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Sometimes when I hit a wall (especially with the orgasm stuff) I’ll do some ideomotor testing to see if

that helps. You saw me do this in an earlier session with Victoria but best to consider it a last resort
because you don’t always need it (and it’s tricky to get the hang of). If you’re a new hypnotist then just
follow along as best you can. Also, this is an example of a session that does NOT go well at all. Towards
the end, Luciana got very uncomfortable with how I was touching her but didn’t tell me until the post-
session interview. I had to do some damage-control and I wasn’t sure if she’d be coming back for
another session. This is one of the risks you’ll run into if you use Mindvana with total strangers (and
push things too far) but I’m glad it happened because there’s a lot you can learn from this one.

00:14 I’m giving her general instructions about the ideomotor testing ahead of time in the hopes that I
can avoid one of the major errors that happens when clients misunderstand the process (i.e., they lift
their fingers consciously).

00:47 Re-induction trigger

1:44 The fingertip touches are something new I’ve been experimenting with. I’m not going to teach it
until I do some more testing and can verify that it works.

2:50 The start of the ideomotor testing sequence

4:30 When you get a “no” or “I don’t know” you’ll have to try to persuade their unconscious as best you

5:50 Now here’s the problem… even though we’re assuming that the subconscious has the power to do
anything we ask it to, sometimes it’ll be willing to do something BUT it won’t know how to do it. So just
because you get affirmation that the subconscious will make the effect happen, doesn’t mean it’s a
done deal.

6:10 Instead of jumping right to orgasms, I’m giving the subconscious easy tasks to do, like intensifying
the feelings and spreading them to different parts of her body, etc.

6:20 I’m giving her lots of commands to “smile” but nothing happens. No biggie.

6:43 If you’re not sure what they’re feeling, just ask them.

7:01 It’s not super important so no need to push for it.

8:07 This is a subtle suggestion to tell me to stop if she feels uncomfortable at any point.

9:30 She’s feeling amazing even though there’s almost no obvious signs.

9:47 This is called a kinesthetic hallucination.

10:30 A “no”

11:44 If the first kinesthetic hallucination worked, then this one should, also.
11:59 A “yes”

12:12 Here, I’m telling the subconscious to pretend that her hand is her vagina, and then I start stroking
her hand the way I’d be fingering her.

13:37 It’s time for a roleplay. I can get raunchier with her now.

17:02 Confirmation that she’s enjoying it

17:24 It’s better to ask for “close to orgasm” than to go right for it, especially since we don’t know if her
subconscious knows how to do this.

17:31 A “no”

17:33 There’s a block there for some reason and I don’t know why. So I’m going to negotiate with her
subconscious and see if this helps.

18:05 An “I don’t know” – Since it’s not a “no” I just act like she said “yes.”

9:09 My hand is still right by her knee although it’s hard to tell on video. I’m not doing anything

20:07 It doesn’t seem like much is happening, most likely due to that block we uncovered. So now I try
something similar with her eyes open to see if that makes things more intense. Strong eye contact acts
as a deepener on its own, plus it can make a girl feel butterflies in her chest.

22:23 It doesn’t seem like it’s helping things; then again, she’s very hard to read.

22:46 Now I go back to the roleplay.

23:33 Romantic boyfriend/girlfriend stuff

23:56 Considering I barely know her, there’s no need to go into “love” and get all sappy. But this is a
great piece to add in when doing a roleplay with a long-term girlfriend/wife. If your girl likes the
romantic stuff, then be sure to sprinkle this in. It’s great for rekindling old romantic feelings that have
died down over the years.

24:25 This is a small distinction but they’re actually different feelings. Use them both.

25:12 A “no”

25:14 So now I’m talking about letting her feel the “love of the universe” instead of feeling loved by me
personally, in case that’s the reason for the resistance.

25:38 An “I don’t know”

26:01 This is an “Inner Child” technique. The child represents their subconscious and the process helps
create a stronger sense of rapport between the two of them. It’s pretty simple so you can easily follow

30:26 A “no” 

30:41 Another “no” lol

30:45 I feel like I’m hitting a wall here so I decide to check in with her. Let’s find out what she’s feeling.

32:44 Testing out the triggers

34:09 She’s a little fidgety so I deepen the trance by dropping her hand a few times while firing off the
reinduction trigger.

34:36 You can just jump right back to where you left off.

36:10 Ok, so you see me ratcheting things up now… I have my hand around her waist, I’m sitting closer
to her, I’m giving the commands directly into her ear so she can feel the proximity, etc.

37:44 It’s a common female fantasy for their man to be so turned on that he can’t stop himself from
ripping her clothes off. We did enough romantic stuff… now we’re gonna get filthy.

43:47 If I pushed it any further she’d be naked at this point. I still don’t know if any of that made a
difference because she’s showing nothing on her face. It’s very possible that the camera is the culprit.
There’s nothing I can do about that so I keep moving forward…

46:50 Cycling through all the different feelings

47:25 Now I’m trying to overload her with touches, flooding her with oxytocin. Again, I have no idea if
any of this will make a difference.

53:26 Ok, time to wrap things up. There’s not more much I can try right now and it’s been almost an
hour. So now I’ll strengthen the triggers by re-installing them a few times before I emerge her (I also
mention they’ll be 10x stronger next time I see her and give her suggestions to keep thinking about the

1:04:14 

1:05:56 She was uncomfortable with all the touching. That’s not surprising, but again, this isn’t a
problem you’ll ever run into with your girlfriend/wife.

1:06:25 I’m glad she’s bugging out because this is something you’ll need to be wary of when you work
with strangers. Many times a girl will seem fine with whatever is happening during trance (and they may
even be willingly participating) but they can instantly change their mind after they start thinking about
it. Yes, I was riding a fine line and pushing too far, too fast. And even though I told her multiple times to
tell me if anything made her uncomfortable, quite often the subject will go along with it and then tell
you afterwards that they didn’t like it. This is why you should never do anything during trance that you
haven’t already done with her prior (and I’m not just talking about overtly sexual acts but also kissing,
hugging, touching, etc.). I’m not worried about it and I know she’ll calm down and come back again, but
YOU should be paranoid about a girl freaking out on you, even after she gave her consent. Be very, very
careful when doing this work with strangers.

1:06:31 This is all damage control.

1:08:22 She said she’s still feeling uncomfortable (and her body language makes this obvious) so I back
away to give her more space. Then I make a joke about accidently hurting her to try to lighten the mood.

1:09:27 She’s a bundle of subconscious contradictions right now… she’s staring right at me and licking
her lips (a very positive sign), while keeping her arm between her legs (very guarded).

1:10:03 This is very common. It’s almost always harder for them to visualize well with their eyes open. It
takes practice.

1:11:27 I’ve just been rambling about nonsense… waiting for her to show signs that she’s loosened up a

So that’s that. Not my best work, but another great teaching session. I’d much rather you learn from my
mistakes than end up in a bad situation because you got too overzealous. And just to kill the suspense,
yes, she was totally fine afterwards and came back the following week for more sessions.

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