DLP Intermiadate Grades

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 4

School Hinatuan Southern College Grade Level Grade 4

Teacher/s Maria Lorie Ann P. Yamit Learning Area Mathematics

Teaching date Quarter 2th quaeter

A. Content Standards
 Demonstrates understanding of prime and composite numbers and its prime factorization.
B. Performance Standards
 The learners are able to apply prime and composite numbers in mathematical problems
and real-life situations.
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives:
 Differentiate prime composite numbers
 Write a given number as a product of its prime factors
 Appreciate the prime and composite numbers.

II. CONTENT: Prime and Composite Number

A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages:
 Mathematics Today, 128-131 and Teaching Mathematics in the Intermediate Grades,21-22
3. Textbook pages:
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources

 PowerPoint Presentation , bond paper, double sided tape, chalk


Teachers’ Activity Pupils’ Activity

1. Prayer Let us all stand and pray, please led the Our Father………..
prayer Lia.

2. Greetings
Good morning class!

3. Checking of Good morning Teacher!

attendance Are all present today?
Very good! Yes, Teacher!

You may now take your seat.

You may now take your seat. Thank you, Teacher!

Setting of standards  Listen attentively

 Be quite and avoid talking to


 Answer questions by raising hands

 Be responsible and Work

cooperatively during group activity

 Be polite, respect other’s opinion

 Talk nicely to others

Am I Clear!

A. Reviewing What was our last lesson?

previous lesson or
presenting the new
Very good!

What is Exponential Notation? Our last lesson talks about

Exponential Notation.

Exponential notation is an
You are correct! alternative method of
expressing numbers

B. Establishing a
purpose for the Before we proceed to our proper lesson,
lesson (Motivation) let’s have first an activity.


I will divide you into two groups and in the

small envelop, inside of it is a mixed letters
all you need to is form the words, each
group has provided a materials to be use. I
will give you 3 minutes to do the task.

I am understood?
The learners are listening.

C. Presenting
of the new lesson

What do you think our topic for today


Yes, Teacher!

And now, let’s proceed to our proper

The topic for today is all
about prime and composite
D. Discussion A prime number is a natural number that numbers.
can only be divided, without a remainder,
by itself and 1. In other words, a prime
number has exactly two factors.

For example,
13 is only divisible by 13 and 1

A composite number is a natural number

that can be divided evenly by any number
besides itself and 1. A composite number
has more than two factors.

For example,
14 are divisible by 1, 2, 7, and 14.
Answer the Prime Factorization of the
following and explain to you classmate.


(the learners answers the

following on the board
questions , and before I
showed to them the exact

E. Application Direction:


1. 12 ____________
2. 11 ____________
3. 59 ____________
4. 10 ____________
5. 14_____________

The learners are now


To check if you have listened to the

discussion that we had just now.

What is prime numbers?

F. Generalization
Very Good!
A prime number is a natural
How about Composite and prime number that can only be
factorization? divided, without a
remainder, by itself and 1.
In other words, a prime
number has exactly two

A composite number is a
natural number that can be
Awesome! divided evenly by any
Everybody clap your hands…… number besides itself and
1. A composite number has
more than two factors.

Get one whole sheet of paper and answers

the following.
G. Evaluation
A. Find the prime factorization of the

1. 258
2. 24
3. 123
4. 69
5. 1021
6. 40
7. 90
8. 30
9. 120
10. 12

In your notebook, list down at least five

examples of prime and composite
H. Assignment

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