Project 5 Opakovanie Lekcie 4

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'Projed 5 Unit 4 Revision

Yocabulary: The media (SB pg. 44/ex. 1)

1. Complete the sentences. (on, in, at)

1. Don't believe everything you read _______ the Internet.

2. Whaťs on ______ _ the cinema this week?
3. The hero dies in the book, but not ------- the film.
4. What part have you got _______ the play?
5. There's a new series the rad io every al"iernoon.
6. Have you ever had your photo the newspaper'J
7. Macbeth is playing a theatre in town.
8. Most of the songs his new CD are disappointing.

2. Match sentence beginnings 1-8 with sentence cnclings A-H.

1. I listen A. from the Internet.

2. How often do you go B. the ncwspaper todéty.
3. I found the infonnation C. TV this evening'J
4. Hamlet is playing at D. the theéttre tonight.
5. There was an interesting article in E. on a film website.
6. Hugh Laurie plays a doctor F. to the radio every morning.
7. I often download films G. on the Internet to do research for school?
8. ls there anything good on H. in the TV series House.

3. Complete the sentences. Choosc A or B.

A. _______ a good play on the radio last night. O watched O listened to

B. How often hétve you seen él pléty _______ the theatre? O at O on
C. There's a good programme TV tonight. 0 élt O Olľ
D. I felt sick ------- the concert so I went horne. O at O 011
E. There are a few good songs _______ their new CD. O in O 011
F. There's a photo of my cousin _______ the newspaper. O on O in
G. We saw a good film _______ the cinemél last week. O at O 011
H. 1 found ome chcap shoes thc shop·s website .O 011 O in

Yocabulary: Personality (SB 46/1)

4. Match adjcctivcs 1-8 with dcfinitions A-H.

1. enthusiastic A. sorneone who doesn't worry about things

2. easy-going B. someone who loves cloing lots of things
3. cheerful C. someone who étlwétys cloes what he/ shc says
4. reliable O. someone who lélughs and smi les a lot
5. polite E. someone who alwétys supports his / her ťriencls
6. loyal F. someone who speaks nicely to people
7. patient G. someone who works a lot
8. harcl-working H. someone who doesn't minci waiting

5. Complctc thc scntcnccs. Choosc from thesc worcls.

amhitious - messy - anxious - disloyal - impatie11t - misemhle - .,·er,sihle - 1111reliahle

1. Mary won't wait for us iľ we·re late. She·s ................ .

2. Ted leaves his things everywhere. He's -------
3. Helen might not keep her promise. She's _______
4. Sheila wants to be rich and famous. She's -------
5. Oliver doesn't support his fr iends when other people say horrible things about them. He's _ _____
6. Pete never smi les or looks happy. He's _______
7. Emma worries a lot. She's always _______
8. Chris never cloes anything silly. 1-le·s _______

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