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EP 2 957 073 B1 “! MOON (1) EP 2 957 073 B41 (12) EUROPEAN PATENT SPECIFICATION (45) Date of publication and mention (51) Inte ofthe grant of the patent GosF 16/2000 24.06.2020 Bulletin 2020126 (86) International application number: (21) Applicaton number: 14751848.4 PcTiusz014/015771 (22) Date offing: 11.02.2014 (87) International pubicaon number: ‘Wo 2014/126909 (21.08.2014 Gazette 2014/34) (54) QUEUE MONITORING AND VISUALIZATION WARTESCHLANGENUBERWACHUNG UND -VISUALISIERUNG SURVEILLANCE ET VISUALISATION DE FILE D’ATTENTE, (84) Designated Contracting States: (74) Representative: Appelt, Christian W. ALAT BE BG CH CY GZ DE DK EE ES FIFRGB Bochmert & Bochmert GRHRHUIEISITLILTLULVMGMKMTNLNO | Anwaltspartnerschaft mbB PL PT RO RS SE SISK SMR Pettenkoferstrasse 22 ‘80336 Munchen (DE) (30) Priority: 14.02.2013 us 201361764794 P 18.03.2013 US 201313834491 (56) References cited US.A- 5 826 104 US.A1- 2003 120 681 (43) Date of publication of application: US.A1-2010 180092 US-A1-2011 055 388 23.12.2018 Bulletin 2015/52 US.A1-2012 275 307 US-B2-6 772.202 US.B2- 7 467 383 (73) Proprietor: AB Initio Technology LLC Lexington, Massachusetts 02421 (US) + "Producer-consumer problem”, , 7 February 2013 (2013-02-07), XPO55530812, (72) Inventors: Retrieved from the Internet: + BUXBAUM, Mark URL:https:/ien.wikipedia.orgiwiindex.php7t ‘Acton, Massachusetts 01720 (US) itle=Producer’4E2%80%93consumer_problem&. + WAKELING, Tim old id=537111527 [retrieved on 2018-12-06] Lexington, MA 02421 (US) Note: Within nine months of the publication ofthe mention ofthe grant of the European patent in the European Patent Bulletin, any person may give notice to the European Patent Office of opposition to that patent, in accordance with the Implementing Regulations. Notice of oppostion shall not be deemed to have been fled until the opposition ee has been, paid, (Art 99(1) European Patent Convention) Py Se, 75001 PARE FR) 1 EP 2.957 073 B1 2 Description CLAIM OF PRIORITY [0004] This application claims priority to U.S. Patent Application Serial No. 61/764,794, fled on February 14, 2013, and to U.S. Patent Application Serial No 15/834,491, fled March 15, 2013, BACKGROUND [0002] This description relates to queue monitoring ‘and visualization, for instance in a data processing envi- ronment [0003] Enterprises use complex data processing sys tems, such as data warehousing, customer relationship management, and data mining, tomanage data. Inmany data processing systems, data are pulled from many ai ferent data sources, such as database files, operational systems, fat files, the Internet, ete into a central repos- itory, Often, data are transformed before being loaded in the data system, Transformation may include cleansing, integration, and extraction, To keep track of data, its sources, and the transformations that have happened to the data stored ina data system, metadata can be used Metadata (sometimes called “data about data’) are data that describe other data's attributes, format, origins, his tories, inter-relaionships, etc. Metadata management can play a central role in complex data processing sys tems. [0004] Sometimes a database user may wantto inves- ligate how certain data are derived from diferent data sources. For example, a database user may wanttoknow how adatasetordata object was generated or from which source a dataset or data object was imported. Tracing a ‘dataset back to sources from which itis derived is called {data lineage tracing (or ‘upstream data lineage tracing") Sometimes a database user may want investigate how certain datasets have been used (called “downstream {ala lineage tracing” or "impact analysis"), for example, which application has read a given dataset. A database User may also be interested in knowing how a datasetis related to other datasets. For example, a user may want to know if a dataset is modified, what tables willbe af- fected, ete [0005] Us 2010/180092 At describes a method and a system of visualization of changes in entities and their relationships in a vitual data center through a log fl, In ‘one embodiment, a machine-readable medium embod ying asetof instructions is disclosed. Periodically a snap: shot is captured from an application programming inter face of a management server. The snapshot comprises of entities and relationships of a virtual datacenter. An information of the snapshot is identifed. The identified information is relevant to visualization of a state of the virtual datacenter in a log file. An activity of a change in ‘entities and relationships of the virtual datacenter is tracked. An event is registered with the management 10 2» » 6 6 server through the application programming interface. Based on the event a corresponding delta operation is, created and added to the log file. ‘SUMMARY {0006} The present invention relates to computer-im- plemented method according to independent claim 1, to ‘a computer-readable medium according to independent claim 12, and to a computing system according to inde- pendent claim 13, Preferred embodiments described in the dependent claims 2to 11 and 14. {0007} In @ general aspect, a computer-implemented ‘method includes receivinginformation providedby a data processing application during execution of the data processing application. The information is indicative of at least one of a source of data forthe data processing application and a destination of data from the data processing application. The method includes dynamical- ly analyzing the information during execution of the data processing application to identify a queue in communi- cation withthe data processing application. The method includes dynamically analyzing the information during ‘execution ofthe data processing application to identity a relationship between the data processing application ang the queve, including at least one of identifying that the queue is the source of data for the data processing ap- plication and identifying that the queue isthe destination (of data from the data processing application. {0008} Embodiments may include one or more of the following. [0009] The information indicative of at least one of the source of data and the destination of data includes an identifier of the queue. [0010] The method includes dynamically determining 2 stalus of the queue during execution of the data processing application. In some cases, the method in- ‘ludes providing 2 notfication based on the status ofthe ‘queue. in some cases, the status includes at least one ‘of number of records in the queue and an elapsed time associated with the queue. [0011] The method includes determining @ status of the data processing application, [0012] The method includes receiving an input identi- fying the queue. In some cases, the method includes identifying the data processing application based on the processing and based on the input identifying the queue, [0013] The one or more data processing applications include computation graphs. [0014] The method includes generating a visual rep- resentation ofthe data processing application, the queue, {and the relationships between the data processing ap- plication and the queue. In some cases, the method in- Cludes displaying the visual representation on a user in- terface. In some cases, the visual representation in- Cludes a representation of a status of the queue. [0015] Ina general aspect, sofware stored on a com= puter-readable medium includes instructions for causing 3 EP 2.957 073 B1 4 ‘a computer system to receive information provided by a data processing application during execution of the data processing application. The information is indicative of at least one of a source of data for the data processing ‘pplication and a destination of data from the data processing application. The software includes instruc tions for causing the computer system to dynamically an. alyze the information during execution of the data processing application to identity a queue in communi- cation withthe data processing application; and dynam- ically analyze the information during execution ofthe data processing application to identity a relationship between the data processing application and the queue, including atleast one of identifying thatthe queue is the source of

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