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Prajurit 1 : Fadli
Prajurit 2 : Nazmi
Captain : Dzikri
Rakyat : Nabil
Penjual : Nanda
KepWil : Chandra

Fadli : (Looking with binoculars)
I seem to see a landmass
Dzikri : Where? I don't see it.
Fadlli : Over there! It looks like small islands
Nazmi : Could it be Nusantara? The island that other Europeans are looking for
Dzikri : Let me see! (Picks up binoculars)
HAHAHAHA... It seems to be true that it is Nusantara that we search for
Fadli : Finally we managed to find the spice-rich Nusanra!
Nazmi : An island so rich in the things we need
Dzikri : If that's true, let's steer our ship!
Nazmi : Pull up the sails!
Fadli : Okay! The ship is ready to launch...

The ship sails to Nusantara

Dzikri : It's farther than what we saw earlier.

Fadli : Yes, it's really far, it's not what we thought earlier.
Nazmi : In that case, should we rest for a while on the ship?
Dzikri : No-no, it will take too much time.
Fadli : Yes, that's right, we should continue.
Nazmi : Alright, I'll steer our ship.

The ship arrived in Calcutta, then the captain got off the ship

Dzikri : Hmmm... this smells like the spices we are looking for!
Fadli : Look Captain! There seems to be a spice seller there
Nazmi : Let's go there to buy them
Dzikri : I think It's better to ask the source of the spices they are selling.
Fadli : That’s right Captain, we can get more spices from the source directly.
Dzikri : And it will be more beneficial for us if we know the source.
Nazmi : So what should we do now?
Dzikri : In that case, I think we should ask the spice seller first.
Naz & Fad : Yes, Captain!
The captain and the soldiers went to the seller.

Nanda : Yes sir, please have a look first

Dzikri : Where did you get all these spices from?
Nanda : Well, sorry sir, if you want to know where I got these spices you have to buy all
my spices first.
Dzikri : Why don't you just tell me?
Nanda : No sir! If you want to know, you have to buy first
Nazmi : ok then captain, if that the case we buy these spices
Dzikri : Well then, how much do all these spices cost?
Nanda : This costs 500 rupiah sir, it's cheaper than other traders, you want to buy in large
quantities right?
Dzikri : That's too expensive! I don't want it, reduce the price again!
Nanda : No sir, this is the lowest price we give.
Dzikri : Okay then, how about I exchange it for this gold?
Nanda : Wow, so much sir, is all this gold real?
Dzikri : Of course it's real, don't you believe me? These gold are from Europe and costs
much more than the price of these spices.
Nanda : Well, your gold is good sir, very shiny, and beautiful. Give me your gold and
these spices are all yours.
Dzikri : Give all the gold to him
Nazmi : Yes Captain!
Fadli : Then, where did you get these spices? Is it far from here?
Nanda : No sir, it's not far from here, just sail to the east there is already in Malacca sir.
(While pointing towards the East)
Dzikri : Thank you, then we will leave first.
(Leaving the spice seller's place)
Naz & Fad : I can't believe it.
Captain :What a fool that seller is when all that gold is just fake gold.
Naz & Fad : Finally we know where the spices come from Capt.
Dzikri : Let's go to the ship now.

The captain and the soldiers boarded the ship.

Dzikri : Prepare the ship

Nazmi : Pull the anchor!
Fadli : (Pulls the anchor rope)
Nazmi : Pull up the sail
Fadli : (Pulls up the sail)
Dzikri : Everyone ready?
Naz & Fad : Ready Captain!
Dzikri : Then let's get going!
The Captain and the soldiers are almost at Malacca.

Nazmi : Look! We're about to arrive at Malacca, sir!

(While pointing to Malacca)
Dzikri : HAHAHA!!! This is the place they've been talking about.
Fadli : We can dominate all of this, right Captain?
Dzikri : Yes, we will dominate this place.

The captain and the soldiers arrived in Malacca.

Dzikri : We finally arrived in Malacca!!!

Fadli : Why don't we attack right away?
Nazmi : Isn't it better if we make a treaty to dominate the spices here?
Dzikri : Then we have to meet the head of this place first to negotiate
Fadli : But how do we know where the head of this region is located?
Nazmi : Let's ask him first.
(While pointing at a person)
Dzkri : Hey, do you know where the head of this region is?
Nabil : What do you need, sir?
Dzikri : Hurry up, just tell me where?
Nabil : Just go straight east, then turn right, then turn right again until the end of the left
turn, then there is a roundabout take the 6th road, then ....
Dzikri : ALREADY, you better come with us.
Nabil : ok then, let me show you the way

They went to the head of the Malacca region

Nabil : That's where the head of the region is.

The captain enters with his soldiers

Chandra : (SHOCKED) (KAGET)

Chandra : Where are the gentlemen from? What is your purpose here?
Dzikri : We are all from Netherlands, and wish to confer with you now.
Chandra : If you want to negotiate now, the people must also be present to ensure justice.
Dzikri : Please summon the people of this region!
Fadli : (comes out and shouts)
Fadli : (Back in)
Nabil, Nanda : (Enter KepWil)
Dzikri : So you see, the region you govern is rich in spices,
We want to take care of the spices here, so that these spices become my authority
and the people can still take a limited amount.
Chandra : You can't do that, this land belongs to us, belongs to the people of the
archipelago and cannot be taken over arbitrarily.
Dzikri : We will give you the wealth of gold to the people here.
Dzikri : No matter how much gold you give, this land will remain ours.
Dzikri : We have invited you to negotiate well, so please cooperate.
Chandra : No, we will not give you the title to this land.
Dzikri : If that's the case, you men, let's go to war!
Chandra : How dare you!

Captain prepares the line of soldiers

Dzikri : ATTACK!
Nabil : ATTACK!!!

The people and the Captain attacked each other. Which was then won by the Captain and
Prajurit 1 martyred

Dzikri : Waaahahahaha... Malacca is already mine

Nazmi : Finally we are victorious!

One of the people woke up and was immediately shot again by Captain

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