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Jalan Badak Nomor 5A, Lokasi 2 SMK Negeri 1 SoE

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Hereby I declare that this journal entitle “ Students’ Problems and Strategies in Learning English
in Pandemic Era” is original and definitely the researcher own work. The researcher is
completely responsible for all the contents.
Other writers’ opinions or findings included in this journal are quoted and cited in accordance
with ethical standard.

SoE,.....Maret 2023


NIM. 8820320180170

Praise and gratitude to the almighty and merciful God for His infinite blessings and
love, the researcher was able to complete writing this journal. The researcher also realized that
he could not finish this journal without the support and help of others. Therefore, the researcher
would like to express her highest appreciation to everyone who gives contribution for the
researcher as following :
1. Mr. Ared J. Billik, ST., M.Si as the Head of STKIP SoE for giving change to the researcher
to study in this institution.
2. Mrs. Sonya V.Ch. Benu, M.Pd as the Head of English Education Program and as the second
supervisor. Thank you for her guidance, support, suggestion, during the completion of this
3. Mrs. Tribuce J Banu, M.Pd as the researcher’s firts supervisor and also Mr.Yabes Olbata as
the Second supervisor of this journal and Mr Adi B.W. Banu, M.Pd as the researcher’s
examiner. Thank you for guidance, wisdom, kondness, and suggestion in every step of
writing this journal.
4. All lecturers and all staf in STKIP SoE. Thank you for sharing the great knowledge and the
kindness for the researcher during her study in this institution.
5. The researcher beloved parents (my beloved father Yustus M.S. Tefa and my beloved
mother Levernia Olin) my beloved brothers (Jepy Febrimon Tefa) and my beloved sisters
( Kiara Gresiana Tefa). Thank you for your attention, motivation and support in every
6. The researcher’s support family (Raimon Anone, Joy Olin, Rinto Olin, Junus Olin, Dona
Anone, Jidek Olin, Meki Kolo, Vandi Kase, Beni Bay, Romanti Bay, Desi Fallo, Yufen
Fobia, Mery Babu, fenti banu). Thank you for love that you have given to me.
7. All my Brothers and Sisters in my Organization of PERSAUDARAAN SETIA HATI
TERATE who always help me and support me in every moment in me life. Especialy Bertho
Neken, Yus Neken Jesri Fallo, Rayner B. tahuk, Chily Wohangara, Agus Pires, Riki da
Cunha, Yabin tenistuan, Kris Ninu, Ade Mau, Lukas da Costa, Novi Oematan, Densi
Abanat, Berni Toto, Mesi Pay and Tonce Haumeni, you guys are amazing thing that God
have given me.
8. My Grup of Love ( Mario do Santos Amaral, Esi Y Tafui, Minder Kuth ). guys thanks for
everithing. Saometimes I always make you in trpuble but you never leave me.
9. The researcher’s classmates Feby, Krisnang, Nita, Yureni, Wasti, Elma, Endang, Martha,
Sumelti, Ina, Maya, Sam, and Defitra, Adi djami, Bram Bell, Ernita Nduru. Thank you for
your love for me.
10. Everyone who gives contribution in completing this journal. Since this journal is not
perfectly accomplished and lack of many things, valuable inputs and suggestions are
expected for improvement.

SoE,.....Maret 2023

Table of Content

Declaration of originally ............................................................................................................... ii
Approval sheet ............................................................................................................................. iii
Acknowledgement ....................................................................................................................... iv
Table of content ............................................................................................................................ v
ABSTRACT .................................................................................................................................. 1
Keywords ...................................................................................................................................... 1
METHODOLOGY .........................................................................................................................3
FINDING AND DISCUSSION......................................................................................................3
CONCLUSION.............................................................................................................................. 8
SUGGESTION ............................................................................................................................ .8
REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................................9
APPENDIX ..................................................................................................................................13


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