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Nouran A.

El Badawi


PHDE 612

Assignment 2
Problem 4.3

Solutions 1 2 3 4 Average
1 13 22 18 39 23
2 16 25 16 44 25.25
3 5 4 2 22 8.25

Anova: Two-Factor Without Replication

SUMMARY Count Sum Average Variance

Row 1 4 92 23 127.3333
Row 2 4 101 25.25 174.25
Row 3 4 33 8.25 85.58333

Column 1 3 34 11.33333 32.33333

Column 2 3 51 17 129
Column 3 3 36 12 76
Column 4 3 105 35 133

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Rows 682.1667 2 341.0833 34.98291 0.000493 5.143253
Columns 1103 3 367.6667 37.7094 0.000274 4.757063
Error 58.5 6 9.75

Total 1843.667 11

From the p values of the rows, it can be infered that the three solutions are different with
solution 3 having the most diference from solution 1 and 2.
The same can also be said about the columns with day 4 having the most difference from
days 1, 2, and 3
Prolem 4.4

Chemical 1 2 3 4 5 Average
1 73 68 74 71 67 70.6
2 73 67 75 72 70 71.4
3 75 68 78 73 68 72.4
4 73 71 75 75 69 72.6

Anova: Two-Factor Without Replication

SUMMARY Count Sum Average Variance

Row 1 5 353 70.6 9.3
Row 2 5 357 71.4 9.3
Row 3 5 362 72.4 19.3
Row 4 5 363 72.6 6.8

Column 1 4 294 73.5 1

Column 2 4 274 68.5 3
Column 3 4 302 75.5 3
Column 4 4 291 72.75 2.916667
Column 5 4 274 68.5 1.666667

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Rows 12.95 3 4.316667 2.376147 0.121144 3.490295
Columns 157 4 39.25 21.6055 2.06E-05 3.259167
Error 21.8 12 1.816667

Total 191.75 19

From the p value of the rows, it can be concluded that there is no difference between all 4
chemicals. However, the p-value of the columns show that there is a difference between
the 4 bolts of clothes used with bolt 3 being the most different than the other 5
Problem 4.22

Order of Assembly 1 2 3 4 yi.. yi..^2
1 C=10 D=14 A=7 B=8 39 1521
2 B=7 C=18 D=11 A=8 44 1936
3 A=5 B=10 C=11 D=9 35 1225
4 D=10 A=10 B=12 C=14 46 2116
y..k 32 52 41 39 yi..^2 total 6798
y..k^2 1024 2704 1681 1521
y..K^2 total 6930 y… 164
y…^2 26896
Latin Letter Treatment Total squared y.j.^2 total
A y.1. 30 900 7014 N = 16
B y.2. 37 1369 p =4
C y.3. 53 2809
D y.4. 44 1936

Treatments Treatments squared

10 100
14 196
7 49
8 64
7 49
18 324
11 121
8 64
5 25
10 100
11 121
9 81
10 100
10 100
12 144
14 196
yijk ^2 1834

Sources of Variation SS Deg of Freedom Mean Sq F0 F4,6

Treatments SS treatment 72.5 3 24.166667 13.80952 4.53
Rows SS rows 18.5 3 6.1666667
Columns SS columns 51.5 3 17.166667
Error SS E 10.5 6 1.75
Total SS T 153 15

Since F0 is larger than F 0.05,4,6, then we accept the null hypothesis that all assembly times
don't affect the results of the different methods used

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