10L and Your Karma

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10L and Your Karma –

10L of karma own sign in d1 and own/exalted in d9 connected with Ju and Mo in Ju amsha –
d9 is pivotal here, is my view. This is from CKN – B1/S88…
Jataka has ‘Vedant Gyaan, is Tatvagn’ and engaged in Vedic Karma. Karaka is Ju and Ve for
Vedant Gyaan and its Tatva Gyaan. Vedant Gyaan is Upanishad and it's true & philosophical
[tatvagna] knowledge.

Mo-Su-Ju are satvik planets, Ju-Ve is Vedant knowledge with its true wisdom and Mer is
intelligence to understand the philosophical aspect of Veda & Vedanta. 2-4-5-9 H is Gyaan and
10H is karma. Jataka may be remembered for long time for its karma, knowledge & works.

Sa though karma karaka, its connection here may delay the success. Ra/Ke with malefic or in
malefic sign may inflict struggle and impediments.

This is in olden Vedic times and in modern times jataka may well educated in his filed with its
prudent applications. Suppose, you are CA and you have good practice and reputation of being
good is example of this kind of configuration. Maybe you are scientise or engineer with high
technical knowledge and inevitable part of organisation.
This depends on the whole configuration of the chart as each chart is different entity having
unique tapestry.

Let us check this with some practical horoscope.

F::FJK:: 2-Jan-1995 …

Su-Mo in one sign so ‘paxabala hina’ and Mer in discomforted sign.

10L in Ge d9 in intelligent sign may bestow inert wish and velour for academical. 10L Mars is in
‘gyaanamsha’, so jatika’s karma is mainly focused on taking education. However, Ge is inimical
sign for Mars.
10L of karma connected with Sa-Ke may pollute or impeded the karma.
10L connected with Ju-Ve may bestow some good education and karma but Sa aspect delayed
it. Ju-Ve are betwixt two malefic Ra-Su may impact the karma, wisdom, or education.
Jatika is dull witted and completed commerce graduation at the age of 25/26 years of age. Now
joining post-graduation as last consulted in Feb/Mar-2022. Jatika is unmarried.

M::SR:: 15-Jan-1995 ..
Here Ma-10L & Sa connected with Ju-Ve in 10H of karma. Mar10L-Mer5L in Ge d9 being
‘gyanamsha’ may bestow intelligence to complete the education in time and staring the career.
Jataka is engineer doing job with average salary and unmarried.

M:: Shree B V Raman:: 8-Aug-2012 …

10L of karma Mars relates to Ju-Ve-Mer, the knower of Veda, Vedanga & Vedanta. Mo-Ju in
mutual aspect is good for illuminative-pure-satvik knowledge. Ju-Ma in bhagyamsha or
gyaanmasha may bestow high level knowledge. Karma connected with Ju-Ve-Mer may keep the
jataka very well remembered for long for its contribution to Vedanga-Vedic Jyotisha.
Sa aspect and connection with Ve in d9 may slow down the progress but success is for sure.

M:: Pandit Shreepad Damodar Satvalekar :: 18-Sep-1867 …

Ju-Ke in 4H may bestow moksha for his knowlede [Gyan Yoga-Aq] and karma lord-10L-Su is
with exalted Mer and Ve. Depositor of Ju is Sa exalted in 12H of highest knowledge. Mer in
‘gyaanamsha’ [2-4-5-9H] to bestow sacred knowledge.
Ju is in Sg d9 to bestow Veda & Vedant knowledge.
Su-Ve in Cp d9 i.e. ‘sanchaaramsha’ i.e. communication and he is the master translator of Veda,
Vedanta, Purana, Mahabharat, Ramayana etc.
He was awarded ‘Padmashree’ for his contribution in Veda & Vedanta. He may remain well
known for long time for his contribution.

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