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I parked my car outside the bar.

The star in the sky was shining so bright.

She got a scar on her forehead from the accident.

The nearest gas station is far from here.

I could see the Milky Way galaxy from afar.

He walked into the bar and ordered a drink.

The car engine started making strange noises.

Her scar reminded her of the difficult times.

The shining star was the brightest in the sky.

We could hear the music from the bar from afar.

She and he sit on the cheap jeep while watching the sheep.

We can't fit all the sheep in the jeep, so we have to sit and herd them.

The jeep is cheap, but it's perfect for taking us to the field where the sheep graze.

She loves to sit on the hillside and watch the sheep as they roam around.

He can drive the jeep and we can sit in the back with the sheep and enjoy the ride.

The cheap jeep is noisy, but it can carry a lot of sheep and take us to places where we can sit and

We need to sit down and discuss how we can transport the sheep to the other side of the hill
without the jeep.

She knows how to handle the sheep, and he knows how to drive the jeep, so they make a great

We have to be careful when we sit on the back of the jeep with the sheep, as they can jump off

The cheap jeep may not be the most comfortable, but it gets us where we need to go, and we can
enjoy the company of the sheep as we sit and drive.

That dude in the boots was so rude and made me lose my mood.

A few bad experiences with crude food can put anyone in a bad mood.

Don't be so rude, or you might lose a few friends.

The crude oil spill made the mood in the town really gloomy and we all lose.

He's a dude who loves his boots and never loses his cool, even when people are being rude.

The food truck had a few rude customers who didn't appreciate the delicious and not-so-crude

If you don't want to lose your boots, don't be rude and respect others' property.

The mood in the bar was crude, and the dude with the boots was the only one who didn't seem to
lose his mind.
You can't be crude and rude to your coworkers and expect not to lose a few clients.

She was in a bad mood and said a few rude things she shouldn't have, but the dude in the boots
didn't lose his temper and calmly defused the situation.

Where there were bears, she didn't dare to wear her fur coat.

She took care of the injured bird with the third wing, which was covered in soft fur.

There is a place where the bears roam freely, and you have to take extra care not to disturb them.

Her favorite jacket was made of fur, and she wore it proudly on her third date with him.

The bird's nest was hidden in the thick fur of the tree, where there was no bear in sight.

She wasn't sure where to go, so she followed the bear tracks until there was a clearing with a bird
chirping in the third tree.

There was no care given to the beautiful fur rugs that were thrown carelessly on the floor, as if they
were third-rate objects.

She wondered where her bear plushie went, and then she found it under the fur blanket on her

The third time she saw the bear, she realized that it didn't care about her presence, and continued
foraging for berries.

There's a place where the birds gather to escape the cold, and she made sure to leave out some fur
scraps for them to use in building their nests.

She walked to the door and saw four bags of flour on the floor, and wondered if there were more in
the store.

He was too tall to walk through the door without ducking, so he stopped to talk to the shopkeeper
while waiting for his order of four bags of flour.

She dropped the chalk on the floor, and he picked it up for her before they continued their walk to
the fourth street.

He walked into the classroom and saw that there was not enough chalk on the board, so he asked
the teacher for more.

She was waiting by the door for him to arrive, but he was running late with four bags of flour in his

They walked for hours, talking about everything and nothing, until they reached the fourth floor of
the building.

He wanted to make a cake, but he realized he was out of flour, so he quickly walked to the store to
get four bags more.

She was always tall for her age, so she had to be careful not to hit her head on the doorframe when
she walked through the door.

He wrote his name in chalk on the floor, but the janitor quickly erased it and scolded him for being

He had to walk for miles to get to the tall mountain where the rare chalk deposits were, and he
brought back four big bags of it.

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