2021 Issue 3 IPPTA Article 01

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ISSN: 0379-5462

IPPTA: Quarterly Journal of Indian Pulp and Paper Technical Association

A Natural,
TECHNICAL PAPERS Vol. 33, E3, 2021, p. 22-24
Ecofriendly, & Abstract: A significant problem facing the pulp & paper industry is anaerobic

papermaking in the recycled kraft paper mills. The processing conditions in the
recycled kraft paper making facilitates many facultative and anaerobic pockets

Approach towards
and environment wherein the specific classified bacteria can grow & multiply in the
absence of oxygen. These conditions arise from making paper with:

Odor Control in the 1. Less utilization of fresh water with repetitive uses of the same process water in
closed loop system
Recycled Kraft Pulp 2. High moisture (7-8%) and anaerobic conditions in the final paper role with starch
coated on the surface
& Paper Industry 3. Large volume storage tanks for recycled water
These anaerobic conditions lead to, increased buildup of microbial load in the total
water system and hence in the paper. Increased microbial load results in high use of
specialty chemicals, increased paper odor, & decreased paper strength.
The technology & product ‘Probiotic Odour Control program’ presented in this paper
has aimed at controlling the increase in microbial load in the complete water system
in the paper mill. This is achieved by utilizing the power of good microbes that can
grow very fast in the anaerobic conditions. The innovative product & technology
presented in the current research eliminates the utilization of biocides & hypo
which otherwise makes the process water more anaerobic because of their higher
contribution to COD. The biological approach to reduce the odour in the final paper
Dr. Manish V. Petkar
Head R&D/QC will not only add in the quality but also will help in building a good & healthy working
condition in the paper mill.
Key words: Odour, Volatile fatty acids (VFAs), biocides, aerobic, anaerobic, probiotics,
bio-dispersant, environmental issue, biodegradable.
Technology at glance
Technology at glance
ProKlean has come up with a unique technology & product ‘Prob
ProKlean has come up with a uniqueprogram’,
technologya &uniform
product blend
‘Probiotic Odour Control program’,
of bio-dispersant a microb
and probiotic
uniform blend of bio-dispersant and probiotic microbes. A dual formation product contains ‘PS+126’
product contains ‘PS+126’ a bio-dispersant & ‘PS+127’ a fermentat
a bio-dispersant & ‘PS+127’ a fermentation
microbederived probiotic microbe suspension.
The unique microbial consortium contains probiotic
organisms capable of producing organic acids and
Chandrasekar B. includes a special type of sulfur consuming bacteria.
Director Biobased Dispersing
The product when used in the process populates this Agents

consortium of microbes in the anaerobic conditions of

the mill and competitively exclude the already existing Consortium of Probiotic
bad anaerobic microbes responsible for the volatile fatty Microbes

acid production1. The unique blend of bio-dispersant

present in the dual formation helps in breaking the
biofilms responsible for producing volatile fatty acids
& separating them from the final paper. Thus, the dual
formation helps not only in reducing the VFAunique
from themicrobial consortium
paper but also making the contains probiotic
overall system organisms
& odour free. organic acids and includes a special type of sulfur consuming bacter
used in the process populates this consortium of microbes in the
Key Features of the Technology
Dr. S. Sivaramakrishna Pillai of the mill and competitively exclude the already existing bad
Director R&D ‘Probiotic Odour Control program’ isresponsible
first of its kind
volatilefor odoracid
fatty control in kraft paper
production 1
. Thebyunique ble
eliminating biocides & hypo, reducing VFA, stabilizing ORP , reducing SRB, and reducing
present in the dual formation helps in breaking the the overall
biofilms respo
bad odor from the final paper & environment.
volatile Some
fatty of the key
acids features of the
& separating technology
them from the include:
final paper. Thus
helps not only in reducing the VFA from the paper but also makin
1. Consortium of Probiotic Microorganisms
healthy & odour free.
a. Capable of producing organic acids responsible to kill the pathogenic growth in the stagnant water
bodies Key Features of the Technology
b. Excrete anti-adhesion
‘Probiotic Odour Control program’ is first of its kind of technolo
molecules (Exo
kraft paper by eliminating biocides & hypo, reducing VFA, stabilizin
polysaccharides) that
and reducing the overall bad odor from the final paper & environm
changes the surface
features of the technology include:
Radhika B S. 1. Consortium of Probiotic Microorganisms
c. Prevents the growth of
BU Head, Pulp & Paper a. Capable of producing organic acids responsible to
unwanted microorganisms/
ProKlean Technologies Pvt. Ltd. pathogen on all the contact growth in the stagnant water bodies
TICEL Bio Park, Taramani
Chennai 600043 surface b. Excrete anti-adhesion molecules (Exo polysaccharid
surface hydrophobicity2
2. A microbe suspensionc.along withthe
Prevents bio-dispersant
growth of unwanted microorganisms
a. Can penetrate & wet the hidden
contact surface3 parts of the machine & the ches
b. Destroys the already formed
d. Prepares biofilm by
a productive releasing
good theincoming
surface for biosurfact
e. Controls volatile fatty acid formation
c. Very low in the toxicity & higher in the biodegradability
A Natural, Ecofriendly, & Sustainable Approach towards Odor Control in the Recycled ...
d. Prepares a productive good surface for incoming good bacteria Pre-trial odor control program
e. Controls volatile fatty acid formation - Oxidative Biocide: 300g/MT
2. A microbe suspension along with bio-dispersant - Hypo: 120-150kg/day
A microbe suspension along with bio-dispersant
a. Can
a. Can penetrate&&wet
penetrate wet the
thehidden partsparts
hidden of the of
machine & the chests
the machine Pre-trial parameters
& the chests
b. Destroys thethealready
b. Destroys formed
already formed biofilm
biofilm by releasing
by releasing the biosurfactants
the biosurfactants - ORP: negative 80
c. Very low in the toxicity & higher in the biodegradability
c. Very low in the toxicity & higher in the biodegradability - VFA: 8670 ppm
Below are the results obtained during the trial period for improvement in the
ORP of the water bodies from different mill locations & VFA of the paper.
2. A microbe suspension along with bio-dispersant
a. Can penetrate & wet the hidden parts of the machine & the chests 1. Improvement in ORP
b. Destroys the already formed biofilm by releasing the biosurfactants
c. Very low in the toxicity & higher in the biodegradability The negative ORP conditions in a mill arises because of the continuous
increase in the organic load (COD) which consumes dissolved oxygen
Special bacteria
3. Specialcapable of consuming
bacteria capable of consumingsulfur
sulfur available in the system7. Eventually, the increased anaerobic conditions
a. Proven to survive on the inorganic & organic
a. Proven to survive on the inorganic & organic sulfur compounds sulfur compounds result in the pathogenic microbial growth responsible for the volatile fatty
b. Effective in neutralization of H2S & other sulfur compounds acids & otherinsulphurous compounds. Consistent dosing of ‘probiotics
b. 3.Effective in neutralization
Special bacteria capable of of H2S & other
consuming sulfur sulfur compounds produced program’ helps in breaking the pathogen biofilm through the bio-dispersant
the system
in thea.system
Proven to survive on the inorganic & organic sulfur compounds
& facilitates the growth of good probiotic microbes in the system. The good
c. Improves b. the oxidative
Effective conditions
in neutralization (ORP)
of H2S & other ofcompounds
sulfur the water
produced in probiotic microbes grow on the available COD as carbon source & further
c. Improves thethe oxidative conditions (ORP) of the water4
system 5
d. Inhibits c.microbiologically influenced corrosions
Improves the oxidative conditions (ORP) of the water 4 (MIC) suppresses the other pathogenic growth in the water. This results in the
d. Inhibits
d. microbiologically influenced
Inhibits microbiologically corrosions
influenced (MIC)5
corrosions (MIC)5 improved oxygen availability in the system & so improved ORP. Results are
ProSolve +’ is a
Why ‘ProSolve
a better option?
summarized in the figure No.1 & 2
Why is a option?
BIOCIDE Probiotic
Probiotic Odour Odour Control
Control Program Program ORP Trend
1 Bacteria tend to develop On the contrary, Probiotic Odour Control
Bacteria tend to develop
resistance to biocides entailing On the
Program contrary,
is a blend of severalProbiotic
beneficial Odour Control
resistance to biocides
frequent changeentailing
of biocides Program is a blend of several beneficial
micro-organisms and bio-chemicals and
hence the odour causing bacteria will not
ORP Trend
able to build resistance and bio-chemicals and
frequent change of biocides
2 Starch carried over in the system
hence the odour causing bacteria
The bio-chemicals in Probiotic Odour
0will not
-500 Pulper water tank Dump Tower Top M/C TOP HB
TOP B/W Bottom M/C Bottom HB Botoom B/W
acts as nutrients to the bacteria and be able
Control Programto ProSolve+
build resistance
break down
feeds their growth and the closed the residual starch while the robust Figure No. 1: Month wise ORP trend at different locations in a paper mill
loop water system results in build- beneficial micro-organisms inhibit the -500 Pulper water tank Dump Tower Top M/C TOP HB
Starch carriedupover in the
of anaerobic system
bacteria and these Theofbio-chemicals
growth aerobic and anaerobic inbacteria.
Probiotic Odour
M/C entire system
Bottom HB Botoom B/W
pose a challenge to biocides
acts as nutrients to the bacteria and Control Program ProSolve+ break down
Figure No. 1: Month wise ORP trend at different locations in a paper mill
feeds their
3 growth
Hydrogenand theisclosed
sulphide generated in theofresidual
Some starchin while
the microorganisms Probiotic the robust
200 ETP inlet ETP ORP range entire system
the wastewater system due to Odour Control Program prevent the
loop water system results in build- beneficial micro-organisms inhibit the Outlet
Pulper Dump Top M/C TOP HB TOP B/W Bottom Bottom Botoom Cloudy Clear
water Tower M/C HB B/W
Sulphate Reducing Bacteria (SRB)6 growth of SRB and, hence, prevent
up of anaerobic bacteria
and biocides and these
are ineffective against growth
generation of aerobic
of Hydrogen and anaerobic
these 0
pose a challenge to biocides ETP inlet ETP Figure
Pulper No.2:
Dump ORP range
Top M/C TOPin
TOPentire water
B/W Bottom system
Bottom Botoom Cloudy Clear
Outlet water Tower M/C HB B/W
4 As water quality deteriorates fast, 2. as
Make up water requirement goes down Reduced VFA Trend tank
the use of make-up water goes up water quality tends to be better 2.-200
Reduced VFA Trend
Hydrogen sulphide is generated in Some of the microorganisms
Biocides & in Probiotic
Hypo can neutralise theORP
bacteria when
entirethey come in contact, while certa
the wastewater system due to Odour Control Program Biocides
prevent the & HypoFigurecan No.2: range in the
neutralise the bacteria water system
when they come in contact,
types Reduced
of VFA
anaerobic Trend
bacteria continue to thrive in inaccessible areas and are difficult
Sulphate Reducing Bacteria (SRB)6 growth of SRB and, while certain types of anaerobic bacteria continue to thrive in inaccessible
hence, These
Results & Discussion control. bacteria
areas and produce volatile fatty acids which are considered as the ma
and biocides are ineffective against generation of Hydrogen Biocides & Hypo canare difficult to the
neutralise control. These when
bacteria bacteriathey
come volatile fatty acids
in contact, while certa
Results & Discussion
of odour in the
which arebacteria final
considered paper.
as the main The bio-dispersant
causesinofinaccessible part
odour in the areas of
final paper.the ‘Probiotic
these Probiotic Odour Control Program as odour reduction program issuccessfully
Control Program as odour reduction program is running types of anaerobic continue to thrive and The
are difficult
formulation breaks the biofilms in the inaccessible areas while the consortium
bio-dispersant part of the ‘Probiotics’, formulation
across across
India in many India
of the in many
recycled Kraft of themills.
paper recycled Kraftof paper
Application mills.atThese
product bacteria produce volatile fatty acids whichbreaks the biofilmsas the ma
are considered
various pointsofin the
the product at various
different mills points
is decided basedin on
different mills isprobiotic
mill conditions as the and
in the
of odour
in the final
while the
over the anaerobic
consortium of probiotic
partandof bacteria th
the ‘Probiotic
previous odour reduction program, daily paper production capacity, furnish
based on the mill conditions such as the previous odour reductionformulation controlling
type &
program, the production
microbes of
populates VFAs.
over theThe overall
anaerobic effect
pathogenic is reduction
bacteria thus of VFAs in
controlling the over
weather conditions. At the same time technical audit of the mill is carried out by an breaks the biofilms in the inaccessible areas while the consortium
daily paper production capacity, furnish type & weather conditions.waterAt system
the the&production
hence onoffinal
VFAs. paper.
The Results
overall are
effect is summarized
reduction of VFAs in in
the figure
the overallNo. 3 & 4.
experienced team to collect the blank data including ORP & VFA of the existing probiotic
system and beneficial microbes populates over the anaerobic pathogenic bacteria th
and time technical
to decide the correctaudit ofpoints
dosing the mill
for is carried
product out by anResults
application. experienced
obtainedteamin one water system & hence on final paper. Results are summarized in 500 the figure
controlling the12000 production of VFAs. The overall effect is reduction of VFAs in the over
system and to No. 3 &9604
VFA Average
such field trial
to collect theisblank
data below as a case
including ORPstudy
& VFAof ProCharta ProSolve+’.
of the existing 4. Paper VFA ProSolve Gm/Mt
water system & hence on final paper. Results are summarized in the400figure No. 3 & 4.

decide theProSolve+
ProCharta correct dosing points
Case Study for product application. Results obtained 8000 6964

in one such
Application field -trial is presented below as a case study
Odour control and Slimicide in Kraft Mills of ProCharta 12000
9604 VFA Average

Paper VFA

3419 3531 3071 ProSolve Gm/Mt 200

Product - ProCharta ProSolve+ 10000
4000 2708 2828 2671 400 2506 2542
Trial duration - Program running for 11 months 8000
6964 100

ProCharta ProSolve+
Furnish - Case
60% & OCC 40% 6000

0 0
Production - 220 TPD 3419
Blank Dec-20 Jan-21 Mar-21 2708
Apr-21 May-21 3071
Jun-21 2506 2828 2671
Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 2542

GSM - - 120 toOdour
240 control and Slimicide in Kraft Mills 4000

Pre-trial odor control program
2000 Figure No. 3: Average Paper VFA for last 11 months
Product - 300g/MT
- Oxidative Biocide: ProCharta ProSolve+ 0 0

- Hypo: 120-150kg/day Blank Dec-20 Jan-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21
Trial duration
Pre-trial parameters - Program running for 11 months Product dosage points in Figure a mill decides the efficient VFA reduction in the final pap
No. 3: Average Paper VFA for last 11 months
- ORP: negative 80 Identifying the right anaerobic pockets & applying proper dosages is one of t
Furnish - Indian 60% & OCC 40% optimization parameters during thedecides
initialtheoptimization at anyin the
finalThe resu
- VFA: 8670 ppm
Product dosage dosageinpoints
points a mill in adecides
mill efficientVFA
the efficient VFA reduction
reduction in the final pap
Below -
are the results obtained 220the
during TPD documented
trial period for improvement in the ORP of in figure
paper. No. the
Identifying 4 depicts
right the VFApockets
anaerobic variations
& alongproper
applying with dosages
the change is in dosi
Identifying the right anaerobic pockets & applying proper dosages is one of t
the water bodies from different mill locations & VFA of the paper. point. one parameters
of the optimization parameters during optimization
the initial optimization at any mill.The resu
GSM 1. Improvement in - ORP
120 to 240 optimization during the initial at any mill.
The negative ORP conditions in a mill arises because of the continuous increase in figure
4000 No.
ProSolve+ ProSolve
4 depicts theDoasge Vs Paper VFA
VFA variations along with the 600 change in dosi

in the organic load (COD) which consumes dissolved oxygen available point.in the 3500 running in
paper machine 500
system . Eventually, the increased anaerobic conditions result in the pathogenic
400 23

microbial growth responsible for the volatile fatty acids & other sulphurous ProSolve Doasge Vs Paper VFA

4000 300
compounds. Consistent dosing of ‘probiotics program’ helps in breaking the 1500
3500 running in ProSolve+127 running in DAF out let 100gm 200
paper machine
pathogen biofilm through the bio-dispersant & facilitates the growth of good 3000
0 0
Blank Dec-20 Jan-21 Mar-21 Apr-21 May-21 Jun-21 Jul-21 Aug-21 Sep-21 Oct-21

Figure No. 3: Average Paper VFA for last 11 months

Dr. Manish V. Petkar, Chandrasekar B., Dr. S. Sivaramakrishna Pillai, Radhika B S.
oduct dosage points in a mill decides the efficient VFA reduction in the final paper.
entifying the right anaerobic pockets & applying proper dosages is one of the
Theparameters during
results documented the initial
in figure optimization
No. 4 depicts at anyalong
the VFA variations mill.
withThe results
Benefits of ‘Probiotics’
figureinNo. 4 depicts
dosing point. the VFA variations along with the change in dosing
int. 1. Operational:

4000 ProSolve+ ProSolve Doasge Vs Paper VFA 600

- Substantial reduction of slime deposits due to breaking down of
3500 running in
paper machine 500 biofilms
- Reduced shut down, increased runnability, & better productivity


2000 300
1500 ProSolve+127 running in DAF out let 100gm
- Lower maintenance costs & better profits
0 0 - Elimination of Hypo & Biocide helps in prevention of scaling &
Figure No. 4: Paper VFA Vs ProSolve+ dosages
2. Paper Quality:

he The presented study showed that the change in the dosing from themachine
machine - Cleaner Paper: Bio-dispersant prevents agglomeration of starch and
he presented
presented study
study showed
showed that that the
the change
change in in the
the dosing
dosing from
from the the machine partsparts to
to the
AF outlet parts
has to the DAFinoutlet
resulted has resulted
decreased VFA innumbers
decreasedbyVFA numbers by 1000ppm.
1000ppm. nutrients which end up as deposits on paper
AF outlet has resulted in decreased VFA numbers by 1000ppm.
3. Slime Reduction on the machineparts parts - Reduced/No Odor: Probiotic microbes help in elimination of H2S and
3. Slime
Slime Reduction
Reduction on on the
the machine
machine parts reduction in VFA which result in odor control
Slim is one of the key issues in a recycled paper plant. The closed loop
im is one
im is onewaterof the key
of thesystem issues
key issues in a recycled
in a recycled paper
paper plant. The closed loop water system in
in recycled paper mills leadsplant. The closed
to an increased loop water system
concentration in
- Chlorine Free: Complete elimination of Hypo aids in producing
cycled paper
cycled paper mills leads
mills leads to an increased
to an increased concentration
concentration of nutrients.
of population.
nutrients.Over This results in
in a
Thisa results chlorine
a free paper
of nutrients. This results in a huge build-up of bacterial
uge build-up
build-up of
bacterial population. Over a
a period of time,
time, these microbes
microbes build
build a
period time, thesepopulation.
microbes buildOvera biofilm period
matrix of ofextracellular
thesepolymeric a
ofilm matrix of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) 8 - Lower VFA: Probiotic microbes inhibit pathogenic microbes which
8. This acts as a protective
ofilm matrix of extracellular
substances (EPS)8. This polymeric substances
acts as a protective (EPS)
layer under . This
which acts as a protective
the anaerobic
yer are the principal cause of VFA
yer under which
which the
undermicrobes the
fast. Thesemicrobes
anaerobic microbes
pockets are grow
grow fast.
mainly These
These pockets
anaerobic pockets
(as the layerare mainly
mainly anaerobic
arecreates anaerobic
ss the
the layer
layer creates anaerobic
anaerobic anaerobicand conditions)
conditions) and facilitates
facilitates the of the the
facilitates the growth of
of the
the pathogenic
pathogenic 3.
pathogenic ETP & Environment:
acteria. Bio-films
acteria. Bio-films aredifficult
Bio-films are
are difficult
difficult to penetrate
to penetrate
to by hypo by/ hypo
by hypo
biocides// biocides
and henceand and hence
thesehence these colonies
these colonies
- Lower COD & TDS: Total elimination of hypo and biocide help in
nd up
nd up as
as slime
end upatatasvarious
various machine
slime at machine parts parts
various machine
parts in the
in theinpaper
the papermill. The
mill. figure
Thefigure No.55
figure No.
No. 5 shows
shows the
reduction of COD & TDS
ofilm formation
shows the
formation in a
a mill.
mill.formation in a mill.
- Improved ORP: Reduction in organic load helps in improved
dissolved oxygen levels
- Odor free Environment: Elimination of H2S and other volatile organics
enable an odor free environment
ProKlean’s extensive research & studies around probiotics and
Figure No. 5: Slim layer formation on the inner side of machine parts (Before ‘ProSolve+’) biosurfactant has led to the development of the product ‘ProCharta
Figure No. 5: Slim layer formation on the inner side of machine parts (Before ‘ProSolve+’)
ProSolve+’ as an efficient odour control program for the recycled
The dual formulation contains both the bio-dispersant & consortium of kraft paper industry. It is a sustainable & biodegradable solution for the
he dual formulation
he dual formulation contains
contains both both the bio-dispersant
the bio-dispersant & consortium
& consortium of probiotic
probiotic microorganisms and works in two ways. Firstly, the active bio-of probiotic
recycled paper industry to get rid of the odour issues from environment
icroorganisms and
works in two ways. Firstly, the active bio-dispersant part of the
dispersant of theinformulation
two ways. Firstly,
helps the active
in penetrating bio-dispersant
into the inner parts of part& of the
produce a good quality of paper in natural way. It is an attempt to push
helps in
in penetrating
penetrating into the inner
inner parts of the
the machine where general
machine where general into biocidalthechemicals parts
cannotofreach machine where the
and effectively general
paper industry towards cleaner & greener processes by improving
ocidal chemicals
chemicals cannot
destroys the biofilmreach
or theand
reach and
slime effectively
layer. Whiledestroys
effectively destroys the
the biofilm
the consortium biofilm or
or the
of probiotic andslime
the layer.
water conditions & hence environment. Probiotics are known for
hile the
the consortium
consortium of
of probiotic
beneficial microbes inhibits and
probiotic and beneficial
pathogenic microbes
bacteria inhibits
by a process pathogenic
pathogenic bacteria
of competitive bacteria
their good effects not only for the well-being of human beings but also
y a
y a process
process of competitive
exclusion competitive
in this zone, thus exclusion
preventing in slime
in this from
this zone,
zone, thus preventing
accumulating. preventing slime from
The figureslime from
for the environment wherever pathogens are the issue. Water is always
ccumulating. The
No. 6The
ccumulating. showsfigure No. 6
the cleaned
figure No. 6 machine
shows the
shows the cleaned
partscleaned machine
after applying
machine partsOdour
parts after applying
after applying
one of the important elements on the earth and any attempt towards
robiotic Odour
Odour program program
Control’ in the millin
program in the
the mill
system.mill system.
system. In
In conclusion Init conclusion it
it not
not only reduced
conclusion nottheonly
only reduced
making it more acceptable & recyclable will be an effort towards making
e downtime
downtime for
for cleaning
downtime for cleaning
cleaning but also
but but
increased overall
the overall
the runnability
runnabilityof theof the
the mill.
ofmill. mill. the mother earth greener & cleaner. ‘Probiotic Odour Control Program”
is definitely a promising solution for recycled paper industry to make it
a better place to work.
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