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Quiz 12

A. Complete the sentences using the prompts in brackets and the

causative. You will need to put the verbs in the correct form.

1. Charlene is going to (birthday party / organise)

by a professional party planner.
2. We (the flowers / deliver) to the hotel next week.
3. Mitchell and Meredith are going to (their house /
paint) tomorrow.
4. My uncle has decided to (satellite dish / install) in
his house.
5. We have a lot of work to get through today, so I think we should
(lunch / bring) to the office.
6. Mrs Hodges had to (the carpets / clean) after her
New Year's Eve party.
7. My aunt (her hair / do) at the hairdresser’s

B. Complete the blanks in the following dialogue with the expressions in

the box.

a pain in the neck keep track of jump in keeps an eye on

Don't mention it get my teeth into

Sarah: Hello Jenny, (1) . I'll give you a lift. I'm going your way.
Jenny: Oh, thanks a lot. The packets are so heavy. I'd really appreciate it.
Sarah: (2) . Anyway, how are you? I haven't seen you for
ages. What have you been up to?
Jenny: Well, I'm actually organising this year's class reunion so, it's really quite
fortunate that I ran into you.
Sarah: Oh dear, that must be a bit of (3) . You know, calling
everyone. Especially those who have moved since the last reunion.

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Jenny: I don't mind. In fact, I haven’t worked since I had the babies and it's
given me something to (4) .
Sarah: How is little Miranda? She must keep you really busy.
Jenny: Oh, she's very lively. My mother (5) her for me when I
go shopping and I do most of the reunion stuff on the Internet. You will
come, won't you?
Sarah: Of course I will. Anyway, I like to (6) what everyone
else is doing with their lives.

C. Match the words with the definitions.

1. download a. make something ready for use

2. mouse b. information shown by figures
3. automated c. a small device which is connected to your computer and
moved with your hand
4. gadget d. move data to a smaller computer system from a bigger one
5. digital e. a small tool that is very useful
6. prepare f. regular medical examination
7. check-up g. something that can work without the help of a person

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