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10, 11, cre Part — Ninja Drill For Communications Management Important Concepts and Definitions Drill S.No. General Drill Points The KA, Communications Management has 3 processes of which one each is in “Planning”, “Execution” and “Monitoring and Controlling” process groups. These processes are “PLan Communications MANAGEMENT”, “MAnace Communications” and “Monitor Communications”. Communication is sending the information and obtaining the feedback to ensure that it was understood in the manner it was intended to. It must follow the Sender Receiver Model. Channels of communications are calculated by the formula n (n-1) /2, where n stands for no’s of stakeholders or team members. While calculating the communication channels make sure that the Project Manager is included into the no. of team members. Remember: No Agenda = No meeting. Types of Communication are, Oral, Written, Paralanguage or Tonal and Body language. Communication Requirements Analysis = An analytical technique to determine the information needs of the project stakeholders. What are the components of a communication Model for cross cultural communication? Sender, Receiver, Encode, Decode, Noise, Feedback, Message, Medium. There are three Kinds of Communication Methods namely Interactive Communication, Pull Communication and Push Communication. The words in an oral message account for 7 percent of the 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17) 18, 19, 20. message, while the tonality of the message accounts for 38 percent of the message and the remaining 55 percent of the message is body language. Remember that Emails are an Informal Written Communication form. The project manager spends 90% of his time in communication mode or communicating with stakeholders. This also means that the most important leadership skill for a project manager is to be a good communicator. Four aspects of effective listening are, Repeating what was said (or let’s say Feedback), Asking for Clarification, Watching for non-verbal clues or Body language and Maintaining eye contact. What are the 5C’s of written communications? Correct Grammar, Concise, Clear, Coherent and Controlling flow of words. What is Active Listening? It requires that the listener fully concentrate, understand, respond and then remember what is being said. This is opposed to reflective listening where the listener repeats back to the speaker what they have just heard to confirm understanding of both parties. What is Communication Competence? ‘A combination of tailored communication skills that considers factors such as clarity of purpose in key messages, effective relationships and information sharing, and leadership behaviours. What are Project Communications? Project communications artefacts may include but are not limited to: performance reports, deliverable status, schedule progress, cost. incurred, presentations, and other information required by stakeholders, What is the concept of Observation/Conversation? Observation and conversation provide a direct way of viewing individuals in their environment and how they perform their jobs or tasks and carry out processes. This is about observing team members and also having casual conversations with them to understand what is really going on in the project. Er koan nen Part— 2: Important “Input — Output” Drill S.No. Drill Points The tools and techniques Communication Requirements Analysis, Communication Models and Communication Styles Assessments (part of the group Interpersonal and team skills) are unique to the process “PLAN Communications MANAGEMENT”. Communication Technology is used as tools and techniques in 3 processes and they are “Devetor Tram”, “PLAN Communications MAnaGeMent” and “MAnace CoMMUNICATIONS”. Project Communications is am OUTPUT of which process? “MANAGE COMMUNICATIONS”. Project Communications becomes INPUT to 4 processes (only one of which are Communication processes) “Monitor Communications” (and the other three are) “Direct AND Manace Proyect Work”, “CLosE Prosect OR Puase” and “Monrror STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT”. Stakeholder Engagement Plan is an INPUT to all the three processes of the Knowledge Area of Communications Management. Performance Reporting is the Tools and Techniques of two processes and they are “Manace Communicarions” and “ConTROL PROCUREMENTS”. The Communication Skills viz., Communication Competence and Nonverbal are unique to the process “MANAGE COMMUNICATIONS”. Which is the only process that uses the Tool of Project Reporting? “MANAGE COMMUNICATIONS”. Issue log is one of the INPUTS to the Process “MANAGE Communicarions” and “Monrror Communicarions” and it originally becomes the OUTPUT of the process “Direcr Anp MANAGE Prosect Work”. 10! What is the main OUTPUT of the process “Monrror Communications”? Work Performance Information and Change Requests. EECkeanne een

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