do it?

- Yes, through knowing the discharge of the irrigation canal per day and measuring
the length and width of the irrigation canal. First is to measure the distance of an
irrigation canal that you want to get the discharge. As stated, 10 meters is the
minimum distance. After that, you will measure the width and depth of the
irrigation canal, this will serve as the area of the irrigation canal. And we did the
floating method in which the velocity of the floater was determined. Now, we can
compute the discharge of the irrigation canal per day by multiplying the area and
velocity. Since, you want to get the discharge per day, you need to multiply it by

Open Channel - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics. (2019).
ASHLIN. (2021, July 7). What is an open channel flow measurement? Instrumentation
and Control Engineering.

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