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Marcus Bash

Reply December 10, 2019

O.K. Jay, you started this. I tried for about ten minutes to come up with a word for this and the
closest I got was “Train-wreck”. Holy shit man! And that word is about as close to reality as the
sun is to Jupiter. You may want to cover your ears here folks. Hell, Jay may just delete this
comment to protect everyone. Seriously Jay, what dumpster did you dig this fire out from
underneath of? You had to of deliberately hunted this one down. How many rocks did you have
to turn over?

This is strictly my opinion, but I gotta tell you, if you have a woman who is espousing these
ideas, my advice is to get up, leave everything you own and RUN AWAY! Today’s feminism is
that TOXIC! I cannot wrap my head around why someone would reject intensifying pleasure just
because it was coming from a man/woman or whatever. Offended by the word “girl?” Really?
No problem HONEY, there’s the damn door, go away from my horrible and destructive “words
of the patriarchy” that have been around forever but now can suddenly kill you. What is it like to
be so weak mere words hurt you?

In my third book I addressed this issue. You see, I once made the mistake of being involved with
a feminist. OMG, that was the worst fucking nightmare of my 56 years of life! And bear in mind,
I spent six years in the army, most of it in combat. Blood and guts and people dying and getting
blown to bits and feminism is far, FAR worse. I want to quote from chapter four of that book

“Stay away from women who profess to be “feminists”! In this day and age, in this political
climate, women who are “feminists” are not allowed to like men. They would be immediately
shunned if their “friends” ever found out the fun THEY are not having! It is a very twisted world
we live in here guys. There are some absolutely crazy ideas floating around out there. To a real
“feminist”, if she gets a ticket for running a red light, she will find a way to blame it on a man.
Don’t make yourself a target for this!”

I do not want anyone to apply what I am about to say as pertaining to anything physical about
Mara here, OK? This chick is FUGLY! I have worked with clients who needed certain words in
order to go with the program. One in particular stands out. I could not say “I want you to allow
yourself to..” she demanded “action words” as in “Allow yourself to…” But, she was was quite
older than I and it was nowhere near as bad as this dumpster fire.

So, Mara, “Good girl” is offensive to you? How about “Get the fuck out!?” This is the type of
woman, were a man stupid enough to sleep with her, could easily find himself waking up to her
over him with a knife in one hand and his dick the other, dripping blood, screaming “you said the
wrong pronoun at dinner!” Wherefore she had “Bobbited” him. It takes a psycho to believe the
shit she spews.

I understand why you were trying so hard not to jump out the window jay. The main thing this
one taught me was that Jay has the patience of Job!
O.K. rant off. Watch this repeatedly Jay? I don’t think so. This has to be part of the the movie A
Clockwork Orange. You know, where they put the braces in his eyes so he could not look away?
Correct me if I need it Jay, but all I see in this is 20 foot tall flashing, neon words, “RUN
AWAY!” Yes, I saw and heard the shifts in tone, direction, words, intent and so forth, but this
one is beyond help in my world. Jay might get her to orgasm, but it is purely his ego making him
subject himself to the shit he will have to wade through to get there. I guess the rant was not
over, I apologize.

Honestly Jay, you say at 18:22 “Girls like this are annoying to work with, however these types of
sessions are great teaching tools. It’s not so much what you say and do, it is how the girl
RESPONDS to your approach that matters. You always have to be ready to switch things up on
the fly.”

Oh, I would have switched it up alright! By about 17:55 I would have said, “You know, I don’t
think I am the right hypnotist for you. Let me refer you to a colleague who will be a much better
match for you.” Then given her the contact info of a hypnotist I wanted to read about jumping
out the fucking window.

I am tempted to ask for a refund for this week. LOL

Jay, you are a better man than I brother. My hat is off to you.

Students, if this were a paying client, I would give her a refund to get rid of her.



Reply December 17, 2019

All good advice. The only thing I would caution against is dismissing them harshly if
you’re running a hypnosis practice, as opposed to just working with them for
fun/practice. If so, you have to be very delicate because these are the kinds of women
who will post negative reviews and do everything they can to harm your business. If you
have to get rid of them, do it tactfully.


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