Wassce 2023 Biology Practical

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Specimen A: Mature fresh eggs of catfish

Specimen B: Mature egg of domestic fowl (raw)

Specimen C: Picture/Model/Chart of Uterus containing a foetus
Specimen D: Longitudinal Section of Ovary of Pride of Barbados Flower
Specimen E: Leaf of Pride of Barbados
Specimen F: Panicum Plant/Guinea grass (whole plant)
Specimen G: Cocoyam plant/Caladium plant (whole plant)
Specimen H: Corm of Cocoyam
Specimen J: Dry humus in a beaker
Specimen K: Moist humus in a beaker
Specimen L: Ripe orange fruit (whole)
Specimen M: Longitudinal Section of coconut fruit
Specimen N: Longitudinal Section of fresh chilli pepper fruit

Specimen A : Mature fresh eggs of catfish

Description: The eggs are yolk laden and clearly visible to the naked eye. The oocyte (egg cell)
increases to its final size. During this phase, yolk formation in the oocyte increases and the origin
of the proteins needed for this process is outside the oocyte (the liver). A large nucleus is clearly
visible a little outside of the centre of the oocyte. The oocytes at this stage are also called “ripe
eggs”. They remain in this stage until environmental factors (rainfall and water level rise or a
hormonal injection) stimulate their ovulation. Egg is protected externally by a gel-like structure
called egg sack. Fertilization is external
Organism where Specimen A was obtained from: Cat fish (Clarias gariepinus)
Habitat of Organism where A was obtained: Clarias spp. Inhabit calm waters from lakes,
streams, rivers, swamps to floodplains, many of which are subject to seasonal drying. The most
common habitats frequented are floodplain swamps and pools in which the catfish can survive
during the dry seasons due to the presence of their accessory air breathing organs.
Class of Food: Protein, Fats, Oil, Vitamins, Minerals

Specimen B: Mature egg of domestic fowl (raw)

Description: Eggs have a hard shell of calcium carbonate enclosing a liquid white, a single yolk
(or an occasional double yolk)and an air cell. The white or albumen is a clear liquid that turns to
an opaque white when cooked or beaten. The yolk is orange to yellow in colour, and becomes
pale yellow when cooked to a solid form.
Adaptive Features of the egg of a domestic fowl
• Porous shell for gaseous exchange/provides shelter/protects embryo against mechanical
• Shell membrane allows gaseous exchange/protection
• Yolk; contains high level of protein and fats/Provides food for embryonic growth
• Egg white/Albumen consists of water to absorb shock/proteins/food
• Air space; provides surface for gaseous Exchange
• Chalaza; holds the yolk and embryo in position.
Class of Food: Protein, Fat, Oil
Organism where B can be obtained: Domestic fowl

The Process of Egg Formation

Nutrients needed in the formation of B: Calcium, Phosphorus and Salts
Nutrients that can be derived from B: proteins, vitamin A, iron, vitamin B12, riboflavin,
choline, and the second lowest-cost source for zinc and calcium
Specimen C: Picture/Model/Chart of Uterus containing a foetus

Description: A thin-walled sac that surrounds the foetus during pregnancy called the amniotic
sac. The sac is filled with liquid made by the foetus (amniotic fluid) and the membrane that
covers the foetal side of the placenta (amnion). This protects the foetus from injury. It also helps
to regulate the temperature of the foetus. The placenta functions as the embryonic liver, lungs,
gut etc. The umbilical cord helps to hold the foetus in position and also links the mother to the
Comparison between Specimens A, B and C
Specimen A Specimen B Specimen C
Multiple yolks Single yolk No yolk
Shell is absent Shell is present Shell is absent
Fertilization is external Fertilization is internal Fertilization is internal
Hatch to larvae Hatch to fully-formed Hatch to fully-formed
offspring offspring
Amnion is absent Amnion is present Amnion is present
Allantois is absent Allantois is present Allantois is present
Placenta is absent Placenta is absent Placenta is present
Short incubation period Longer incubation period Longest incubation period
No parental care Limited Limited, longer than
Specimen B

Specimen D: Longitudinal Section of Ovary of Pride of Barbados Flower

Type equation here.

Botanical Name : Caesalpinia pulcherrima

Type of Ovary (with reason): Superior Ovary because it is positioned above the attachment point
of the other floral parts, such as the sepals, petals, and stamens.
Type of Placentation: Marginal placentation (the ovules are attached to the placenta along ome
margin of the ovary)
Type of flower: Complete (has all four floral parts), Perfect and Bisexual

Numbers of floral parts for the complete structure

Sepal/Calyx 5/4+1
Petals/Corolla 5/4+1
Stamen/Androecium 10
Pistil/Gynoecium 1

Symmetry: Bilateral symmetry/Zygomorphic; therefore qualifies as an irregular flower.

Pollinating Agent: Insects e.g. bees (Reason: Brightly-coloured petals and nectars to attract
Type of fruit formed by the ovary: Legume/Pod
Other Examples of legumes Beans, Peas, Caesalpinia, Crotolaria Delonix sp. Mucuma.
Mode of dispersal Explosive mechanism (distribute their seeds by violently ejecting them so that
they fall well away from the parent plant)
Biological importance of legumes –
• Source of food/protein;
• Fixes nitrogen .in the root/soil
• Serves as cover crop/prevents erosion
• Source of feed for livestock

Specimen E: Leaf of Pride of Barbados

The leaves of this species are feathery, twice pinnate, and green, but they can be deciduous near
the edges of its range.
The leaves of Pride of Barbados are a distinctive feature of the plant. They are dark green in
colour and can grow up to 12 inches in length. The leaves are pinnately compound, meaning that
they are made up of multiple leaflets that are arranged in pairs along a central stem.
Each leaflet is oblong or ovate in shape, with a pointed tip and a smooth, slightly glossy surface.
The leaflets have a prominent midrib and numerous smaller veins that radiate out from it. The
edges of the leaflets are finely serrated or toothed.
• Leaf structure: The leaves of Pride of Barbados are pinnately compound, meaning that
they are composed of multiple leaflets arranged in pairs along a central axis. The leaflets
are oblong or ovate in shape, with a smooth, glossy surface and finely serrated or toothed
margins. Each leaflet has a midrib and numerous smaller veins that branch out to deliver
water, nutrients, and sugars to and from the rest of the plant.
• Photosynthesis: The primary function of leaves is to carry out photosynthesis, which
takes place in specialized structures called chloroplasts that are found in the cells of the
leaf mesophyll, the tissue between the upper and lower epidermis. Chloroplasts contain
the green pigment chlorophyll, which absorbs light energy and converts it into chemical
energy through a series of biochemical reactions. The energy is used to create sugars
from carbon dioxide and water, which are transported to other parts of the plant for use as
• Gas exchange: Another important function of leaves is to facilitate gas exchange,
allowing the plant to take in carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen and water
vapor. This occurs through tiny pores called stomata, which are found on the underside of
the leaf. Stomata are regulated by specialized cells that open and close them to balance
the plant’s need for carbon dioxide for photosynthesis with its need to conserve water.
• Leaf adaptations: The leaves of Pride of Barbados, like many other plants that grow in
hot, dry environments, have adaptations that help them conserve water. For example, the
leaves are covered in a waxy cuticle that reduces water loss through the epidermis, and
the stomata are typically found on the lower surface of the leaf, where they are more
sheltered from direct sunlight and wind. Additionally, the leaflets of Pride of Barbados
are arranged in a way that allows air to circulate more easily around them, reducing the
risk of overheating.
Specimen F: Panicum Plant/Guinea grass (whole plant)

Botanical Name: Panicum maximum

Kingdom Plantae
Phylum Tracheophyta
Class Angiospermae
Order Monocotyledonae/Poales
Family Poaceae
Differences between plants of Specimens D and F
Specimen D Specimen F
Flowers are conspicuous and large Flowers are inconspicuous and small

Brightly coloured flower Dull coloured flower

Scented flower Flower is not scented
Large and sticky pollen grains Small and light pollen grains

Sticky stigma Non-sticky stigma

Specimen G: Cocoyam plant/Caladium plant (whole plant)

Botanical Name: Colocasia esculenta

Kingdom Plantae
Phylum Tracheophyta
Class Angiospermae
Order Monocotyledonae/Alismatales
Family Araceae
Differences between Specimens F and G
Specimen F Specimen G
Plant is tall Plant is short
Long, slender and pointed leaf Leaf is heart or arrow-shaped and broad

Strong and sturdy stem Fleshy stem

Shallow fibrous root system A corm, which is a bulb-like structure that stores
nutrients and grows underground

Produces small, dry, and inconspicuous fruits that Produces a cluster of small fruits that contain several
contain a single seed seeds.

Can grow in a variety of soil types and Grows on well-drained soil that is rich in organic
environmental conditions matter and a warm, humid climate.

Leaves are rough and hairy Leaves are smooth

Parallel vein pattern on leaves Net-like vein pattern on leaves

Inflorescence is in form of panicle(loose branching Inflorescence is spadix enclosed in a spathe (small

cluster of flowers) flowers borne on a fleshy stem)

Alternate leave arrangement Spiral leaf arrangement

Perennial Annual
Propagation by seed Vegetative propagation

Differences between The Leaves of Specimens E, F and G

Basis Specimen E Specimen F Specimen G
Leaf shape Pinnate Long and narrow Heart or arrow-shaped
Leaf size Small and short Longer Broad and long
Leaf margin Smooth Serrated Wavy
Leaf veins Parallel Parallel Net-like
Leaf arrangement Alternate Alternate Spiral
Leaf attachment Directly to the stem Sheath surrounds the Attached to the petiole
Leaf texture Smooth and thin Rough and thick Smooth and slightly

Specimen H: Corm of Cocoyam

Description: The corm of cocoyam is an underground storage organ that is typically globular or
oval-shaped and ranges in size from small to very large, depending on the variety. It is covered
with a rough, papery skin that can be brown, tan, or purple in colour, and may have small, root-
like protrusions on its surface.
The interior of the cocoyam corm is white, starchy, and dense, with a texture that is similar to a
potato. It may have small fibres or “eyes” throughout the flesh, which can be removed by peeling
or cooking. The corm contains a high amount of carbohydrates, dietary fiber, and essential
minerals such as potassium, iron, and calcium.
Cocoyam corms are a popular staple food in many countries and are often used in soups, stews,
and other dishes. They can be boiled, roasted, fried, or mashed, and have a slightly nutty flavor
with a hint of sweetness. In addition to their culinary uses, cocoyam corms have also been used
in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments, due to their high nutrient content.
How the corm is formed: Corm In plants is an underground storage organ formed from a swollen
stem base, bearing adventitious roots and scale leaves. Often it is renewed annually, each new
corm forming on top of the preceding one. It may function as an organ of vegetative reproduction
or in perennation.
Differences between Rhizome(Part of Specimen F) and Corm (Specimen H)
Basis Specimen F Specimen H
Structure Rhizome of guinea grass is a Corm of cocoyam is a
horizontal stem that grows globular or oval-shaped,
underground and produces underground storage organ
roots and shoots along its that grows vertically in the
length soil.
Appearance Rhizome of guinea grass is Corm of cocoyam is short and
long and thin, with nodes that thick, with a papery outer
produce roots and shoots. layer that covers a dense,
starchy core.
Function Rhizome of guinea grass Corm of cocoyam serves as a
serves as a means of storage organ for nutrients
vegetative reproduction and and energy to support the
spreading of the plant growth and development of
the plant.
Nutrient Storage Rhizome of guinea grass Corm of cocoyam stores
stores carbohydrates, nutrients primarily in its
proteins, and other nutrients dense, starchy core.
in its roots and stems,
Reproduction Guinea grass can reproduce Cocoyam corms, on the other
asexually through its hand, produce new plants by
rhizomes, which can give rise growing shoots from the
to new plants when they apical bud located on the top
produce shoots and roots at of the corm.
their nodes
Growth Rhizome of guinea grass Corm of cocoyam grows
grows horizontally along the vertically in the soil.
soil surface

Food Test for Specimen H

Test Observation Inference
A cut sample of Specimen H Food sample changes colour Starch is present in specimen
+ few drops of Iodine to blue-black. H

Specimen J: Dry humus in a beaker

Description: Dry humus is a type of organic matter that has undergone significant
decomposition, resulting in a dark, crumbly, soil-like substance. Here are some of the
characteristics of dry humus:
1. Colour: Dry humus is usually dark brown or black in color, due to the accumulation of
decomposed organic matter.

2. Texture: Dry humus has a crumbly, soil-like texture that is often loose and friable,
making it easy to handle and mix with other soil components.

3. Water-holding capacity: Dry humus has a high water-holding capacity, due to its ability to
retain moisture within its porous structure. This can be beneficial for plants, as it helps to
prevent soil from drying out too quickly.

4. Nutrient content: Dry humus is rich in nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and
potassium, which are essential for plant growth and development.

5. Organic carbon content: Dry humus contains high levels of organic carbon, which is a
key indicator of soil fertility and health.

6. Decomposition level: Dry humus is a highly decomposed organic material, indicating that
it has undergone significant breakdown of its original organic components.

7. Microbial activity: Dry humus is rich in microbial life, including bacteria and fungi,
which play important roles in nutrient cycling and soil health.

Specimen K: Moist humus in a beaker

Description: Wet humus is a type of organic matter that is saturated with water, and has not
undergone complete decomposition. Here are some of the characteristics of wet humus:
1. Colour: Wet humus is usually dark brown or black in color, due to the accumulation of
decomposed organic matter.

2. Texture: Wet humus has a soft and spongy texture, and is often slimy or muddy when
saturated with water.

3. Water-holding capacity: Wet humus has a very high water-holding capacity, due to its
ability to absorb and retain large amounts of water within its porous structure.

4. Nutrient content: Wet humus is rich in nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and
potassium, which are essential for plant growth and development.

5. Organic carbon content: Wet humus contains high levels of organic carbon, which is a
key indicator of soil fertility and health.

6. Decomposition level: Wet humus is a partially decomposed organic material, indicating

that it has undergone some breakdown of its original organic components, but not yet

7. Microbial activity: Wet humus is rich in microbial life, including bacteria and fungi,
which play important roles in nutrient cycling and soil health.

Differences between Specimens J and K

Basis Specimen J Specimen K
Moisture content Relatively dry Saturated with water
Texture Typically crumbly and soil- Spongy texture and can be
like slimy or muddy when
saturated with water.
Water-holding capacity Lower water-holding capacity Higher water-holding
Nutrient content High nutrient concentration May have a higher
concentration of these
nutrients due to its ability to
retain them in solution
Decomposition level More decomposed indicating Less decomposed due to high
that it has undergone more moisture content
complete breakdown of its
original organic components.

Microbial activity Both dry and wet humus are rich in microbial life, but the
types of microorganisms that thrive in each may differ
depending on their moisture content and other environmental

Specimen L: Ripe orange fruit (whole)

Botanical name: Citrus sinensis

Type of Fruit with reason: Hesperidium (Berry formed from a single ovary) – tough, leathery
rind(epicarp) that encloses juicy segments filled with pulp and seeds;
Classification: Agricultural – Fruit crop / Lifecycle – Perennial
Type of Placentation: Axile (ovules are attached to the central placenta)
Other examples with the same Placentation: Garden egg/Pepper/Tomato


Food Test For Specimen L

Test Observation Inference
Juice extracted from L + Red precipitate is observed Juice contains reducing sugar
Fehling A and B solution +

Agent of Dispersal: Animals

Specimen M: Longitudinal Section of coconut fruit

Botanical name: Cocos nucifera

Classification: Agricultural – Fruit / Lifecycle – Perennial
Placentation Parietal
Type of fruit (with reason) – Drupe – Possession of thin epicarp (protection/waterproof); fibrous
mesocarp(buoyancy/dispersal/protection/float); stony/hard endocarp; one-seeded fruit. Epicarp
and mesocarp are separate
Other examples – mango, oil palm etc
Agents of dispersal – River/Water; Man
Importance to Man – Source of income/employment; mesocarp is used for making fire/fuel;
mesocarp is used for scrubbing; produces oil for cooking/lubrication/cosmetics; endocarp is used
as a container; mesocarp is used for making doormat/foot mat; coconut milk is medicinal; used
as food/drinks/confectioneries.
Specimen N: Longitudinal Section of fresh chilli pepper fruit

Botanical name: Capsicum annuum

Classification – Agricultural – Fruit / Lifecycle – Perennial
Placentation – Axile (ovules of the flower are arranged along the central axis of the ovary, with
the placenta)
Agent of Dispersal – animals, particularly birds.
Type of Fruit with Reason – The pepo fruit develops from a single ovary with multiple carpels,
which are the structures that contain the ovules that are fertilized to form seeds. When the ovules
are fertilized and the fruit develops, the wall of the ovary thickens and becomes fleshy, while the
outer layer forms a tough rind that encloses the seeds.
Other examples of pepo fruits include watermelon, pumpkin, and cucumber.

Comparison Between Specimens L, M and N

Specimen L Specimen M Specimen N
Hesperidium Drupe Pepo
Round in shape Oval/oblong Small and elongated
Thick leathery epicarp Thick fibrous husk Thin, smooth skin
Juicy mesocarp Fibrous mesocarp Fleshy mesocarp
Few large seeds Single large seed Numerous small seeds

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