1q-Performance Task 1-Nipas

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A. Do you think the universe has a beginning or has it always existed?
Student 1: I think the universe has a beginning. Because everything has it’s beginnings.
There are many theories about how the universe started like the Big Bang Theory where
there was only pure energy compressed in a single point called singularity and no matter
was present.
Student 2: I think the universe has a beginning, because most astronomers and experts
use the Big Bang Theory as a basis to explain how the universe began.
Student 3: I think it’s possible that the universe had no beginning that it has always
existed into the limitless past and has only recently evolved into what we refer to as the Big

B. Why are other planets incapable to support life? Kindly cite specific
Student 1: In order for a planet to be capable of supporting life it has to have 3 necessary
requirement . Presence of liquid water, available heat source and Existence of atmosphere.
Student 2: I think the universe has a beginning, because most astronomers and experts use
the Big Bang Theory as a basis to explain how the universe began.
Student 3: Living beings need the environment to be of a specific composition, with oxygen to
breathe and live, the surroundings and the plant life provide them with this gas.

C. Why is studying the interactions of the Earth’s four subsystem important to understand?
Student 1: These subsystem work together to influence the climate and trigger geological
process and understanding the interactions of the Earth’s four subsystem will help us
understand weathers and other natural disaster that affects life all over the Earth.
Student 2: The first reason why we need to study the earth’s subsystem is to cure ignorance,
and second is to know how we are able to live and settle on this planet.
Student 3: People can forecast the results of events by comprehending the interconnections
between the spheres of the planet and activities that takes place inside the ecosystem and
then we can learn how to reduce the chance of being affected by earthquakes, volcanic
eruptions, and storms.

D. What are the things you are looking forward to be discovered in our universe?
Student 1: I am looking forward to the discovery of other planets that are similar to our
planet Earth. There so many galaxies that consists of millions and trillions of stars and
systems. It is similar to planet Earth yet finding one will be like a needle in a hay stack.

Student 2: I’m so fascinated and curious about discovering life on other planets and I’m
interested in how their lives work and what things that they have that we can’t comprehend.
I just want to discover something new and strange.

Student 3: I am looking forward to the other planets in our system and how stunningly lovely
it is to observe the universe, including the shape of our planet, the Sun, and the stars that
light up the night sky.
A. Do you think the universe has a beginning or has it always existed?
-I think the universe has a beginning, because most astronomers and experts use the Big Bang
Theory as a basis to explain how the universe began.

I chose the image of the Big Bang because, scientifically, it is the representation of how the
universe originated, and out of all the theories that I know, it is the only theory that I
personally believe in.

B. Why are other planets incapable to support life? Kindly cite specific
-There are many reasons why other planets are not habitable. They lack the factors to
support and sustain life, such as water, energy, atmosphere, and nutrients.
I chose this image because it depicts the elements that makes Earth a habitable planet,
without them, life on Earth would be impossible.

C. Why is studying the interactions of the Earth’s four subsystem important to understand?
-The first reason why we need to study the earth’s subsystem is to cure ignorance, and
second is to know how we are able to live and settle on this planet.

The image that I have chosen is a man studying the earth. Every person must know about the
place that they are living in so they can improve it more, help it, and make it a better place.
D. What are the things you are looking forward to be discovered in our universe?
-I’m so fascinated and curious about discovering life on other planets and I’m interested in
how their lives work and what things that they have that we can’t comprehend. I just want to
discover something new and strange.

I chose the image of a rocket leaving planet Earth because of the fact that it is the best way to
discover things that are in space. Being an astronaut is one of my dreams, since I’m so
obsessed with astronomy, but the qualifications are too high for me, so I decided to just let
go of it.

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