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Module 4 Case Assignment

Writing expectations include competency in the following:


3-5 pages (excluding title page and references page) Must be double-
spaced with 1-inch margins and typed in 12-point Times New Roman.

Your essay should have a Title Page and References Page.

Essays should be proofread for spelling and grammar mistakes. Other

areas to pay attention to include:

Focus and organization throughout the paper. The paper should flow
in a logical manner.

References and Citations:

You must cite all texts used, including page numbers to avoid

You should use a minimum of 2-3 sources from the Touro Library in
support of your Case Assignment. Please note that at the minimum
2-3 sources should be from the Library. Which means that you can
use other web-based sources in addition to you the Library sources.

(Although not expected, it is a good practice to begin using the APA

style for citations and references.) This will help you grow in your
competency in using this style. A good resource for this can be found

(additional information is found in the links on the left of the main

The Case Assignment: Assessment of Mrs. Rivera

Write a 3–5-page essay (excluding cover page and references).

The paper should begin with an introduction paragraph, which

should include a thesis statement.

In the second paragraph, discuss the use of a Generalist

model. What are the core concepts of this model, what stages
is this model comprised of, and what theories does it center

Discuss the Biopsychosocial model, and the use of Person-In-

Environment theory, the micro, mezzo, and macro systems,
along with the use of the Strengths Based focus.

Locate the Rivera Family Case Study that can be found in the
Presentation section of the course.

Explore the information offered in the case study to help complete

your assessment in the 7 categories below. Under each heading
discuss the information you have obtained from the Rivera Family
Case Study for Mrs. Rivera.

Also, under each heading include as a social worker what additional

questions would you like to ask? Include why you want to ask the
additional questions.

Make a heading for each of the 7 categories below:

Biological factors:

(Under this heading be sure to include information regarding physical


What additional questions would you like to ask? Include why

you want to ask the additional questions.

Psychological factors:

(Under this heading be sure to include information such as coping

capacities and affect)

What additional questions would you like to ask? Include why

you want to ask the additional questions.

Social factors:

(Under this heading be sure to include information such as social

roles, social functioning, social supports, financial status)

What additional questions would you like to ask? Include why

you want to ask the additional questions.

Family factors:

(Discuss what is going on in the family, what are the stressors the
family is facing, what are the relationships like between the family

What additional questions would you like to ask? Include why

you want to ask the additional questions.

Cultural factors:

(What culture does the individual identify with? How does the culture
impact the client’s belief system, spirituality, parenting, norms, etc?)
What additional questions would you like to ask? Include why
you want to ask the additional questions.

Spiritual factors:

(Does the client identify as spiritual? Is there any religious affiliation?

How does this impact the client’s life and situation?)

What additional questions would you like to ask? Include why

you want to ask the additional questions.

Factors in the social and physical environment:

(What have you learned from the case study about the complications
with the structure of the house, etc.)

What additional questions would you like to ask? Include why

you want to ask the additional questions.

The final 8th heading will be:

Social workers assessment of the Mrs. Rivera.

Under this heading be sure to include from the information

presented what do you see as the strengths of the family
What are the challenges this family is experiencing?
What do you see as the presenting problem?
As a social worker what would be your next step?

If you do not turn in your Case Assignment before the deadline, points
may be deducted from your score for tardiness. If you anticipate a
problem turning in your assignment on time, please contact your
instructor immediately to avoid a failing grade for non-submission.

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