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• Marcus Bash

Reply December 2, 2019

We met on Christmas eve 2016. We clicked. We spent nearly every day together and it did not
take me long to decide this was the one. She told me that she found it difficult, to near
impossible to achieve orgasm, So, I went to work on her. That is not a problem. I am well versed
in breaking those barriers in many different ways.

Yes, I first tested her suggestibility and compliance and found them to be good. I identified her
mode. She is an auditory, kinesthetic input receptor. So, never mentioning hypnosis, I went to
work with conversational and covert hypnosis, NLP, direct suggestion and methodologies I
learned in the military. I also applied my knowledge of female physiology and her nerve cluster
locations. In about 3 months, I had broken down her barriers to orgasm and installed the ability
to trigger orgasms with any trigger I decided to set and use. These included auditory, visual and
kinesthetic. Basically, I could trigger a small but intense, short lived orgasm, anywhere, any
time. I even made my dick have her favorite flavor. I did nothing with olfactory triggers because
they are hard to control.

I helped her with the same methodologies on many things during this time. Her business started
growing, her kids started responding the way she wanted and so forth. But try as I might, I could
not progress her beyond the short powerful bursts of orgasmic pleasure I had installed originally.

In the process of getting back into doing conventional hypnosis, I took Jay’s seven day quick
start course. I wanted to brush up on my long dormant skill-set. I have long believed that if it is
worth doing, it is worth doing right. Jay was great! He helped me on so many levels. He proved
time and time again that he is very good at this stuff.

When we had been together about a year and a half, after brushing up with Jays course, I
introduced her to conventional hypnotherapy and started directly addressing the issues she dealt
with. By now, her subconscious mind (SCM) and I were well acquainted. Progress was then
quite rapid comparatively.

After about 4 months, I was frustrated because I had already established a base line orgasmic
response, but could not escalate from there. No matter what I tried, I was locked into that
intensity and duration level. So, I started seeking training for the installation of a proper hypnotic
orgasm. A full and complete orgasm, for in private, not the short bursts I already had installed. I
started taking classes, online, to find out where things had gone wrong or what I had failed to
properly do. I wanted full response to my triggering her.

During this period, I also negotiated with her SCM and got agreement to amp the power and
duration of the no touch orgasms I was triggering in her. I got to see the positive results of that
exactly one time. Which was what led me to do what I ultimately did.

When Jay’s “Mindvana” course started coming to be ready, I was a bit skeptical, because I had
taken a handful of courses that did not provide the information I needed in order to progress my
woman beyond where I already had her. Then, Jay put out an advertising E-mail that promised
trouble shooting methods for installing hands free, full on orgasms in a woman. Knowing how
willing Jay is to work with his students, I contacted him. He worked with me to get me into the

Jay has made himself available many times to answer questions and help me along. I tried once
more to have sex with her my way. Sex liberally mixed with deep trance hypnosis. But by this
point I was frustrated. So, when she broke trance again, I did something I use for picking up
women. I froze her out! You can not do it this way with a woman you have no relationship with
for obvious reasons, but the method was sound. No more dozen or more orgasms a day. No more
sex at night. Nothing! I told her I was tired of trying to enhance her sex life when it was obvious
she preferred her own way. I told her from now on, she would get only the plain vanilla sex she
obviously preferred.

At this point, we had been together almost three years. That freeze out went on for about 3
weeks. I was iceberg cold and did nothing beyond the basic needs. During this time, there was
not even sex in the bedroom at night. I was deliberately cold, calculated and quite emotionally
distant from her.

We just had week 31, session 3 with Mya come out. After reading the session notes and
watching the video a couple times, I was contemplating where I was going with this one. She
came down the stairs and saw what I was working on. Then, she asked me if I wanted to do some
hypnosis. My response was “sure, but I need to know what we are working on first.” She told me

I explained that I was willing to give it a go. But it had to be absolutely my way and complete
and total cooperation was expected from her. One show of resistance and it was over! She
agreed, so, we had another session.

When I got her nice and deep, I went through the process again. Bringing up then intensifying
the feelings of happy, beautiful, sexy, aroused and horny. I re-anchored those at the new
intensities and moved on. Then it was the tell me game. I must have run her though 100
iterations of compliance, I can do anything to her, she belongs to me, she will do anything for
me, she wants to make me happy, she makes me happy by having orgasms for me and so forth.

Then I took her on a date in another time and country. When it came time for sex, I slowly,
methodically and sensually worked her up to it. When I finally told her to cum for me, finally,
after all that work, she did! And boy howdy did she ever! The dam broke and it was glorious! 42
minutes of almost non stop orgasm! OH YEAH! And when I told her to stop cumming and let
the feelings fade, she was visibly, deeply saddened. So I told her “your desire to feel this way
grows stronger……”

So, the whole time I worked my ass off to find the offending life issue and all the times I
bothered my friends and fellow hypnotists for advice and ideas, the problem was not in her SCM
an ISE or one of her SSEs, at all! It was based in her conscious mind. It was a fear of what would
happen if she just let go. After all, the biggest taboo for a woman, is letting a man take charge
completely. I had to force the issue. I had to get down in the mud and get mean and dirty. I had
to completely cold shoulder her. Then it happened. Then, she let go.

Lesson learned. We have to watch for this and when things are consistently failing to work, we
need to look at the other part of their mind and ask what part it is playing. Perhaps we as
hypnotists discount that other part of the mind a bit too much. We are so laser focused on the
SCM, we forget the gatekeeper. We adeptly move the conscious mind out of our way without
due consideration to its power, and sometimes, that is a mistake! My wife had told me many
times she was fully into what I was trying to do with her…..

Now I will go to work increasing the power and continuous nature of her orgasms. Wave after
unassisted wave of powerful and intoxicating pleasure! I am seeing no issues beyond here. The
genie is out of the bottle and according to her reactions, the genie likes this and is very hungry!
She reported the other day that she had a dream that night. A dream of her mother who passed
some years back.

Apparently, mom approves……..

Of course I wrote to Jay and shared my news. One of the things he told me was to talk to her and
see if we could identify what had changed to allow the breakthrough. It may seem silly, but her
response was as simple as that given by a 5 year old. She responded, “I just wanted to make you
happy.” Then with more conversation we confirmed she is very glad she did.



Reply December 17, 2019

Beautiful progress report. I hope all the new students will realize that even experienced
hypnotists can get stuck because every subject is completely unique. In this case, his girl was
holding herself back just a tiny bit, but it was enough to interfere with the process. When he
finally got her to surrender, that’s when the REAL magic started to happen. But there’s no one
correct path to achieving this with every girl. You have to get resourceful and, like Marcus
showed, be willing to walk away if you’re not getting the compliance you’re asking for.
Amazing job.


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