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ERROR CONTROL CODING TECHNIQUES CYCLIC REDUNDANCY CHECK DONE 8 CYCLIC REDUNDANCY COB. = Cyclic Redundancy Codes (CRCs) provide a first line of defense against data corruption in many networks. Unfortunately, many commonly used CRC polynomials provide significantly less error detection capability than they might. An exhaustive exploration reveals that most previously published CRC polynomials are either inferior to alternatives or are only good choices for particular message lengths. (alana BION EIN ae) 8) = The cyclic redundancy check, or CRG, is a technique for detecting errors in digital data, but not for making corrections when errors are detected. It is used primarily in data transmission. In the CRC method, a certain number of check bits, often called a checksum, are appended to the message being transmitted. The receiver can determine whether or not the check bits agree with the data, to ascertain with a certain degree of probability whether or not an error occurred in transmission, If an error occurred, the receiver sends a "negative acknowledgement” (NAK) back to the sender, requesting that the message be retransmitted. The technique is also sometimes applied to data storage devices, such as a disk drive. BATA STORING Data are stored in bytes, which consist of 8 bits ‘each. Thus any set of data can be considered as sequence of bytes or bits. In computer communication usually the bits are considered to be independent and a bit sequence is limited by the size of data blocks (or frames, packets, datagrams etc.). Thus we consider the problem to check whether a finite sequence of bits is changed unintentionally, e.g. by transmission errors or faulty memories. Cyclic redundancy check performs a special operation that can be interpreted as polynomial division. The residual of this division is used as redundancy information and we will explore in this paper which types of errors can be detected by this method. EXPLAINED STEP BY STI = First of all, we should know the major rule of CRC which is: The Power of each term shows the position of the bit, and the coefficient shows the value of the bit. sex tx txt txt tx $1 (Generator Polynomial) => Lx? + 1x6 + Ox5 + Let + 1x3 + Ox? + Ix? + 1x9 (Standard Polynomial) => 11011011 (Original message) PN iia ses)a) Bla # Step #1: At sender side, a string of 0s is appended to the data unit to be transmitted where mis less than the number of bits in the CRC generator. = Step #2: The newly formed data unit is divided by the divisor using binary division and reminder is obtained this reminder is called CRC, and when we divide we use XOR Gate. = Step #3: String on 70s appended to the data unit earlier is replaced by the CRC reminder —which us also n bit. = Step #4: (Data unit + CRC) is transmitted to the receiver, Standurd CRE = e+ + Ox + Ox? 4 dat a? Generator = 10011 ‘Total # or bits he ats unit ie ~ 110101191 10000 doorore After appanding the 4 serve Codeword after appending the 4 zeroes = 1101010110000, Reminder ‘CRC’= 1110. After replacing, Codeword = NOIWNO1INO. Now, the message will transmit to the receiver Niassa aei Nd a34 = Step #1: The receiver on receiving the codeword, divides (Data unit + CRC) by the same division and checks the reminder. = Step #2: The receiver checks if the reminder is zero. = If Yes, Receiver assume that there is no error in data and and therefore accept it. = IF No, There is an error in data and therefore reject it a as CRC generator = 10011, Received meseags in 110101 10111110, 110000110 boot | tiororioriitio Lou Hin neously ies — FLOOTT = Now, the receiver accepts the message.

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