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Environmental Management (Global Envir. Concerns..Page no.

Global Increase In Sea Level

Module Il Increase in Sea Level increase in temperature
of earth
Environmental atmosphere results into glacier melting
and thermal
expansion of ocean which increases the sea level
CHAPTER 2 Concerns Effect on Water Resources
rainfall patterns are
Due to global warming
UniversityPrescribedS v l l a b u s
In some places excess rain fall occurs while in some
places no rain fall occurs with this the period of rain
Ozone Depletion,
Acid Rain, fall occurrence is changing.
Global waming,
Hazardons waste Forest
Effect on Agriculture and
Endangered life-species
Due to global warming rainfall and temperature of
Loss of Biodiversity
region gets changed resulting in reduction in crop yield
Industrial/ man-made disasters
and forest growth.
Atomic/Biomedical hazards
Effect on Ecosystems
Due to global warming many animals and species are
Syllabus Topic: Global Warming
having adopting problem which results into their
M 2.1Global Warming Effect on Human Health
Due to global warming drought and floods are
GO. 211 Wrte ashort note on Global warming
becoming more common.
GO 2.12 What are the effects of Global Warming
This increases the water borne diseases, infectionss
It is the slow ofthe
gradual rise in the temperature due to mosquitos etc.
earth due to emission of
excess quantities of number
radiation-tripping gases like carbon dioxide,
chlorofluorocarbon, ozone, nitrogen oxides
together called as green house gases.
(MU-Sem 8Comm
(GIoDal E
Environmental Management (GlobalEnvir. Concerns)...Page no.(24)
ozone Depi
Raln, Ozone Depletion As the percentage of CO, increases,
more and more
solar radiations get entrapped after they get
reflected back from earth's surface.
gases. What This results in increase of temperature of the
Green House surface.
State Green house g8ses
GQ. 21.3 effects
This process is called green house effect because the
environment ?
glass cover of green houses used for agriculture
State various greenhouse What are the sun rays to
purpose allows the short
GQ. 2.14 gaseson infrared
effectsofthese penetrate in but traps the outgoing
on whie radiations in the form of long wavelengths.
is the
kind of pollution, ch, ma
. Air
once the
the pollutants are
p o l l u t a n t s are triggered o
Due to this, temperature inside the green
house can
have the plant
be maintained at such a level to suit
are confined to
not confined
The effects
of air
pollution loc growth.
there could
be global effects.
boundaries but
pollution are discusao I l effects of green house gases
effects of air
These global of
GQ. 2.15 What is Green House Effect ? State any four ill effect
Green house effect rates of
is used to indicate he It has been estimated that, at the present
House Effect
The term Green emission of green house gases such as methane,
trapping phenomenon
caused due to CO2 and wat of
CFCs and CO2, there will be rise in temperature
vapour. earth's surface atrate of 0.2 to 0.5 °C per decade.
to incoming solar radiatia rise
These are transparent This will result in melting of ice and a general
radiations can
but the re-emitted infrared in level is estimated to be 5 cm to 20 cm per
penetrate through them. decade.
due to this effect that the temperature rise could be as
I t is By the year 2050, the temperature
level rise could be
maintained upto a healthy value 15°C. high as 1.5 °C to 4.5 °C. and sea
The main cause of concern is the enormous rä 20 cm to 140 cm.
bur will not be
increase in the concentration of CO, due to T h e consequences of green house effect
of fossil fuels, methane and
uniform but may differ with latitudes,
altitudes and climatic conditions.
Tech-Neo Publications
E n v i r o n m e r n t a i M a n a g e m e n t

ge no. 2
c o n s p i c u o u s

effect of
reen house gase Environmental Management
(Global Envir.Concerns) ...Page no.(2-6)
The most
most climatic conditions
includ In case of Bulphur, following reactions take place:
a d v e r s e l y .
the ecosystems 2S0+O2 = 2S0a
This will
e f f e c t is sch
eeffect schematically tically shown In case of nitrogen, following reactions are involved :
Fig. 2.1.1. Green houSe gases NO +Og = NO2 + O2
co2 +
Water vapo NO2 +Og NOg +O
NOg+NO2 N, Os
N,O+H, 0 2HNO
Pure rain water has a pH of 5.5 to 7. Due to
Outgoing emissions of SO2 and NOx, the pH may drop to as
Long wave radiations
Incorming low as 2.0.
short waves
Earth's surface
(Cant pieroe through Due to this, the acidity of water bodies and lakes
(Can penetrate
ozone laye
o2onelayer) also increases. As mentioned earlier, the effects of
Fig 2.1.1:Greenhouse effect air pollution are not confined to a particular area of
Acid rain To sight an example, many Scandinavian lakes
short note on : Acid Rain receive acid rain wherein H,SO aerosols are
GQ. 216 Write
GO 2.1.7 Explain with appropriate chemical equations originated in Europe and UK.
Acid rain ? -- Adverse effects of acid rain
The term acid rain was first used by Robert Ang 1. Significant reduction in fish population and
way back in 1872. decrease in variety of species.
It literally means presence of excessive acids in 2. Increased toxicity levels in lakes resulting in death
precipitation. of fish species.
Acidification of environment is a
3. Many bacteria and blue green algae get adversely
fuels affected due to acid rain resulting in imbalance of
phenomenon. Industrialization, use offossil
the main causes of acid rain. The ma ecological cycles.
responsible for acid rain are SO, and NOx
(MU-Sem 8-Common to All (22-23) (M8-55 Tech-Neo Publications
Environmental Management
(Global Envir. Cu Envlronmental Management (Global Envir. Concerns)...Page no. (2-5
in plants, reduca
ced Since ozone filters out harmful UV radiation, less
Reduced rate of of plans
agricultural yield.
The retarded nta ozone means higher UV levels at the surface. The
spinach more the depletion, the larger the incoming UVV
such raddish, potato,
monuments, statues, metalo rays.
Corrosion of houses,
5. UV rays has been linked to skin cancer, damage to
etc materials like plastic and harm to certain crops and
6. Adverse effects on
human nervous
system marine organisms.
respiratory and digestive
to landing and tak Syllabus Topic : Hazardous Waste
7. Reduction in visibility leading
off difficulties in aviation industry.
Ozone depletion 2.2 Hazardous Waste
GQ. 2.1.8 Write a short note on:Ozone 2.2.1 Hazardous Wastes
Ozone is constantly produced and destroyed in a
nature cycle, the overall amount of ozone is GQ 2.2.1 Define hazardouswaste.State itscharacteristics.
essentially stable. This balance can be thought of a
stream depth at a particular location. 2.2.2 What is a Hazardous Waste ?
Although individual water molecules are moving
Hazardous waste is a waste with properties that make it
past the observer, the total depth remains constant
dangerous or potentially harmful to human health or the
similarly while ozone production and destruction are
balanced, ozone level remain stable.
The universe of hazardous waste is large and diverse.
This was the situation until the past several
decades. Waste
2.2.3 Types of Hazardous
Large increase in stratospheric chlorine and
GQ. 2.2.2 What are the types of hazardous waste treatment?
bromine, however, have upset that balance.
Give their
In effect, they have added a GQ. 2.2.3 List various types of hazardous wastes?
siphon downstream characteristics?
removing ozone faster than natural ozone creations
reactions can keep up. Therefore Hazardous waste can be liquids, solids, contained gages
ozone levels fall.
or sledges.
Environmental Manageme
(2-9) (Global Envir. Concerns).Page no. (2-10)
Environmental Management (GlobalEnvir. Concerms).Page no.
processes 2.2.4 Characteristics of Hazardous Wastes
They can be
the by products of manufacturing 2.2.4
discarded commercial products like cleaning
or simply 02.24 What are the characteristics of hazardous wastes ?
fuids or pesticides.
waste are Following are the characteristics of hazardous waste:
Examples of hazarders
(1) Reactive wastes (1) Ignitability (2) Corrosivity
unstable and tend to
react vigorously (3) Reactivity (4) Toxicity
This wastes are
with air, water or other substances.
(2) Ignitable wastes (1) Ignitability
This waste burns at relatively low temperatures
and are
This characteristic of hazardous waste create fires
capable of spontaneous combustion during storage, under certain condition are spontaneously
transport or disposall
(3) Medical waste
e.g. waste oils and wed solvents.
This waste includes human tissue from surgery,
bandages, microbiological material and other substances ( ) Corroysivity
generated by hospitals and biological research centres. This characteristic of hazardous waste is due to
(4) Radioactive waste high alkaline or acidic property of waste, which
destroy the material and living tissue by chemical
Particularly high-level radioactive waste from nuclear reaction.
power plants.
e.g. Battery acid.
Excessive exposure to lionizing radiation from this waste
canharm living organisms badly. (3) Reactivity
(5) Corrosive waste This characteristic gives unstable property to
This waste includes strong alkaline or waste. These waste can cause explosions, tonic
acidic substance,
which destroys the material and fumes, gases on vapors when
heated. Example
chemical reaction.
living tissue by lithium-sulfur batteries and explosives.
(MU-Sem 8-Common to All) (22-23) (M8-55) Tech-Neo Publications
Tech-Neo Publications (MU-Sem 8-Common to AlI) (22-23) (M8-55)
(Global Envir. Concems)...Page no.
(2-11) EnvironmentalManagemen
(Global Envir. Concerns).P
Environmental Management no. (2-12)
he waste like biohaze includes infectious waste, blood
Classification of Blomedical oroducts, contaminated personal protective equipment
(BMW) (PPE), I.V tubing, cultures, stocks medical waste like
chemo includes empty vials, ampules,
trace chem
trace empty
GQ 22.5 Givethe lassification ofBMW Syringes needles, empty I.V tubes, gowns, gloves, tubing,
classified into two major
types: aprons, ipes etc.
Biomedical waste is
1. Hazardous waste Medical waste like plastic waste consists of IV-sets,
2. Non-bazardous waste tubings blood and urine bags, syringes.
further sub-classified into two
Hazardous waste are Tnfectious waste includes soiled bandages, dressings,
types pathological tissues, placenta.
) Infectious (15- 18 %) Medical waste like general waste paper and plastic
(i) Other hazardous waste (5-7 %) packing's, unsoiled plaster casters, kitchen waste.
Infectious waste consist of: Pathological waste consist of human tissues, blood
(a) Non-sharps bandages, soiled cotton, soiled dressings etc.
(b) Sharps Microbiological waste consists of viral and bacterial
(c) Plastic disposables infected waste.
(d) Liquid wastes
Syllabus Topic: Endangered Life Species
Other hazardous waste consist of :
(a) Radioactive waste
(b) Discarded glass M2.3 Endangered Life Species
(c) Pressurized containers
GQ 2.3.1 Write a brief note on "Endangered life species
(d) Chemical waste
(e) Incinerator ash An endangered life species is an animal or plant which is
considered to be risk of extinction.
( Cytotoxic waste
The Endangered Species Act (ESA) was enacted by
Medical waste like sharps includes the
needles ampules, broken
waste such as
glass, blades, razors, staples,
Congress in 1973. Under the ESA, the federal
trocars, guide wires and other responsibility to protect endangered
gOvernment has the
sharps. species.
(Global Envir. Concerns)...Page no. (2-13) Environmental Management
Environmental Management (Global Envir.
Concerns)..Pag no.
The Endangered Species Act has lists
of protected plant SyllabusTopic: Loss of
and animal species both nationally and worldwide.
When a species is given ESA protection, it is said to be a
2.4 Biodiversity
"isted species.
Many additional species are evaluated for possible 2.4.1 Definition
protection under the ESA, and they are called
candidate" species. Go. 2.4.1Define Biodiversity
The Endangered Species Act is very important because it Biodiversity is defined as the
existence of different kinds
saves our native fish plants and other wildlife from
going of animals and plants which together make
good, stable
extinct. and healthy environment.
From providing cures to deadly diseases to maintaining
2.4.2 Biodiversity Levels
natural ecosystems and improving overall quality of life,
the benefits of preserving threatened and endangered GO, 24.2 State and explain various biodiversity levels
species are invaluable.
There are 3 levels of biodiversity which
The term "take" is used in the
Endangered Species Act
are explained
briefly as follows
to include "harass, harm,
pursue, hunt, shoot, wound,
kill trap, capture, or collect, or to (1) Genetic diversity
attempt to engage in
any such conduct". Every species on the earth is related to every other
The law also protects against species through genetic connections, due to which
interfering in vital
breeding and behavioural activities or degrading critical they will share more information, genes and matings
habitat. bebaviour. Also they look similar.
The primary goal the Endangered
of Examples of genetic diversity are eastern gray
make species' Species Act is to squirrels.
populations healthy and vital so they can
be delisted from the One Easter gray squirrel shares the vast majority of
Endangered Species Act. its genes with other eastern grey squirrels whether
Endangered Species Day, which falls on the third
in May each Friday they live in the same area or are separated by
year, is a day to celebrate
species success stories and learn about endangered thousands of kilometres.
danger. species still in
(MU-Sem 8-Common ta All
Concems)..Page no.(2-15)
Envronimental Management
(Globel Envir. Concems) ...Page no.
Environmerntal Management
(Globel Envir. (2-16)
2.4.4 Loss of Biodiversity
(2) Specles dlversity
in an environment
exist GQ AWrite a short note on: "Loss of bio diversity
A wide variety of species
which is known species diversity.
given ecosystemn
species in a () Meaning
The number of various
is called Species Biodiversity loss means:
or environment
in the world are about
The total number of species The extinction or ending of species
million species have
1. (plants and
10 million, however only 1.75 animals) in the world or in some local area.
been named scientifically. Reduction in ecosystem services like energy flow
nature of environment decides greatly the and food systems.
number of species. e.g. Danger to both human and animal life, due to
have the highest
Tropical North and South America scarcity of food, water and medicines.
number (about 85000) of flowering plants due to
Causes of Loss of Diversity
huge store of water. (ii)
about 11300 These are explained briefly as follows:
Conversely all of Europe has only
vascular plant. Destruction of habitat
(3) Ecological diversity o The natural habitat of animals is destroyed by man
It involves
I t is the variety of ecosystems in an area.
for the purpose of settlement, agriculture, mining,
complex network
the of various species present in
industries, construction of highways and dams
the ecosystems and the dynamic interactions to the
Due to this, the species must either adjust
between them.
These 3 levels of diversity work together to create changes in the environment or migrate.
the complexity of life on earth. O If not they become target to predation (means they
are killed by other stronger species),
2.4.3 Value of Biodiversity
disease and finally die.
GQ 24.3 What is value of biodiversity
(2) Hunting
It is very important to human beings because we depend commercial use of their
Wild animals are hunted for the
it for tusk,
on ourcultural, economic, health and environmenta products which include horn teeth,
skin, fur, meat,
safety. pharmaceuticals and
oSmetics, perfumes,
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Concerns)Page no.(2.1 (Global Envir.
Environmental Management
(Globel Envir. Conceme).. Page no. (2-18)
Toxic wastes enterng the
(3) Exploitation
of selected specles water disturbs the food
important plants
in chain Insecticides, pesticides,
of medicinally sulphur and nitrogen
from natural
habitat. oxides and acid rain
adversely affect the plant and
their disappearance
animal species.
(4) Habitat fragmentation
of pests and
into cities
and colonies due t
Control predators
The landmass is broken
takes its th,
place. It limits the t o this other non-target
which habitat fragmentation species which are the
of the
population of the species. component
ecosystems also get killed
(6) Collection for zoo and research
collected for zoos
and Natural calamities
Animals and plants
laboratories for the research in scien These include floods, draught, forest fires, earth-
biological O
and medicine. quakes, tsunami, cyclones etc. displace and kill a
and chimpanzees an large number of animals and birds.
o Primates like monkeys
because of their anatomical o They also affect soil nutrients.
sacrificed for research
similarities to huma
genetic and physiological (10) Other factors
beings. They include
(6) Introduction of exotic species
Distribution range of land
o A species which is not a natural inhabitant of the As the range decreases, the threat of extinetion (i.e.
locality but is deliberately or accidently introduced death or reduction) increases.
i.e. called as an exotic species. i) Degree of specialization of organisms
o Due to this, the native species have to compete for As it increases the extinction also increases.
food and space. ii) Position of the organism in the food chain
(7) Pollution in the
The organisms having the higher positions
Water pollution is injurious to biodic components « food chain subjected to higher chances
coastal ecosystems. dangers.
Environmental Management
Environmental Management (Globel Envir. Concerms)..Page no. (2-19) (Global Envir.
phase is the
Response phas
Concerns).. Page no. (2-20)
Syllabus Topic: Industrlal / Man-made
occurrence of the
period that
comes after
disaster. the
Recovery phase is where
ictims tryto overcome the impact of disaster.
2.5 Industrial/Man-made Disasters Tn
preparedness pnase, develop the
awareness about
disasters among he people try to access the
GQ 2.5. Describe the Man-made disasters. ioms of disasters and try to take
first aid measures.
Disaster is defined as severe damage and disruption o f . Preparedness measure includes.
functioning and operation of society affecting wide G) Communication plans
spread human, material or environmental losses which
than the ability of affected society to cope on its
more i) Development of multiagency coordination
own resources. (i) Proper training of emergency services
Disasters are divided into types Giv) Emergency population warning methods
i) Natural disasters e.g. rain storm, wind storms,
floods, earthquakes, volcano eruption, forest fire.
(v)Maintaining stock of supplies and equipment
Mitigation phase involves knowing and
i) Man-made disasters e.g. power failure, nuclear avoiding
unnecessary risks. Purchase of insurance cover for risk
explosions, chemical attacks or leaks.
elements. Structural and non-structural measures can
Disaster management is the action taken by concern
limit impact of disasters.
organization in response to the disaster events. Disaster
management involves administrative decisions and (i) Structural Mitigation : Here building can be
operational activities that involves built with proper layout to have disaster resistant.
o Prevention ii) Non-structural Mitigation: Here all measures
Mitigation are considers other than building structure.
o Preparedness Man-made disasters are difficult to predict, however
Response they are preventable. With a little vigilance, they
o Recovery and shouldn't occur in the first place.
Rehabilitation vents such as gas leaks, oil spills, nuclear meltdowns,
and industrial fires transpire through human error and
carry grave consequences.
(MU-Sem 8-Common to Al (On
Environmental Management (Global Envir. Concems).Page no.(2-2 21 Environmental Management (Global Envir.
has seen many natural disast
stern Concerns) ...Page no. (2-22)
Although the world to In 1991, a food
Carolina saw 25 deaths due processing
over time, man-made
plant in North
to a fire
equally tragic results. hydraulic piece. caused by a faulty
Gas leaks tend to be some
of the most dangerou Safety and prevention measures
innocuous until it's too are no excuse
disasters, because they seem late lossof line in man-made for the
to people an disasters.
Gas directly and indirectly poisonous
can and
spreading rapidly, being unobserved
Safety is maintained through
the environment -
ed, equipment management,
potentially igniting, causing death.
operational planning, diligent preparation and detailed
The most serious gas leak occurred in Bhopal, India in
1984, Known as the Bhopal Gas Tragedy, it began with Unfortunately, man-made disasters have
many more
causes now than ever before,
the leakage of methyl isocyanides (MIC).
I t killed roughly 5,000 people, affected 50,000 more Syllabus Topic: Atomic/ Biomedical Hazards
people, and left at least 1,000 blind.
Another gas leak occurred recently in 2015, at the Aliso
Canyon Facility near Los Angeles.
2.6 Atomic Hazards
Oil spills are some of the most familiar man-made
GQ 26.1 Write a short note onAtomic
disasters, devastating to people, the environment,
animals and global socioeconomics. General radiations are due to sunlight, radio
microwaves, infrared cheat etc. these radiations are
a2.5.1 Industrial Disasters harmless as photon energy is too less.
Nuclear radiations are of different in nature as compare
GQ. 2.5.2 Explain about Industrial disasters. to general radiations. They consist of particles (alpha,
Leaked gas or faulty beta and neutrons) and short wavelengths waves
mechanical equipment is
considered a man-made cause. gamma).
For example, in 1944 leaked Their energy level is
gas from a Cleveland gas high causing biological damages
company found its way into a sewer, where it Alpha particles (a).
The ignited.
explosion blew manholes into the air and They consist of two neutrons and two protons. Alpha
funnels of fire, which set homes on ignited
fire. particles are hazardous only when in haled, ingested or
The disaster ended with njected. They can cause large and severe damage to the
130 dead and
homeless. many more
lungs and respiratory tracts.
(MU-Sem 8-Common to All) (22-23) (M8-55)
Environmental Management
(2-23 Environmental Management
(Global Envir. Concerns) ...Page no. (2-24)
Development of cataract in eyes or
Beta Particles (B) nega blindness permanent
having Single
positrons zative
These are
electrons or
is V1837"
of amount. Change in genetic
Their weight structures i.e. genetic
or positive change. the skin.
damage to
proton. They c a n Appearance of hematologic syndrome
Neutrons (1) fission with hic
Appearance of gastrointestinal syndrome
Neutrons are ejected during
nigh Damage to the central nervous system
kinetic energy. Reproductive cells get damaged
and X rays It leads to hair loss, nausea, weakness
Gamma Rays (v) etc.
radiations. y rays are emitta It causes mental retardation in new born
electromagnetic children
an atom while X ra
These are
from energy change
in nucleus of rays Children born to irradiated parents are too small in
from orbital
electrons. They can travel a weight and size
are originated
radiation shielding.
2.6.1 shows the Functions of the Self-Renewal Tissues are given in Table
speed of light. Fig.
Self Renewa Functions
Gonads Procreation, Recreation
Lead or Water or
Glass or
Thin metal Thick concrete Polyethylene Skin Contains Body Fluids, Protects
Fig. 2.6.1
Underlying Tissues and Prevents
Bacterial Invasion
2.6.1 Radiation Effects GI Tract Lining Secretes Digestive Enzymes, Absorbs
Nourishment From Food and
Prevents Bacterial Invasion
GO. 2.6.2Stateand explainvarious radiation effects in atomi
hazards. Blood Components
1. Radiation Effect on Humans Red Blood Cells Transport of Oxygen
Following are the radiation effects on humans
White Blood Cells Gobble Up Bacteria and Germs
Antibodies Destroy or Immobilise Foreign|
Development of cancer in skin, bones, bloods
Molecules and Bacteria
Platelets Assist in Blood-Clotting Mechanism
Mouth ulcer
ment (Global Envir. Concerns)... Page (2-26)
Environmental Manageme
Environmental Management
affects the fun
the functio
Sources and Generation of
and long
2.6.2.l Biomedical Waste
of the
Enlist sources of Biomedical waste.
E n v i r o n m e n t
Effecton environment.
0. 2.64
effects on
radiation Following are the various sources and generation of
Following are
to air
pollution biomedicalwaste
Leads to water pollution Waste generated by hospitals
SoilSoil pollution Waste generated by nursing homes
It reduces farm generated by funeral homes
ii) Waste
on Plants
3. Radiation Effects Waste generated by clinics
on plants (iv)
Following are
the radiation Waste generated by dentist clinic
cell structure
I t change plant Waste generated by pharmacies
kills plant
High level exposure Waste generated by pathological laboratory
It hampers the
fruit quality and quantity producs (vii)
blood banks
by plants (viii) Waste generated by
assisted living
(xi) Waste generated by
Biomedical Hazards
2.6.2 from biological and medical sources
(x)Waste generated or
and activities such as the diagnosis, prevention
GQ. 2.6.3 Define biomedicalwaste
treatment of diseases
ODefinition : The waste generated by hospitals,
by medical research
or matemity homes, clinics, dispensary, veterinary()
Waste generated
pathological laboratory
institution; animal house, (xii) Waste generated by veterinary hospitals
institutions, blood banks which is either putrescribe Waste generated by offices of physicians
health and th
potentially infectious to the human quite different from other types
Biomedical waste is
environment is called as biomedical waste. universal
hazardous waste such as chemical, radioactive,
or industrial waste.
a l Tech-Neo Publications
MU-Sem 8-Common to All) (22-23) (M8-55)
ns)..Page no. (2-2 Management (Global Envir. Concerns)..Page no.
liquid. Intectious wa
Components of Biomedical Wast
E r v i r o n n e r n t a l M a n a g a m e n
be sharps,
blood, " GQ, 2.6.5 State components of Biomedical Waste (BMW
w a s t e
i d e n t i f o l
s t o c k s ,
boty .
o n s i s t s

c u l t u r e s


Needles, broken glass, blades.
dressings, discardedgloves. (2)
2) Plastic waste, lutsen tubing, blood and urine bags.
and (c)
from 8) 3) Infections
waste soiled -
bandages, dressing pathological
(b) dispensary
homes, tissue.
hospitals, (4) Cytotoxic waste.
(6) Chemical waste
Discarded injections
and syringes waste etc.
(6) Radioactive Biomedical Hazards
76.6 State the various hazards caused by biomedical
Following are the various biomedical hazards
Discarded injections
and salines or
1. Blood, body fluids and body secretions which are
Intra venous tube constituents of bio-medical waste harbour most of the
viruses, bacteria and parasites that cause infection.
2. It passes via a number of human contacts, all of whom
are potential
(b) 'receipts' of the infection.
3. Human
immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and hepatitis
viruses spearhead an extensive list of infections and
diseases documented to have spread through bio-medical
Empty syringes
Tuberculosis, pneumonia, diarrhoea, tetanus, whooping
cough etc. are other common diseases spread due to
improper waste-management.
Fig. 2.6.2:Medical wastes
(MU-Sem 8-Common to Al) (22-23) (M8-55) Tech-Neo Publica (MU-Sem 8-Common to All)
(22-23) (M8-55) Tech-Neo Publications
Ervironmntn Management Global Envir. Concems)Page
wtonmnental Me
e n l aM
l anagement

Global Envit.
no. (2-
Following points shows the occupational health haza
iv) Exposure to
oactive wasteConcerin nthes).Page no. (2-30)
of biomedical wasteard
can als30
CRUSes by improper management
shows the
health hazards.waste stream
wing points
()People happened
to be in contact with
with 4Followi

nimaland birds biomedical hazards to

like laundry workers, nurs the
emergency medical personnel and refuse workers
nurseg Harmful chemicals such as
(i) The
occupants in institutions and spread in
cause serious health
hazards to and furans can
Tniuries from sharps are animals
vicinity of the institutions. ()
common featureand birds.
(ii) Risks associated
with hazardous chemicals, drug affecting
being handled by persons handling wastes at a lastic waste can choke
levels. animals, which
on open dumps. scavenge
(1v) Injuries from sharps and exposure to
chemical waste and radioactive waste also
harm iv) Heavy
metals can even
affect the
health hazards to employees.
caus health of the animals. reproductive
(v) Risks of infection outside hospital for waste Chapter Ends.
handlers, scavengers and (eventually) the
6. Following points shows the biomedical hazard to the
general public.
) Emissions from incinerators and open burning also
lead to exposure to harmful gases which can cause
cancer and respiratory diseases.
(i) Improper practice such as dumping of bio-medical|
waste in municipal dustbins, open spaces, water
bodies etc. leads to the spread of diseases.
(iii) An often-ignored area is the increase of in-home
healthcare activities. An increase in the number of
diabetics who inject themselves with insulin, home
nurses taking care of terminally ill patients etc. al
generate bio-medical waste, which can cause
health hazards,
(MU-Sem 8-Common to All) (22-23) (M8-55) Tech-Neo Publications

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