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Ramakrishna Mission Ashrama Vidyalaya Students' Home

Narendrapur, Kolkata - 700103


Details of Annual Fees and Charges for the year 2023-2024

1 Hostel Monthly Charges (Apr-May) 9,000.00
2 Hostel Annual Charges 16,000.00
3 Vidyalaya Annual Charges 200.00
4 Uniform Charges 5,000.00
5 Personal expenses 300.00
6 Cost of Text Books -
7 Computer Charges 500.00
8 Fine for late payment -
9 Admission fees 15,000.00
Total Rs. 46,000.00

Details of Hostel Annual Charges for the year 2023-2024

1 Electricity & Light 2,500.00
2 Examination fee 1,000.00
3 Hobby & Recreation 1,000.00
4 Laboratory Expenses 2,000.00
5 Laundry, Cobbler & Barbar 700.00
6 Library 100.00
7 Magazine 100.00
8 Hostel Maintenance & Repairing Charges 2,000.00
9 Medical 600.00
10 Pecuniary Help 100.00
11 Postage & Telephone 200.00
12 Printing & Stationery 200.00
13 Vidyalaya Development Charges 2,000.00
14 Software Maintenance Charges 500.00
15 Sports & Games 1,000.00
16 Vidyalaya Staff Allowance 2,000.00
Total Rs. 16,000.00

Date: 02/03/2023 Swami Ishteshananda


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