Act Iv. Scene 1.

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Act IV

Scene 1. Venice. A court of Justice.

Duke: Greetings, Mr. Antonio. How are you feeling?

Antonio: I’m doing well, Your Honor.

Duke: That Shylock is purely in human, he’s like a monster hungry for a pound of flesh.

Antonio: It’s fine, Your Honor. Everything will be decided today. I’ll accept whatever the decision
will be.

Duke: Let Mr. Shylock in!

Duke: Mr. Shylock, I presume that your only intention is to frighten Mr. Antonio so he pays you
for what he owes you.

Duke: Don’t you find Mr. Antonio as pitiful as he already lost his ships? And now you want a
pound of flesh from his chest? No one in this court wants to believe you are that

Shylock: Isn’t it my rights? If this court will deny my rights to have what I should have then this
city’s very laws will be forfeit.

Shylock: I hate Antonio and that reason is just enough.

[Bassanio enters the courtroom]

Bassanio: (about to approach Shylock)

Antonio: There’s no need. Hatred and predation come naturally in some men.

Bassanio: I’ll give you six thousand ducats! Just let Antonio out of this misery!

Shylock: No, I won’t forfeit my bond even for six times that sum.

Duke: How can you expect any mercy when you don’t offer one?

Shylock: I expect no mercy for I do nothing wrong.

Duke: Is Doctor Bellario already here?

Nerissa: Greetings. I brought a letter from Doctor Bellario.

Duke: (reads the letter)

(As the Duke reads the letter)

Bassanio: You’re a monster!

Shylock: I stand here for law.

Duke: Let the young lawyer in.

(Nerissa will fetch Portia, disguised as Balthazar) (Duke will read the entirety of the letter)

Duke: Greetings, Mr. Balthazar. Are you familiar with the circumstances of the case?

Balthazar: I know the case well, Your Honor.

Duke: Mr. Antonio and Mr. Shylock, come forward.

Balthazar: Mr. Antonio, is it true that you owe Mr. Shylock 3,000 ducats?

Antonio: Yes, it’s true.

Balthazar: Mr. Shylock, aren’t you being too merciless for wanting a flesh? Why not accept the
money instead?”

Shylock: Why I must show mercy?

Balthazar: I understand. The quality of mercy is not strained. But is a blessing to both those who
provide and those who receive it.

Shylock: I insist my rights. What is written in our bond is what we should do based on the law,
isn’t it?

Balthazar: Mr. Antonio, if I may ask, are you able to pay what you owe to Mr. Shylock?

Bassanio: I am wiling to pay twice the sum owed! No, ten times! Please spare Antonio!

Balthazar: The law shall not be broken. Despite of Antonio being a Venetian, the decrees of Venice
must stand.

(Shylock will hand the bond or contract to Balthazar)

Balthazar: Yes, this is legal, no sign of forgery.

Balthazar: But Mr. Shylock, won’t you change your mind?

Shylock: No.

Balthazar: Mr. Antonio prepare yourself.

Balthazar: Mr. Shylock, bring your surgeon to prevent Mr. Antonio from bleeding to death.

Shylock: I don’t have any surgeon with me. The bond stipulates no such safeguard.

Antonio: Thank you for everything, Bassanio. Don’t be so sad, I am happy to sacrifice my life.

Bassanio: I love my wife but I can give her up just to save you.

Balthazar: I assume your wife won’t be happy hearing such sentiments.

(Shylock about to cut off a flesh in Antonio’s chest)

Balthazar: Let me remind you, Mr. Shylock. The bond only stated a pound of flesh and made no
allowances for blood.
Balthazar: Go on, Mr. Shylock, get the flesh you needed, but I’m reminding you once again that if a
drop of blood is spilled, then you will be guilty of conspiring against the life of a
Venetian citizen and all your lands and goods will be confiscated by the state.

Shylock: I agree with paying three times the sum of what Antonio owe me. Antonio will be freed;
won’t that be good?

Balthazar: No, Mr. Shylock. You cut off a pound of flesh or you get nothing.

Shylock: I’ll drop the case then, let’s just forget about all of this.

Balthazar: I guess you didn’t know about the penalty that noncitizens face when they threaten the
life of a Venetian.

Balthazar: Half of your property would go to the state, while the other half would go to the
offended party—namely, Antonio.

Balthazar: Go on, Mr. Shylock, beg for the duke’s mercy.

Duke: I will show mercy for I am still kind.

Duke: I will spare your life in exchange of half of your estate.

Shylock: You may as well take my life; it is worthless without my estate.

Antonio: I’ll gladly return my share of Mr. Shylock’s estate, in exchange of him converting to
Christianity and bequeath all his goods to Jessica and Lorenzo upon his death.

(Shylock will just nod, turn his back as he leaves the scene)

Shylock: I am not well.

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