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Entrepreneurial Management  Minimize debt

Module 6  And always, always keep track of your cash!

PATHS TO FULL-TIME ENTREPRENEURSHIP  The key to making bootstrapping work is maximizing the
value of low costs by obtaining free enterprise in your
Causal or predictive reasoning is the process of  Lean methods were developed in Japan in the
setting a goal and then determining the strategy and resources aftermath of World War II. Because consumer demand
required to attain the goal. It has been the strategy for starting was very low in the war-ravaged country, manufacturers
innumerable businesses and it is the method taught in almost could not count on obtaining economy of scale through
every entrepreneurship class around the world. It is used to mass production. In response to these challenges, an
create a business plan and it is the type of reasoning that is engineer at the Toyota Motor Corporation, Taiichi Ohno,
used by business managers daily for making many business developed what came to be called the “Toyota
decisions. But there is another way, effectual reasoning by Production System,” or TPS. Where the principles of
Saras Sarasvathy of the University of Virginia begins with a TPS were brought to the United States, they were
consideration of what resources are available and what renamed “lean.”
restraints there are on those resources.  Lean principles started with a statement of seven areas
All entrepreneurs have at least four sets of resources: of manufacturing in which none value-added activities
(1) access to capital can take place. These are the seven sources of waste
(2) their own skills and abilities, that lean management seeks to prevent:
(3) their own knowledge, and  Although business practices have been applied to every
(4) their network of friends and business associates. phase of business operations, that set that you will find
Sarasvathy has defined three principles of reasoning most interesting were developed and published by Eric
that are absolutely critical in the process of effectual reasoning: Ries in his 2011 book The lean Startup. The primary
 Affordable loss - is the practice of bringing your product or focus is to quickly produce what Ries calls a “minimum
your service to market with the minimum expenditure of viable product” which is a concept to lean business
capital, effort, and time. practices where you make a minimum product, but on
 Strategic partnerships – is the formal or informal that an be sold. By selling to customers and collecting
relationships with customers, vendors, or mentors to feedback, an entrepreneur can develop a product at
ensure the success of an entrepreneurial venture. minimum cost.
 Leveraging of contingencies - the practice of and ability  Most beginning entrepreneurial business have limited
to seize upon novel opportunities that become apparent resources, including cash, time, and experience, it is
during the conduct of business. very important that the resources that the business
There are three other important ideas that fit into both the does have be very carefully used. You can help to
causal and the effectual approaches to entrepreneurship. ensure that you will have enough resources for success
These are bootstrapping, bricolage, and lean business by carefully planning how you are going into business,
practices. Bootstrapping got its name from an old description then following the proven techniques of effectual
of a person who began poor and through persistence and self- planning, bootstrapping, bricolage and lean business
reliance achieved unlikely success. Bricolage, which comes practices.
from a French word that means “to putter around,” is the
practice of making something from whatever you have at hand. The Five Paths to Business Ownership
Lean business practices refer to systematically eliminating When you think about owning your own business, you
waste of time, materials, and money throughout a business. probably think of starting a new business. Most of us do.
The term lean first appeared in a 1990 book based on the However, starting a business is only one way to become a
Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s 1980s study on the business owner. In fact, there are five ways to become a
future of the automobile. business owner. You may:
1. Start a new business.
MAKING DO AS A WAY TO SUCCESS  Starting a new business is at once the riskiest path
Bootstrapping—finding a low-cost or no-cost way to do into business and the path that promises the greatest
something. Lean business practices include a set of tried- rewards for success. The success rate of start-up
and-true methods that can lessen capital requirements and businesses is a matter of some controversy.
reduce cash outflows from the business. numerous rigorous studies have found that fully 69
percent of businesses are still going after 2 years, 51
Both lean operations and bootstrapping are based on and percent are still going after 5 years, 34 percent after
share three underlying ideas: 10 years, and 25 percent are still operating after 15
1. Waste not, want not years. Also, studies show that those businesses that
2. Create, standardize, repeat get help last even longer. Eighty-seven percent of
3. Keep in touch start-ups that begin in business incubators are still in
 But bootstrapping and lean methods are not identical in operation five years later.
either how people think about them or in how people  Despite the rather high failure rate, creating a start-up
actually put them to use. The key ideas of bootstrapping is not, as some maintain, a triumph of hope over
are simple: reality. Many businesses that end do so not because
 Do without as long as you can. they failed, but because the owner took advantage of
 Cut your personal and business expenses to the a better opportunity. The rewards, both financial and
bone (e.g., take no salary, work from home). personal, of starting a successful new business can
be most impressive.
 If you need something, see if you can get it for free.
If you cannot get it free, then borrow it, barter your ADVANTAGES OF START-UPS
time for it, rent it, or least it before you buy it. There are many reasons that people choose to start a new
 If you need to buy outside services, consider business rather than purchasing an existing business,
offering equity instead of money, but stingy with franchising, or being an employee:
this.  When you start a new business, you can “do it your way.”
 Before you buy anything, see if you can find a lower- There are no existing rules, processes, or culture that will
cost alternative be difficult to change.
 When you do buy an asset, but it used or at deep  You will begin with a “clean slate.” There are no existing
discount, and always ask if you can stretch out your employee problems, debts, lawsuits, contracts, or other
payments to minimize cash flow legal commitments that must be satisfied.
 If you need money, borrow it from yourself first, then  You have the opportunity to use the most up-to-date
from family, then friends, and after that, borrow from technologies. There are no “legacy” locations, buildings,
banks, or take credit card advances. equipment, or software that can hamper productivity.
 Capture the capital tied up in your house by making  You can provide new, unique products or services that
first or second mortgages to get money for the are not available from existing businesses or franchises.
business. Of course, you should do this only if you Existing businesses and franchises exist because of their
are comfortable risking your house. success in providing proven products and services.

 You can deliberately keep the business small to limit the  Successful business owners and corporate
size of possible financial losses. executives do well by doing good. They can, by
 You may take time to perfect your product, services, and helping others, in a way repay the many people who
processes. helped them achieve success. Executive volunteers
contribute their time and energy to assisting start-up
DISADVANTAGES OF START-UPS and struggling small businesses as a public service.
Offsetting the advantages of starting a new business are Because of their experience, mentors can help you
several disadvantages: avoid mistakes and make good business decisions.
Χ Your start-up business will have no initial name  Have a detailed start-up budget.
recognition. The lack of an accepted brand can put off  A detailed start-up budget provides a road map for
potential customers. necessary spending during the startup phase, when
cash inflows are likely to be small or nonexistent.
Χ A start-up will require significant time to become
Companies that carefully plan their start-up activities
established and provide positive cash flows.
and avoid any unnecessary spending are much more
Χ start-up can be very difficult to finance. A new business
likely to succeed.
will not have the existing assets, sales, and cash inflows
 Produce a product or service for which there is a
that can be used to obtain financing for the business.
proven demand.
1. A start-up usually cannot easily gain revolving credit
 It is an unfortunate fact that most new products and
from suppliers and financial institutions.
services fail to gain acceptance. Your start-up
2. A start-up may not have experienced managers and
business will not have either the experience or the
workers.Your start-up businesses will be faced with
resources to absorb the loss from product failure. By
training employees and obtaining management
producing a product or service for which there is a
proven demand, the risk of product failure can be
o Asset - Something the business owns that is
reduced or eliminated.
expected to have economic value in the future.
 Secure outside investment.
o Revolving credit - A credit agreement that allows the
 Securing outside investment accomplishes two
borrower to pay all or part of the balance at any time;
as the loan balance is paid off, it becomes available to
 1st, the process of obtaining investment funds means
be borrowed again.
that your business will be critically examined by
2. Buy an existing business. outsiders who have no vested interest in your idea,
3. Franchise a business. product, or service.
4. Inherit a business.  2nd, the fact that you were able to convince outsiders
5. Be the manager of a business to invest in your business indicates a level of belief in
the business and you that provides legitimacy.
Creating a New Business  Start with more than one founder.
 The vast majority of start-up businesses are “me-too”  Starting with more than one founder provides the
enterprises. The business idea is simply to create another business with more experience, skills, and resources
occurrence of a common business: a beauty shop, a than can be furnished by a single individual. Having
restaurant, a bar or lounge, a rock band, a sign company, more founders in the business also provides an
plumbing service, yard care, and so on. Starting a opportunity for synergy, in which the whole is greater
copycat business provides some protection from business than the sum of its component parts.
failure. It is not necessary to define the business to the
market because everyone knows what a beauty shop, Buying an Existing Business
restaurant, or lounge provides. The second most common way to enter small
 The specific concept that leads to a start-up business business management is to purchase an existing business.
usually comes from the experience of the person starting Buying an existing business has important advantages over
the business. Two-thirds of all start-ups are based on creating a start-up. However, purchasing a business has its
ideas from prior work experience, hobbies, and family own unique set of risks.
businesses. These businesses are generally more likely
to succeed than are businesses based on ideas from Advantages of Purchasing an Existing Business
other sources. Research into the indicators of successful There are some advantages to buying an existing business:
start-ups shows that one of the best predictors of success  Established customers provide immediate sales and cash
is the level of experience of the founders. Random inflows.
events, suggestions from friends and associates, and  Business processes are already in place in an existing,
specific education courses are the sources of only a operating business.
relatively few start-up ideas.  Purchasing a business often requires less cash outlay
o Franchise - A legal agreement that allows a business than does creating a start-up.
to be operated using the name and business
procedures of another firm. Disadvantages of Purchasing an Existing Business
o Start-up - A new business that is started from Disadvantages to buying an existing business include:
scratch.  Finding a successful business for sale that is appropriate
o Buyout - The purchase of substantially all of an for your experience, skills, and education is difficult and
existing business. time-consuming.
o Founders - People who create or start new  It is very difficult to determine what a small business is
businesses. worth.
 Existing managers and employees may resist change.
Increasing the Odds of Start-Up Success  The reputation of the business may be a hindrance to
 The probability of creating a successful start-up is future success.
increased greatly when the founder has certain attributes  The business may be declining because of changes in
and when the founder takes certain actions. Doing the technology.
following things has been shown to be the most effective  The facilities and equipment may be obsolete or in need
route to success. of major repair.
 Start the business in a business incubator.
 A business incubator is an organization that provides Finding a Business to Buy
financial, technical, and managerial help to start-up  The first problem you must solve is finding a business for
businesses. Most incubators are associated with sale. The things that make a business appropriate for you
economic development agencies and are integrated are like those things that help create a successful start-up.
into the community. Incubators provide access to The business should be in an industry in which you have
angel investors, public grants for seed money and experience. It should be producing a product or providing
technology support. service that is in demand and that has high margins.
 Take part in a mentoring program. Perhaps, most importantly, it should have adequate

financing available so you can continue operations and Some of the commonly used ratios are:
make the business grow. The earnings multiple ratio is simply firm value divided
by actual or expected annual earnings.
 Pretax return on assets (ROA) is calculated by
dividing earnings before income tax by asset value.
Investigating Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Performing  Net income to equity is determined by dividing
Due Diligence income by the equity owners have in the business.
o Due diligence is the process of investigating to
 Net income to (equity + debt) is an extension of net
determine the full and complete implications of buying a income to equity that explicitly includes the value of
business. borrowed capital as a component of firm value.
o A basic tenet of business law is caveat emptor, or “let
 Income capitalization is calculated by dividing
the buyer beware.” This does not mean that a seller can projected net income excluding depreciation, interest,
freely lie to you about the business. Deliberate and owner draws, by the best return that you could
misrepresentations can lead to lawsuits and may be expect to obtain in other investments.
prosecuted as fraud. However, except for specific o Industry heuristics are simply rules of thumb that
representations by the seller, you are responsible for
are commonly used to estimate firm value in relation
understanding the condition and the facts of the business.
to some easily observable characteristic of the
Due diligence has two primary goals business. Are similar to comparable sales in that they
1. First, you are attempting to find any wrongdoing: represent the combined experience of people active in
 fraud committed by the owners or manager the industry.
 misrepresentations of the sellers, such as improperly STRUCTURING THE DEAL
recognized revenues or expenses; and Point of indifference the price at which a buyer is indifferent
 missing information, including pending or threatened about buying or not buying the business.
litigation, technological obsolescence of equipment,
processes, product, or service, and unpaid taxes. The purpose of opening low is twofold:
2. Second, you are trying to find any inefficiencies, 1. You want to make the purchase at the lowest price
unnoticed opportunities, waste, and mismanagement possible.
 The first goal is information that greatly affects the 2. You recognize that the seller assumes that any opening
value of the business and the advisability of offer is less than what you are actually willing to pay.
purchasing it. The second goal is how you, as a new There are four basic ways that a business may be bought:
owner, can make changes to increase its value. 1. You may buy out the seller’s interest in the business.
 The first information that you get is usually a set of 2. You may buy in by acquiring some, but not all of the
financial statements. Financial statements should ownership.
include (1) a balance sheet, (2) an income statement, 3. You may buy only the key assets of the business such
and (3) a statement of cash flows. When you examine as the inventory equipment of the business, and not
the income statement, you should focus on the business itself.
corroborating the amount and timing of revenues and 4. You may take over a public business by buying a
expenses. Balance sheet items that are likely to be controlling interest of its stock.
misstated are intangibles, that is, things that have no
physical existence, but rather are legal rights and o Buyouts - Are restricted to businesses that have a
obligations. Intangibles include accounts receivable, formal legal form of organization, including
patents, licenses, and liabilities corporations, limited liability companies, and some
DETERMINING THE VALUE OF THE BUSINESS o Employee stock ownership plan (ESOP) – is a
 This is the time to consult with your business, formalized legal method to transfer some or all of the
financial, and legal advisers to arrive at an estimate ownership of a business to its employees.
of the value of the business. Outside advisers are  Buy-in - Results when someone acquires only part of
impartial and are more likely to see the bad things the ownership of an existing business. Any amount of
about the business than are you. ownership may be considered a buy-in, as long as
o Discounted cash flows - Cash flows that have been less than 100 percent of the ownership is transferred.
reduced in value because they are to be received in
the future. (2) Two Advantages to Making a Buy-in
o Discounted cash flow analysis - Is based on the 1. A buy-in allows the purchaser to leverage inside
concept that the longer you have to wait to receive knowledge
money, the less valuable it is right now. 2. It aids in keeping key employees
o Asset valuation methods - Are based on the
Disadvantages of a Buy-in
assumption that a business is worth the value of its
 The prior owner and the management remain with the
assets minus the value of any liabilities.
business. This often causes friction when the new owner
o Book value is the original acquisition cost of the
wishes to make changes and the old owners and managers
asset, minus all depreciation expense recognized to do not.
date.  Key Resource Acquisitions
There are three major problems with using book value.  Also called as Bulk Asset Purchases
1. The original cost of an asset might bear no relation to  The only way a sole proprietorship may be purchased
its current value  It comprise purchasing only the assets of business
2. Depreciation is an arbitrary, although systematic,  One advantage of business ownership is the ability to
method of transferring asset value to expense shelter income by using noncash deductions to reduce
3. Internally developed assets, such as patents, income taxes.
trademarks, and trade secrets, do not have book
 Goodwill - The value of the business in excess of the value
of the identifiable assets.
o Net realizable value - Is an estimate of the amount
 Takeovers
for which an asset would sell, less the costs of selling
 Possible only of the businesses that have stock that is
freely transferable without the permission of
o Replacement value- Is an estimate of what an
management or other owners. Only corporations and
identical asset would cost to be acquired and readied certain partnerships can, under any circumstances, be
for service. Is usually significantly less than the acquired in takeover process.
replacement value of any specific asset.  In takeover, the buyer (often called as raider) seizes
o Comparable sales of other firms in the same industry control of the business without the permission of all
are commonly used to estimate the value of a owners.
o Financial ratios - Are often used to place a value on FRANCHISING A BUSINESS
businesses because industry ratios are independent  What is Franchising?
of the size of the business.

 Is a legal agreement that allows one business to be Family Businesses Succession - Inheritance is not restricted
operated using the name and business procedures of to parent–child or grandparent–grandchild. Family businesses
the another. can be, and often are, passed from the current owner–
 Franchises are agreement between two entities: manager to nieces, nephews, cousins, or in-laws. One of the
(1) The franchisor who sets condition, standards and who most difficult things that you will ever have to do is make a
grants operating permissions. successful ownership transition.
(2) The franchisee, who pays a fee for the rights and who
agrees to abide by the conditions and standards. Developing a Formal Management Structure - To make the
transition, you will have to establish a formal management
Four Essential Elements For an Agreement to Constitute a structure. You will have to develop a comprehensive business
Franchise plan that states clear goals and objectives. Most difficult, you
1. The agreement provides the franchisee with a legal must be able to clearly see the strengths and weaknesses of
right to engage in the business of offering, selling, or family members who will remain in the business.
distributing goods or services.
2. The agreement provides that the franchisee may Succession Issues for the Founder
engage in business using a marketing plan or system  To ensure that your business survives after you’re gone,
provided by the franchisor. you must be proactive in bringing selected family
3. The agreement grants the franchisee use of a brand members into the business as soon as you can. The
name, trademark, service mark, logo or other issue that must be faced in this process is selecting the
commercial symbol that designates the franchisee as appropriate family members.
an affiliate of the franchisor.  To avoid having the diversity of values, goals, and
4. The agreement requires the franchisee to pay a fee motivators from becoming the source of such intrafamily
for the right to enter the business. strife, you and the other family business members should
respect one another’s differences by:
The value of a franchise is determined by:
 Being certain that all family members know and
(1) The rights granted
accept that they are not forced to enter the
(2) The cash flow potential to the franchisee
management of the business if they don’t want to.
Four Basic Forms Of a Franchising  Providing each member of the family business with
1. Trade Name Franchising - An agreement that provides the opportunity to obtain education and experience
only rights to use the franchisor’s trade name and outside the business. Working in other businesses will
trademarks. provide knowledge and skills that cannot be provided
2. Product Distribution Franchising - An agreement that solely from within the family business.
provides the franchisee with specific brand names  Allowing each family member who does wish to enter
products, which are resold by the franchisee in a the business to find out and do those functions and
specified territory. activities that he or she does best.
3. Conversion Franchising - An agreement that provides  Not assuming that the leadership of the business must
an organization through which independent businesses come from within the family. Being part of the family
may combine resources. does not guarantee business leadership skills. After
4. Business Format Franchising - An agreement that all, almost all of us have at least one “black sheep” in
franchisees pay to the franchisor both and up-front fee to our family.
obtain the franchise rights and a percentage of gross
sales. Succession Issues for the Successor
 To ensure that the business thrives after you’ve taken
Franchise Opportunities over, you must be able to gain the loyalty of other family
 There are more franchises available than you can count. members, professional managers, and employees. You
Unlike finding a small business to buy, finding a franchise will be treading a fine line between acceding to the
is easy. wishes of the founder, and making changes as all
, the magazine’s website, lists the top dynamic businesses require.
500 franchises. The franchises are listed in rank by the
number of new locations opened in the last year. The list These essential skills include (but are not limited to):
of franchises is also broken down into more categories,  Technical knowledge—You must understand the
including: science, technology, and methodology of the industry of
 Fastest-Growing Franchises which the business is part
 Top New Franchises  Financial knowledge—You must understand the
 Best of the Best financial needs and resources of the business and
 Top 10 Lists industry, and be competent to negotiate with lenders,
 Top Home-Based Franchises investors, vendors, and customers.
 Top Low-Cost Franchises  People skills—You must be able to effectively deal with
people, with other family members in the business, with
 Top Global Franchises
employees, suppliers, regulators, and, most importantly,
 Two U.S. government agencies:
with customers.
 Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Small
Business Administration (SBA), a British  Leadership skills—You must be able to communicate
government site your vision for the company to
 Business Link (, and an family members and to employees, getting them to “buy
Australian site ( in” and make the business goals their goals.
 Knowledge of your own limitations—Nobody can know
Legal Considerations and be expert at everything. You must know your
 Before you sign on the dotted line, you should personally weaknesses, and be quick to obtain assistance in those
study two key documents you always receive from a areas.
franchisor—the uniform franchise offering circular (UFOC)
and the franchise agreement.
 Uniform Franchise Offering Circular (UFOC) is a Ownership Transfer - Whether you are the founder or the
standard document franchises use to explain their successor, you certainly do not want to wait until the founder
operations, requirements, and costs to potential dies to transfer ownership. If you are the founder, once you’re
franchisees. dead, your desires become irrelevant. If you are the successor,
 Franchise agreement is the specific contract signed, once the founder is dead, there is no authority figure who can
often incorporating the information included in the UFOC. help with issues of control and strategy.

INHERITING A BUSINESS - Ownership of all of these millions Professional Management of Small Business
of businesses can potentially be passed through family  As small businesses grow, the requirements of managing
succession, for example, by being inherited in one form or them increase proportionately. If a business grows large
another. enough, no matter how experienced or talented a
business owner is, eventually the demands of managing

will become too great to be handled alone. At this point,
one of two things happens: (1) the business starts to
decline, or (2) professional managers are hired to share
the management load.
o Transfer - An endgame strategy in which ownership is
moved from one person or group to another.
o Termination - An endgame strategy in which the owner
closes down a business.

How to Get Out of Your Business – Here is the flip side of

starting a business, that of getting out of the business when the
time comes. We briefly discussed some issues that
entrepreneurs face when they bequeath a business to their
heirs, but in fact, there are even more ways to get out of
business than there are to get in

o Pass off - A type of business transfer where the owner

gives the business to someone else without a payment.
This is most often done to maintain employment for the
staff and service for the customers, but the business is
not profitable enough to give the original owner any
o Walkaway - Business termination in which the
entrepreneur ends the business with its obligations met
o Workout - a form of business termination in which the
firm’s legal or financial obligations are not fully met at
o Bankruptcy- an extreme form of business termination
that uses a legal method for closing a business and
paying off creditors when debts are substantially greater
than assets.
o Serial Entrepreneur - Person who opens multiple
businesses throughout his or her career.

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