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Lightning & thunder strike...

WITCH: Ahhhhh... what a beautiful day this is! As beautiful as my fabulous face! Look into my
eyes, aren't you bedazzled by its jewel- like sparkles? How about you? Didn't you notice my face
as smooth as your finely woven fabric? You there, touch my face and feel its marshmallow-like
softness! By the barks and trunks of this forest, am I not the most attractive creature on this land?
Am I? Am I? (Downstage)
How about you, my loyal mousemaids, don't you think what I just said is true? Don't you?
MOUSEMAID 1: Why yes... yes my mistress. You're by far the most gorgeous living creature I
have ever laid my eyes on! MOUSEMAID 2: I couldn't agree more! You have the most pleasant
scent ever smelled by my nose!
WITCH: Hahaha! How about you there, Mr. Mousey? Don't you agree with your kind?
MOUSEMAID 3: I'd love to, my mistress, but I swore with all of my whiskers that I will always
speak of the truth! After getting the tulips you asked me for, I went across the castle of
Brightsvale and on its balcony I saw the most exquisite creature. She was wearing a dress as
white as the diamonds, trimmed with gold that matches her long, delicately curled hair. She had
a crown embellished with the fanciest of stones retrieved from the deepest caves in the land. She
had a glowing face as if she always took a bath in a spring flowing with milk ever since she was
born. She is an exemplar of grandeur, nobility, and beauty.
WITCH: What did you say? How dare you think there is someone else more attractive than me?
Don't you see this dress as black as pure darkness? Don't you notice the elegant vine-like
tangling of my hair? This broom, isn't it majestic? My face, stare at my face! Aren't you enticed
by its unparalleled perfection?
MOUSEMAID 3: My dear mistress...
WITCH: Aren't you attracted?
MOUSEMAID 3: My dea...
WITCH: Tell me, tell me or I will put you in this boiling pot! Aren't you mesmerized by this
beauty? Tell me! MOUSEMAID 3: No.
WITCH: This cannot be true, no one can take my place! This is unacceptable!
MOUSEMAID 3: It is the reality, our mistress, you have to accept it.
WITCH: No, there must be a way! Think, think, think you lady, think. What do you have to do?
Hmm...... Aha! I know what to do!tivate Win MOUSEMAID 1: Is she doing what I think she is
MOUSEMAID 2: She is!
WITCH: Brightsvalian royalty you may be, the most beautiful one in this earth? That cannot be!
With this spell that I can make, I will give you a truly twisted fate!
ALL HOUSEMAIDS: Stop that, do not do anything bad to her! Stop! WITCH: Silence, there is
nothing you can do to stop me! *sweep*
WITCH: Your life of grandeur will come to a halt as I turn you with all my might into a rat!
Your life in the castle will be no more as I send you into the Forest of Evermore! You will live
your life in this curse which no mortal can reverse, except perhaps for a love that is
unconditional and true that no one could ever have in this place! Enjoy the bitter fruit of your
beauty, Princess! Muahaha!
(Intro. Music)
NARRATOR: Once a upon a time where bread is considered as a staple food... There was once a
farmer and who had three sons. One day when the boys were grown to manhood and...
FATHER: "YES, I am the farmer of this land and I had three sons". "My dear sons, it is high
time that you were all married. Tomorrow I wish you to go out in search of brides."
BROTHER 1: "But where shall we go?" (the oldest son asked)
BROTHER 2. "Yes father where?
FATHER: "I have thought of that, too,". "Do each of you chop down a tree and then take the
direction in which the fallen tree points. I'm sure that each of you if you go far enough in that
direction will find a suitable bride." "Get along now" CC and OC
NARRATOR: So the next day the three sons chopped down trees. The oldest son's tree fell
pointing north....and The second son also chopped down a tree and it fell pointed to the south.
However, the youngest son who's name is...)
VICTOR: Victor yes I'm Victor who is very excited to find my bride (chop the tree) (pointed to
the west) "Oh my it fell pointed-to the west as in straight to the forest"
OLDER BROTHERS: "Ha! Ha!" "Victor will have to go courting one of the Wolf girls or one of
the Foxes! hahahaha"
FATHER: hmp... well let's try to prove that your bride to be should be good enough in making
tasty and fluffy mouthwatering- bread. That is the thing you need to achieve. Get along
NARRATOR: "They meant by this that only animals lived in the forest and they thought they
were making a good joke at Victor's expense. But Victor said he was perfectly willing to take his
chances and go where his tree pointed. The older brothers went gaily off and presented their suits
to the two farmers whose daughters they admired. Victor, too, started off with brave front but
after he had gone some distance in the forest his courage began to fall"
VICTOR: "How can I find a bride," "this can't be happening in a place where there are no human
creatures at all!
(O.C.) (music) NARRATOR: Just then he came to a little hut with lots of beautiful flowers. He
pushed open the door and went in. It was empty. To be sure there was a little mouse sitting on
the floor, daintily combing her whiskers, but a mouse of course doesn't count
VICTOR: "hello?! There's nobody here!" (Victor said aloud)
The little mouse paused in her toilet and turning towards him said reproachfully:
MOUSE: "Why, young man, I'm here!"
VICTOR: "But you don't count. You're only a mouse!"
MOUSE: "Of course I count!" ahmmmmmm. "But tell me, what were you hoping to find?"
VICTOR: "I was hoping to find a sweetheart.""anyways I'm Victor and I guess my two older
brothers are finding sweethearts easily enough," "but I don't see how I can off here in the forest.
And it will shame me to have to go home and confess that I alone have failed."
MOUSE: See here, Victor," the little mouse said, "why don't you take me for your sweetheart I
mean a friend?" (Victor laughed heartily) "But you're only a mouse! Whoever heard of a man
having a mouse for a sweetheart! But a friend can be" (The mouse shook her little head solemnly
MOUSE: "Take my word for it, Victor, you could do much worse than have me for a sweetheart!
Even if I am only a mouse I can love you and be true to you."....Let me cheer you up!!! (Dance
number together with propsmen-flowers)
NARRATOR: The song cheered him so much that he forgot his disappointment at not finding a
human sweetheart and that moment the mouse made little squeaks of delight and she told him
that she'd be true to him. (on music while delivering lines) (low volume)
(After the song)
VICTOR: "Very well, little mouse, I'll take you for my sweetheart!".......but how will a mouse
bake a bread? If I come home without a loaf my brothers will surely laugh at me."
MOUSE: "That's not a problem..You won't have to go home without a loaf!" ..."I can bake
VICTOR: "I never heard of a mouse that could bake bread!" (Victor was much surprised at this)
MOUSE: "Well, I can! Just wait....(ringing a small silver bell) (all kitchen wares and the
ingredients were dancing)
VICTOR: "Im truly amazed it seems you're a magician... you have a power?
MOUSE: "ahmmmm... sort of..." "ah-ah-ah! We will get through this...we're getting
done...ahhh... a beautiful loaf of wheaten bread
(C.C.) (music eventually fades)
NARRATOR: "the next day the 3 brothers presented their father the loaves of their sweethearts'
baking... the oldest one had a loaf of rye bread...the second one was made of barley and victor -
loaf of beautiful wheaten bread..
BROTHER 1: my sweetheart has the rosiest reddest cheeks you ever saw and she baked this
bread for you father
FATHER: (biting) ohhh... very good... for hardworking people like us rye bread is good.. (sitting
on a racking chair)
BROTHER 2: well mine, has long yellow hair and slim body...and baked this bread for you
FATHER: (biting) oggghh.. Barley is soo sooo good!!! For sure..Your future wife is a good
FATHER: how about you my little Victor? What white bread! Without tasting it...Ah, Victor
now must have a sweetheart of wealth! ah-ah- how does she get it?
VICTOR: she simply rings a silver bell and when her servants come in she tells them bring her
grains of the finest wheat.
FATHER: I have never known such a baker, I think it's time that you all brought your
sweetheart. I want to see them with my own eyes. Suppose you bring them tomorrow. Ok let's
get along now... (exit all lead roles)
(C.C.) (Downstage)
VICTOR: (monologue) I need to get to the forest...she's a good little mouse and I'm very fond of
her... but my brothers will certainly laugh when they find she is only a mouse! Well, I don't care
if they laugh! She's been a good little sweetheart to me and I'll tell them the truth... and I would
take good care of her even though I can't find a real wife..
NARRATOR: so when he got the hut he told the little mouse at once that his father wanted to
see her... and when they left the forest they came to a river which was spanned by a footbridge...
then a hurried strong wind came and fetch the little mouse on Victor's shoulder- all off the bridge
and into the water below - Drowned! (open music) (music title: magic love)
(O.C. EXIT) (preparation for climax) NARRATOR: "... and victor saved her with tears in his
VICTOR: "you poor little mouse!" how sorry I am that you are drowned my poor friend! You
were a faithful loving sweetheart and now that you're gone I know how much I loved you!"...
(Transformation) Mouse>>Royal Princess (lighting effects) ...end of music
PRINCESS: won't you come closer beside me
VICTOR: mm- me?
PRINCESS: you were not ashamed to have me for a sweetheart when I was a mouse and surely
now that I'm a princess again you won't desert me!
VICTOR: a mouse! You were the little mouse?
PRINCESS: (nodded) yes! Now the enchantment is broken forever. So come (move forward),
we will go to your father and after he has given us his blessing we will get married and go home
to my kingdom.
WITCH: Wait just a minute you two! No one goes anywhere! (Audience disturbance)
VICTOR: Hello there, how may we help you?
WITCH: There is nothing you can do to help me! How can you break my curse? How can you
find unconditional love? PRINCESS: Your curse? Wait a minute... so it's you? You are the evil
witch who put me under so much fur!
VICTOR: But why?
WITCH: Because she is the most beautiful person on earth.
PRINCESS: I don't think that's true.
WITCH: What do you mean?
PRINCESS: Everyone is beautiful, even you. Beauty has no measurements, no one is more
beautiful than anyone because as long as you are good, you are the most beautiful person in the
WITCH: Even me? A bad witch? I am beautiful?
PRINCESS: Yes, of course! True beauty is not found in how one looks on the outside, it is in the
heart of every being, it is in our heart. And this beauty that we are talking about, I see it in you. I
feel it. I know that behind your dark attire and personality, there is beauty. You just have to open
your mind and your heart. Once you do, you will also understand what beauty really is - love. So
if you'll excuse us we need to end the show...
PRINCESS: Always remember, you can be the most beautiful person in the world by being good
and you will find love that is truer than true by being the best person you can be.


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