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Background of the Study

The Department of Education has four exits in mind for senior high school

graduates, with employment being one of them. Then, graduates must be prepared for the

workforce. This study will look into how SHS students thought of themselves in terms of

being prepared for the workforce. For the purpose of presenting a microcosm of the

overall situation of the first SHS graduates of the K12 Program, this research is required.

The Work Immersion Program is one the course requirements for graduation. A

SHS student has to undergo work immersion in a business organization or establishment

with work requirements related to the specialization. Through work immersion, the

students are exposed to and are familiarized with the work-related environment related to

their field of specialization. Specifically, the students are able to use facility, services,

and professional expertise in providing this work experience, Lee (2016).

The work immersion program, one of its components, gives students "actual

workplace" experience and a set of technical-vocational and livelihood skills that can

assist them in making better career decisions and enhancing their employment prospects.

In order to solve policy gaps in the SHS Work Immersion program, the Coalitions for

Change (CFC) program worked cooperatively with local, state, and federal governments,

as well as businesses.

According to Fitchburg State University (2019), as cited by Catelo (2020) that

the Internship Program is structured to give you an opportunity to apply knowledge and

skills acquired in the classroom to the activities of the corporation. Considerable care is

taken to ensure that your work experience is clearly related to your coursework and major

field of study.

The Philippine Educational System was created to give students the finest

possible education. When they switched from the basic version of the curriculum to the

K–12 curriculum, it happened. The Department of Education (DepEd) published the

instructions for carrying out Work Immersion Activities for the Senior High School

curriculum on July 5, 2017. It consists of 80 hours of practical training or work

simulation that students in Grades 11 and 12 will complete under the supervision of the

school's principal and the designated staff members of the partner institutions.

The Department of Education (DepEd), in support of its K-12 program, mandated

academic institutions that offer Senior High School (SHS) education to implement work

immersion programs. Work immersion enables learners to become familiar with the

workplace, simulate work, and apply their competencies in authentic work environments.

Further strengthened by the issuance of the DepEd Order No. 30, s. 2017, the program

aims to help develop life and career skills and prepare learners to decide regarding post-

secondary education or employment.

To further hone the acquired skills of the senior high school students gained after

adding two years to basic education through the K to 12 Curriculum, the Department of

Education (DepEd) has released the guidelines for the conduct of work immersion

activities for SHS students in the country. According to DepEd Secretary Leonor Briones,

the work immersion is a key feature in the senior high school curriculum. It can be

conducted in different ways depending on the purposes and needs of the learners. As

stipulated in the guidelines, work immersion will help develop among learners life and

career skills, and will prepare them to make decisions on postsecondary education or

employment gearing towards the four exits envisioned for SHS graduates to choose from.

(Mendoza, 2018).

This will expose them to the real workplace environment and enhance the

competencies already provided by the school. Work Immersion will assist the students in

deciding what college courses they wish to attend. Work Immersion is an opportunity for

students to develop professionally by simulating real-world employment.

In Baliwasan Senior High School Stand-Alone, all Grade 12 students will be

deployed in different agencies/establishments/institutions for 80 hours. Prior to their

deployment, they are to accomplish all pre-immersion requirements such Orientation

Program, Medical certificate, Barangay Clearance, Parent’s Consent, Survey-

Questionnaire on the Preparedness Level, interview simulation etc. Upon accomplishing

the requirements, they are deployed by their respective supervising teachers to their

immersion sites. During work immersion period, supervising teachers do the monitoring

of their students in the different immersion sites. Despite the preparation that the school

conducts for the students, there are some students who do not excel in their performance.

This will affect their performance ratings by their superior/supervisor. Hence, the

researchers embark on this study to determine the performance level of work immersion


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the preparedness level of SHS Students for Work


Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What is the preparedness level of Senior High School students for Work


2. Is there a significant difference in the preparedness level of Senior High

School students for Work Immersion when they are grouped by their profile?

3. How do the Senior High School students perceive their preparedness for work


Significance of the Study

This study described and evaluated the Preparedness level of Senior High school

students for Work Immersion in this K-12 Curriculum. The results and findings of this

research study will be beneficial to the following parties/groups:


This study will be beneficial to the principal because this will assist them in

identifying the advantages and disadvantages of a set curriculum. In order to make the

curriculum more responsive to preparing the students for their future professions, it will

also help to identify what specific areas they should concentrate more on and further



This study will be beneficial to teachers because this will provide an overview of

the Preparedness Level of SHS Students of different strands for Work Immersion during

new normal learning. With this information, this study hopes to guide the teacher to

develop new effective strategies for preparing the students for work immersion.


This study will be beneficial to the students because this will guide the students to

be prepared for their workplace which will have a major impact to their academic

performances and let them be aware of the possible instances during their working


Future Researchers

This study can be used as their reference to improve their research studies and

gain more information that relate to preparedness level of the students for Work

Immersion, as it serves to assist them in alternative possible.

Scope and Delimitation

This study is delimited to the Preparedness level for Work Immersion among the

Senior High School Students. It will be conducted during the second semester of School

year 2022-2023. This study will be delimited to Fifty Senior high school students, 10

students of each strand. Furthermore, the profile of the respondents covers strand,sex and




This chapter presents the review of relevant literature and studies taken from

articles, journals, theses and dissertation published online which are presented in thematic

approach. It focuses on work immersion.

Work Immersion

A senior high school student must undertake in work immersion in a field that is

directly related to their post secondary goal. Students are exposed to and familiarized

with the working world in their area of expertise and interest through work immersion,

which improves their competency. In particular, the students are able to: develop

technical knowledge and skills; receive relevant and practical industrial skills; and grasp

the significance and application of the ideas and theories taught in school. These elements

will equip students to handle the demands and difficulties of job or further study

following graduation, Acut (2021).

Work immersion is a component of the Senior High School (SHS) curriculum that

consists of 80 hours of practical experience or work simulation that students in grades 11

and 12 must complete under the supervision of the school principal and the designated

personnel of the partner organization in order to expose them to the real workplace

environment and to enrich the competencies offered by the school, Briones (2020).

The Secretary of Education (DepEd), Br. Armin Luistro stated, we wish to

inculcate in our students the value of selecting a career path that reflects their interests,

the resources at their availability, and the job prospects that await them. The student's

field of specialization is exposed to through work immersion, he continued, and they

become familiar with the workplace. The students are able to: I acquire relevant and

useful industrial skills under the supervision of industry professionals and workers; (ii)

understand the significance and application of the principles and theories taught in

school; (iii) improve their technical knowledge and skills; and (iv) prepare them to meet

the demands and challenges of employment or other life experiences.

A person who gets along well with others can develop. It enhances and creates

new skills. Through immersions, students will develop new skill sets and enhance their

already-existing abilities. Students learn about themselves through immersion, which also

helps them in their careers. Students develop into strong teammates. A person who gets

along well with others can advance. Early awareness of this enables students to work on

their communication skills and contribute to the team's success in projects. Financial

literacy among students develops early. Students learn how to think like adults, handle

their funds wisely, and are exposed to developing other related skills through

experiencing the everyday activities of a genuine work setting, Luistro (2021).

Furthermore, Students have goals. Immersion trains them on how to achieve these

goals by allowing them to work with and be supervised by professionals and highly

creative people. These people can inspire students to discover their capabilities.

Performance Tasks at Work Immersion


The student immersion program established by DepEd provides students with

professional learning opportunities relating to the workplace that will help them develop

crucial information, abilities, and attitudes in their chosen fields. It will give the students

a chance to grow professionally in a monitored environment while simultaneously giving

the company a chance to assess their performance and management potential for potential

future employment. Students should also try to get a variety of experiences during the

immersion. They may be given assignments in the hotel and restaurant industry,

automotive technology, the spa and beauty industry, and other industries where the

students have developed their abilities during their exploratory years in grades 11 and 12.

According to Gupta (2007), training is a planned procedure for enhancing a

person's knowledge and abilities so they can perform a specific profession. It's a learning

process where attitudes and skills are acquired. Training is done to raise one's current

performance. Training is described as the methodical learning of knowledge, principles,

or attitudes that enhance performance in a different setting by Goldstein & Ford (2002).

In that it aims to make a relatively permanent change in a person that will enhance their

capacity to perform the job, training is a learning experience. The altering of abilities,

knowledge, attitudes, or behaviors can all be a part of training.

According to Byars and Rue's (2004) studies, training is a learning process that

entails acquiring knowledge, ideas, morals, or attitudes to improve workers' output. In

general, the manager is primarily in charge of teaching new hires on the job;

occasionally, a senior employee in the department is given this role. Initial training can

have a big impact on how productive and job-oriented a person is.


Based from the study of Dharel et al., (2021) it showed that most of the students

were evaluated outstanding and that their performance exceeds the required standard. The

positive learning gains suggest that work immersion enables the students to acquire and

develop the skills of teamwork, communication, attendance and punctuality, productivity

and resilience, initiative and pro activity, judgment and decision making, dependability

and reliability, attitude, and professionalism. Moreover, the students perceived their

experiences as an avenue to test themselves and apply what they have learned in a non-

school scenario where they were not only able to apply their previous training but are

also able to experience the social interactions in a work environment. Their experiences

in work immersion partner institutions developed many skills and values that would help

them as they move from senior high school to real life.

Observance of Proper Decorum

According to Dela Cruz et al. (2019), the behavior of students can also develop

work ethics such as; good work habits, attitudes, appreciation, and respect for work,

applying all the theories and concept that they've learned in school, acquire new skills

and help to develop their communication skills and interpersonal skills through the help

and guidance of industry experts. Addition, Students' Behavior –work immersion

improves the communication skills of every student. They already know how to act and

behave like a professional just like how they will act in their workplace. The results

demonstrated the need for the teachers, parents, and school administrators to guide best

link students in having time management and in choosing a company that will supply

appropriate values and knowledge for them. This may somehow affect their academic

behavior in becoming academically excellent. That is why it is very important that


students are aware and can manage their time in the most important things, Tumala et al.


Furthermore, the positive learning gains suggest that work immersion enables the

students to acquire and develop the skills of teamwork, communication, attendance and

punctuality, productivity and resilience, initiative and proactivity, judgment and decision

making, dependability and reliability, attitude, and professionalism. Latonio (2020)

Preparedness for Work Immersion

Based from the studies of Macalintal et al. (2020) The results showed that

students were prepared for work immersion in terms of punctuality, interpersonal

relationship, and safety measures, as indicated in their responses. They were not as

prepared as the first three mentioned indicators when it comes to efficiency and

productivity, as revealed in the responses. Problems like Attitude of superiors towards

students, schedule of work, unapproachable co-workers, and tedious work were

encountered. Based on the findings, Grade 12 students were prepared for work

immersion, and they need more activities to develop themselves to become efficient

workers. There were problems encountered by Senior High School students during work

immersion with partner industries that need to be addressed in school for them to adapt

when they are in the actual workplace easily.

The successful implementation of Work Immersion will depend on the strong

collaboration, support, and commitment of the school personnel and Partner Institutions.

These personnel shall always exercise due care and diligence in the performance of their

duties (Section 7, DepEd Order no. 30 s. 2017). This section of the guidelines only shows

that the effectiveness of this program does not depend on the students and facilitate or

alone. In fact, the personnel must obey and follow the instructions stated on the DepEd

Order No. 40, series of 2015 or the Guidelines on K to 12 Partnerships.

The cited studies are significant in this study because everything is focused on

work immersion: legal basis, definition, observance of proper decorum, preparedness for

work immersion. The related literatures and studies that were gathered by the researchers

discussed about the work immersion. In conclusion, work immersion is indeed a stepping

stone for senior high school students to practice their skills that they learned from the

classroom. This will prepare them for higher education and even for entrepreneurship and


Theoretical Framework

The present study is anchored on the theory of Experiential Education.

Experiential Education suggests that experiential learning opportunities should be

grounded in a theoretical framework to ensure each opportunity is educational (Kolb,

1984). According to theory, all programs created to broaden the context of educational

experiences outside of the traditional school environment to include workplace and

community settings use planned experiences to encourage collaboration between

traditional educational institutions and business, industry, labor, government, and

community groups to support learning. Juliet Miller made this theory more well-known

in 1982, when it was first put into use. Since this theory indicated that all programs are

aimed to broaden the setting of learning experiences beyond the typical school

environment to occupational and community contexts, it served as the researchers' guide


in assessing the level of preparedness of students for work immersion. The present study

also covered the students' level of preparedness for work immersion.

According to Roberts (2012), experiential education refers broadly to a

philosophical process that guides the development of structural and functional learning

experiences, attends to the ethics of knowledge and outlines the encompassing standards

for learning environments. Further, experiential learning is considered to represent the

specific techniques or mechanisms that an individual can implement to acquire

knowledge or meet learning goals. Experiential learning can be facilitated in post

secondary education through work-integrated learning, which is a broad term that

encompasses various learning opportunities centered on the integration of academic

learning and practical application in a chosen work environment. Sattler (2011)

This is supported by the DepEd no.30 s. 2017 or also known as Guidelines for

Work Immersion (2017), The work immersion is part of the SHS Curriculum that

consists of 80 hours of hands-on experience which the Grade 11 and 12 students will

have to undergo to expose them to the actual workplace setting and enrich the

competencies provided by the school. Work Immersion is thus a requirement for

graduation from secondary education. Learners are immersed in actual work

environments such as workshops offices and laboratories in which their prior training is

relevant. Work immersion will help develop among the learner’s life and career skills,

and will prepare them to make decisions on post-secondary education or employment.

Through partnership building, DepEd hopes that the Partner Institutions will provide

learners with work immersion opportunities, workplace or hands-on experience, and

additional learning resources. Work immersion provides them with an avenue to test

themselves and apply what they have learned in a non-school scenario. In work

immersion, learners are not only able to apply their previous training but are also able to

experience the social interactions in a work environment. Their experiences during work

immersion will develop many skills and values that would help them as they transition

from high school to real life.

Conceptual Framework

The schematic diagram of the conceptual framework is presented in figure

1. It consists of two variables which are the independent, dependent variables.

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Profile of the student

Preparedness for
 Strand Work Immersion
 Sex

Figure 1

Conceptual Paradigm showing the interrelationship between the independent and

dependent variable.

The conceptual paradigm above shows that the independent variable is the Profile

of the student in terms of strand and sexl and the dependent variable is the Preparedness

for Work Immersion. The study will simply assess the preparedness of SHS students for

work immersion.


On the basis of this study on specific problem presented and the preceding review

of literature, the hypothesis is thus formulated:

There is no significant differences in the preparedness level of student at Work

Immersion when the respondents are grouped according to sex and school.

Operational Definition of Terms

To ease out difficulty of communication, the following terms are defined


Preparedness level- This study refers to the level of readiness to Work Immersion as:

Very Much Ready, Always Ready , Ready , Sometimes Ready and Not Ready.

Sex. It refers to the biological attribute as male or female.

School. It refers to Baliwasan Senior High School and Southcom National High School.

Strand. This study refers to career course where in students will improve their skills and

knowledge in their specific chosen field.

Work immersion. This study refers to senior high school course that involves real-world

work simulations where students can put their skills and knowledge from their course of

study to use.



This chapter discusses a brief description of the research design used in the study,

research locale, participants/respondents of the study, instrument in the study, ethical

consideration, validating or and establishing reliability and statistical treatment.

Research Design

This study is a qualitative and quantitative type of research employing survey

method and open-ended interview method. It is qualitative and quantitative because this

is believed or considered as the most appropriate in order to identify the preparedness

level of SHS students in Baliwasan Senior High School Stand-Alone, a chosen school in

Zamboanga city.

The goal of descriptive research is to accurately and thoroughly describe a

population, situation, or phenomenon. It can answer the questions what, where, when,

and how, but not why. To explore one or more variables, a descriptive research design

might employ a wide range of research methods. In contrast to experimental research, the

researcher does not control or change any of the variables, but instead simply observes

and measures them. De Belen (2015) also defines descriptive research as a method of

research that describes something out there such as the status, condition or confirming a

hypothesis because it basically aims to describe “what is”(McCombes, 2010).

This paper is also phenomenological research, a qualitative research design.

Phenomenological research is used to determine and describe what an experience means

for those who have lived it (Creswell, 1988).Since phenomenological research is geared

to giving voice to the experience being described (Manen, 1990), it is most appropriate

method for the purpose of this study, as the essence of any phenomenological research

study is to transform the lived experiences of the participants into textual experience, and

also the meaning derived from the experience.

Research Locale

The study will be conducted specifically in the selected schoo of Zamboanga

City: Baliwasan Senior High School Stand Alone and Southcom National High School:

Baliwasan Senior High School Stand Alone

Baliwasan Senior High School Stand Alone is located 1.4 km away from City

Proper and it is situated at Jose Road, Baliwasan. Baliwasan Senior High School is

a public, stand-alone senior high institution that started way back 2016. The school is

managed by a male principal, Principal 1. The school has 5 admin staff and 83 competent

and intelligent teachers that are active. There are more or less 3,600 students at present.

The school offers different tracks such as: HUMSS, GAS, STEM, ABM and TVL.

Population and Sampling

The target populations of the study ware the grade 12 students of the identified

school in Zamboanga City such as Baliwasan Senior high school Stand Alone and

Southcom National high school.

Table 1

Respondents of the Study

Strand Population


TVL 10


GAS 10

ABM 10


As shown in table 1, the total population of the respondents is fifty (50). The researchers

will consider ten (10) from HUMSS, ten (10) from TVL, ten (10) from STEM, ten (10)

from GAS and ten (10) from ABM. To determine the respondents, the researchers will

use the quota sampling technique, a non-probability sampling.


Quota sampling method is a non-probability sampling and it can be defined as a

sampling method of gathering representative data from a group. Application of quota

sampling ensures that sample group represents certain characteristics of the population

chosen by the researcher. Saunders, Lewis & Thornhill. (2012).

Table 2
Distribution of the participants
Strand n






Table 2 shows the distribution of the participants by strand with whom the researchers

will conduct an interview. The total population of the participants as shown in table 2 is

ten (10).

Data Gathering Tools

There are 2 major instruments to be utilized for the study which are the adopted

questionnaire survey from Mustaham (2019) and an interview questionnaire.

The adopted questionnaire survey consists of two parts. Part 1 solicits the

demographic profile of the respondents in terms of sex and school. Part 2 consists of 20

constructs in relation to the preparedness level of students of the selected schools of

Zamboanga City. It is a survey using a five-point Likert scale with the following

descriptions of the numbers: 5 – Very Much Ready, 4 – Always Ready, 3 – Ready, 2 –

Sometimes Ready, 1 – Not Ready. Each of the four (4) variables has five (5) items.

The researchers formulated questions for the participants. Open-ended interview

questions will be also used. Secondary follow-up questions will be used to prove further

information about the participant, their attitudes, beliefs, opinions, and experiences

regarding to the preparedness level of students for work immersion. Participant’s attitude

and practice in this study will be identified through the use of open-ended interview


From this open-ended interview design, common themes will emerge which will

then be identified, analyzed, and discussed.

Ethical Consideration

In compliance to Research Ethics Protocol, the researchers have obtained

informed consent from the survey respondents specifying their awareness to the purpose

of the study, their agreement to participate as survey respondents, their freedom to

disclose or not to disclose information, their freedom to stop their participation anytime if

they do not feel comfortable, their right to be informed of the results of the study, the

benefits they will get if there will be any as a result of the study, and their right to

confidentiality of information and anonymity of their identity. In the course of the survey

and interview, no pictures showing their faces will be taken unless allowed by the


Data Gathering Procedure


The researchers will seek permission from the principal of Baliwasan Senior High

School to conduct data gathering outside of the School campus. After which the

researchers will seek permission from the Principal of Southcom National High School to

allow the researchers to conduct data gathering among the students. The letter will be

brought to the principal’s office personally for approval. Arrangement such as scheduling

and venue identifying on the administration of data gathering will be done. As soon as it

is approved, the researchers will administer the questionnaire and personally interview

the participants in their most convenient time.

The results of the data will then be tallied, tabulated and interpreted by the

researchers using statistical tools. Additional information essential to study will be

contained in the informed consent form. This form will be read and signed by both the

interviewees and researchers prior to the beginning of interview. Interview guide will be

used by the researchers to ensure they will not miss important data. The common themes

which will emerge will be identified, analyzed and discussed.

Statistical Treatment

To facilitate the analysis of data, the following statistical measures were used:

Weighted Average Mean. This will be employed to determine the level of

senior high school HUMSS students for work immersion.

t-test. This will be utilized to determine the significant difference on the level of

G-12 SHS students for work immersion when they are grouped according to strand and



Armstrong et al., (2007) Work Immersion to Senior High School. Retrieved from


Catelo, S. (2020). Work Immersion Program for Senior High School in the
Division of Pasay: Basis for an Intervention Plan. Journal of World Englishes and
Educational Practices (JWEEP) Volume 2, Issue 4.

DO 30, s. 2017 - Guidelines for Work Immersion

Dela cruz et al., (2019) 21st Century the Knowledge and Skills in Education Preparation.

Retrieved from

Dharel A., Ethel C., Guadalupe L., Rhett Anthony L., (2021) Work Immersion

performance appraisal and Evaluation of Grade 12 HUMSS students. Retrieved

from https:/

Leonor M. Briones (2020) Guidelines for Work Immersion. Retrieved from

Lee, Elda J. (2016). SHS Work Immersion

Luistro, Armin A. (2020) Department of Education. Retrieved from

Mendoza, Lorenzo (2018)

Ramos , Rhenalyn G. (2019, January 18) Perspective of HUMSS Students in Terms of


Readiness after Work Immersion: A Consensual Qualitative Research

Investigation. Retrieved from

The Asia Publications (2018, October 16) Work Immersion: Real World Experience at

Senior High. Retrieved from



` Department of Education
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of City Schools
San Jose Road, Zamboanga City

January 6, 2023


Subject Group Head of STEM
Baliwasan Senior High School

Dear Madam:

Greetings of peace!

We, the students of HUMSS 12 -H are working on our research entitled

said thesis is to be worked out within the period of this semester.

Knowing your expertise in the field of research, we would like to seek your assistance to
validate our research instrument. Attached is a copy of our research title, objectives, and
the survey-questionnaire.

Thank you very much and God bless!

Very sincerely yours,


Lead Researcher

Noted by: Validated by:


Practical Research Adviser Subject Group Head of STEM

Department of Education
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of City Schools
San Jose Road, Zamboanga City

January 6, 2023

Subject Group Head for STEM
Baliwasan Senior High School

Dear Madam:

Greetings of peace!

We, the students of HUMSS 12 -H are working on our research entitled

said thesis is to be worked out within the period of this semester.

Knowing your expertise in the field of research, we would like to seek your assistance to
validate our research instrument. Attached is a copy of our research title, objectives, and
the survey-questionnaire.

Thank you very much and God bless!

Very sincerely yours,


Lead Researcher

Noted by: Validated by:


Practical Research Adviser Baliwasan Senior High School

Department of Education
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of City Schools
San Jose Road, Zamboanga City

January 6, 2023

Social Science Faculty
Baliwasan Senior High School

Dear Sir:

Greetings of peace!

We, the students of HUMSS 12 -H are working on our research entitled

said thesis is to be worked out within the period of this semester.

Knowing your expertise in the field of research, we would like to seek your assistance to
validate our research instrument. Attached is a copy of our research title, objectives and
the survey-questionnaire.

Thank you very much and God bless!

Very sincerely yours,


Lead Researcher

Noted by: Validated by:


Practical Research Adviser Faculty, Baliwasan Senior High School

Department of Education
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of City Schools
San Jose Road, Zamboanga City

January 15, 2023


Secondary School Principal I
Baliwasan Senior High School
Zamboanga City

Dear Sir:

Greetings of peace!

The students of HUMSS 12 -H are conducting their quantitative research on


In this connection, we would like to seek permission from your office to allow us to
gather data from 50 students of this school for the survey and five (10) students for the
interview. Attached are the research objectives and the research instrument for your

Your approval to this request will surely contribute to the success of our research study.

Sincerely yours,


Lead Researcher

Noted by: Approved by:


Practical Research Adviser Secondary School Principal I


Department of Education
Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Division of City Schools
San Jose Road, Zamboanga City

Dear Respondent,
We are students from BSHS, and we are currently writing our Research study with the
STUDENTS”. You are invited to take part in this research. It is our hope that this study
will benefit the students and other stakeholders. The objective of this study is to
determine the level of preparedness of students for work immersion. There are no
identified risks from participating in this research. There are no costs and no monetary
compensation to you for your participation in this study.
Your participation in this research is completely voluntary and you may refuse to
participate without consequence. Responses to the survey will only be reported in
aggregated form to protect your identity. The collected data will be treated with utmost
Yours truly,
Lead Researcher

By signing this consent form, I confirm that I have read and understood the
information and have had the opportunity to ask question/s, I understand that my
participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time, without giving a
reason and without cost. I voluntarily agree to take part in this study.
Respondent’s Signature over Printed Name



PART 1. Respondent’s Profile

Name: ________________________________
Sex: ( ) Male ( ) Female
School: ( ) Baliwasan Senior High School-Stand Alone
( ) Southcom National High School


Directions: The items below pertain to your readiness for work immersion. Kindly put a
check mark (/) on the appropriate column of the item to indicate the level of your
readiness. Please be guided by the scale below and its description:

5 – Very Much Ready

4 – Always Ready
3 _ Ready
2 – Sometimes Ready
1 – Not Ready

Statements 5 4 3 2 1
As a Grade 12 student, I am able to…
1. listen, understand, and use information communicated by
2. express myself clearly and concisely to others.
3. organize documents accurately, neatly and creatively.
4. do filing /coding of papers properly.
5. encode data using the Microsoft word, Microsoft excel and
Microsoft PowerPoint.
6. follow instructions given by my superior accurately.
7. finish assigned tasks on time.
8. observe proper decorum and good grooming in the
9. abide by the policies of the company/agency.
10. adhere to the standards being set by the company/agency.
11. do the job efficiently and effectively.
12. work with others harmoniously.
13. report to work punctually.
14. do simple plan with objectives, rationale and proposed
15. assess/evaluate my performance/activities conducted for the

16. answer phone calls courteously and correctly.

17. identify people with key positions in the company/agency.
18. deliver services satisfactorily.
19. face superiors / clients with confidence and tact.
20. accomplish requirements such as barangay clearance,
medical certificate, insurance etc. prior to work immersion.

Student’s Signature

1. What are your preparations for work immersion?

2. What are the possible challenges you may face in your work immersion?

3. How does work immersion help you as a student?

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