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Using the p-value and level of significance

Table 1
Analysis Table of the Mean Scores of the Boys and Girls in a Personality Test
n = 26
Respondents X̄ s n Compute Tabular p- Decision Remark
dz or value
Male 26.2 5.73 15 -1.8558 2.064 0.0758 Fail to Not
Female 30.55 6.12 11 reject Significant
Level of significance = 0.05; df = 24

Table 1 presents the mean scores of the male employees and female employees
in a private company. It is reflected that the mean score of the female employees
(30.55) is numerically higher than the mean score of the male employees (26.2). To test
the data statistically, t-test for comparing two means is applied. It is shown that the p-
value (0.0758) is greater than the level of significance (0.05). Thus, the null hypothesis
is not rejected. This means that the data are not sufficient to conclude that there is a
significant difference between their means. This result may suggest that the mean
persoSnality traits of the female and male employees are just the same.

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