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250 Principles of Modern Wireless Communication Systems MIMO detection for 1® subcarrier f 1% receive] tenn cP sip Not 5 MIMO PIS antenna" |removal] ~|demux| | FFT | |[Tlactecton| Ls] mux Breceivel_ | cp sip Not =H mimo F>] ps |__| antenna removal] “|demuxl I] Ft | [LT detection.) mux MIMO detection | 4PIS | for 2% subcarrier | demux P receive 4 antenna op |_| se Not FF] mimo. ps |_| removal] —"|demux| |} FET ldetection] I 5] mux Figure 7.13, MIMO-OFDM receiver schematic 7.6 | Effect of Frequency Offset in OFDM OFDM divides the available wideband amongst a set of orthogonal overlapping subcarriers, Hence, the presence of a carrier-frequency offset can introduce severe distortion in an OFDM system, as it results in a loss of orthogonality amongst the subcarriers. Hence, the presence of a cartier-frequency offset introduces Inter-Carrier Interference (ICI) in OFDM systems. In this section, we characterize the effect of frequency offset on the performance of the OFDM system, Consider a frequency offset A f such that AL “~ BIN where ¢ denotes the normalized frequency offset, normalized with respect to the subcarrier bandwidth B/N. Corresponding to the frequency offset c, the baseband received samples y (72) are given as 5 is ents vin) = DY XW A he + win) (7.8) ke Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing 251 To verify the above equation, set ¢ = 0. The above equation then reduces to YM XWa we" + un) =F oe Performing now the FFT of y(0), y(1),..., y(N—1) at the receiver, Y (J), which cotresponds to the symbol received on the I" subcarrier, is given as ls 2 YO=FDVvlne =EY YE Kwa Home MHS it Lowe wi -¥ ‘> y X (kb) H (k) et + W (0) mes =XWH Y xHrH( ont) we a Een v =X(QHO+WO Where we have used the fact that JD, e!2°™5" — 0 if k l. Thus, in the absence of a carrier- frequency offset, ic, ¢ = 0, the system in Eq. (7.8) reduces to the earlier fat-fading OFDM system across each subcarrier, ie., YO={XOQHO+WO Now consider the received symbols y (n) in the presence of a carrier-frequency offset LS wren vin) = Y XHA We +w(n) + 252 Principles of Modern Wireless Communication Systems Therefore, the demodulated symbol ¥ (1) in the presence of a cartier-frequency offset is given N YY *eHa Hor © ka 1S x peng gd = FOX OM We +¥ =X(QUO+WO To simplify the above expression, we will use the result below where © is a phase factor, which does not affect the power at the output. Using the relation above, the expression for ¥ ({) can be simplified as , s lee ¥M=HOXOP BL. YO HE XH (wes) “Ww ) & Fin (rE eA Sen Nain (WE The SINR is given as Signal power SINR = Signal p Inerierence + Noise power Signal power B {iP} +02 ‘The desired signal power can be calculated as sin (xe) Nsin® Signal power = E{\H @ °} BE {Ix a} *} ( Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing 253 For a large value of 1V, ic., number of subcarriers, we have im sin ( Nv Hence, the signal power for a large number of subcarriers NV is given as Signal Power — B{lH@ “lp (a2) e)\2 = pine a) where P=B{|X()?} is the power of the transmitted data symbols and la = The interference power is given as, E {LH (0) } denotes the average channel-power gain across each subcarrier. ake sin(r) _\? Nein (5) Setting k — {= wand letting N — 00, we have B{\i?} =P\AP > (was mudd ® a Employing the inequality sin @ > = cn) 254 Principles of Modern Wireless Communication Systems The interference power E { a} ‘can, therefore, be approximated as B{\ni?} < PHP (sinxe)* > (4) unser =P HP 2(enze? So (z) oe Ep lap sin? ve = Splut = 0.822P |H[* sin? xe Hence, the SINR in the presence of catrier-frequency offset ofc is given as P\H? (: ~~ 0.822P |i SINR 7.10) Example 7.1 illustrates the effect of ICI in reducing the SINR at the output of the OFDM Bans Consider ||? = 1, and data power P = 10 dB with noise power 02 = 0 dB, Derive the SNRISINR with and without a carrier-rquency offset of ¢ = 5% = 0.05 in a WIMAX system, Solution: If the carrier-frequency offset ¢ = 0, the SNR at the receiver is given as, P\He SNR = =104B

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