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appeared in Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), New Orleans, LA, March 2003 IEEE

Distributed Algorithms for Transmission Power

Control in Wireless Sensor Networks
Martin Kubisch, Holger Karl, Adam Wolisz Lizhi Charlie Zhong, Jan Rabaey
Telecommunication Networks Group Berkeley Wireless Research Center
Technische Universität Berlin University of California Berkeley
Sekr. FT 5-2, Einsteinufer 25 2108 Allston Way, Suite 200
10587 Berlin, Germany Berkeley, CA 94704-1302
kubisch|karl| czhong|

Abstract— Two algorithms for dynamically adjusting trans- power is used when sending to any neighbor, irrespective
mission power level on a per-node basis have been evaluated of whether some neighbors are closer than others. One
using a simulative approach. Network lifetime, convergence reason to do so is the time and hence energy expenditure
speed as well as resulting network connectivity have been
obtained for these two algorithms using a particular indoor that is require to set the amplifier to different power
sensor environment. The network lifetime metrics of these two levels. Algorithmically, the use of different power levels
local algorithms are also benchmarked against power control depending on the intended receivers is easily possible.
algorithms using global information. We show that these two The distributed computation happens in an initialization
algorithms outperform fixed power level assignment and are phase, and the resulting power levels are then used for the
generally within a lifetime of two of a globally computed
solution. data communication within the network. As this distributed
Keywords: Relaying, energy efficiency, sensor networks calculation does not warranty a full connected network, it
may be reasonable to leave few (communication expensive)
I. I NTRODUCTION nodes out in order to spend this energy for a network
Sensor networks [1] — networks of tiny nodes equipped lifetime extension.
with limited sensing, computing, and radio communication As the local algorithms would not be deployed as
capabilities — are a technological vision that is currently stand-alone, instead they would be integrated with other
receiving a lot of attention from several research commu- mechanism using the same information, e.g., locating of
nities. In a typical scenario, such sensor networks would sensors, neither a particular MAC protocol nor a dedicated
use wireless communication to transmit their observation protocol for route discovery is used. But to evaluate the
values to a given monitor station which would serve as a algorithms in terms of network lifetime, data transfer must
user interface. be realized, hence any MAC protocol intended to work with
A joint characteristic of most application scenarios is that must provide correct data delivery. The routing tables are
sensors only have a limited energy supply which might not computed using the per-node power level achieved and the
even be rechargeable, hence they have to work as energy- shortest-path routing based on Dijkstra’s algorithm [3]. One
efficiently as possible. One option is to reduce transmission particularly interesting aspect is the fact that power assign-
power using intermediate nodes as relays instead of direct ment algorithms can result in asymmetric communication
communication with a remote node. While such relaying relationships. Hence, the routing protocol applied in real
has its own disadvantages (energy is now also consumed systems must be able to handle such a situation.
for intermediate reception and transmission), relaying can As the local algorithms can result in networks not being
be beneficial for improving energy efficiency [2]. fully connected, it is hard to compare local and global
Yet arbitrarily reducing transmission power is not possi- algorithms in terms of network lifetime1 (time until the
ble; at least, some direct neighbors of a sensor node must first sensor node dies; all nodes start with the same fixed
be reachable to provide the possibilities to perform relaying amount of energy). The solution is to consider the nodes not
and to form a connected network via relaying. Therefore it being connected as dead nodes, hence, a global algorithm
is important to find algorithms which determine appropriate runs until one node more than the number of not connected
transmission power levels for every node. In addition, nodes (from the local case) died. For the local algorithms
because of the size and dynamics of sensor networks, the lifetime is over when the first node of the largest
these algorithms should be distributed ones, relying only on connected part of the network runs out of energy. But as
locally available information and therewith being scalable can be seen in Section III-B, the average number of nodes
as the network growths. not being connected is far below one percent, which in the
We present two distributed (local) algorithms that deter- 1 Alternatively, time to network partition could be used, but as the local
mine an individual transmission power level for each node algorithms can end up with some nodes not being connected it is not
of a fixed, non-mobile wireless sensor network. The same comparable
scenarios used means below one node. Hence, we neglected computed, number of neighbors. The node receiving the
this effect and consider always the dead of the first node LifeAckMsgs calculates a mean value from its neighbors’
as our figure of merit and optimization criterion. number of neighbors — the new NodeResp, which in turn
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. is used to adjust the transmission power. E.g., when node
Section II describes both local algorithms considered as A sends a LifeMsg, the nodes B, C and D receive this
well as the global algorithms which serve as comparison message and respond with a LifeAckMsg containing their
cases. Section III outlines the simulation setup we used most recent NodeResp (B=6; C=4; D=3). As node A
to study these algorithms and presents simulation results. receives all these LifeAckMsg it creates the mean out of
Section IV gives an overview of related work. Finally, the number of responses (three neighbors B, C, D) and
Section V presents conclusions and directions for future their mean number of neighbors (6;4;3), which is the
work. new NodeResp for A (here 4). If this new NodeResp
is below NodeMinThresh or above NodeMaxThresh the
II. P ROBLEM SOLUTIONS transmission power adaption is done as described in Section
In the following, five different approaches are introduced. II-A.
The first two are the local algorithms which can be applied
C. Fixed transmission power
to sensor networks in a distributed manner, whereas the
other three (global) algorithms are comparison cases which The most simplest algorithm is to assign an arbitrarily
make use of global knowledge and hence always achieve chosen transmission power level to all sensor nodes, much
optimal solutions, according to their respective restrictions. like it would be done at production time for sensors that do
The global algorithms are used to show the effectiveness not have power control at all. In the following we assume
of the local algorithms. that the target configuration (i.e., the density of nodes)
is known and hence the minimum transmission power
A. Threshold in number of neighbors providing a fully connected network is known as well. This
The “local mean algorithm” (LMA) works in the follow- value is used as fixed transmission power. Additionally
ing way: All nodes start with the same initial transmission larger transmission values are used to show the effect of
power (TransPwr). Every node periodically broadcasts a using to much a power.
life message (LifeMsg) including its unique identity. All D. Global solution with equal transmission power
the other nodes, which receive such a LifeMsg, reply
with a life acknowledge message (LifeAckMsg) including The Equal Transmission Power (ETP) algorithm also
the address of the LifeMsg sender. Before a node issues assigns a uniform power to all nodes, but chooses the
the next LifeMsg it counts the number of LifeAckMsgs minimal value that ensures a fully connected network for
received (NodeResp). If NodeResp is less than a mini- this particular scenario. To find the minimum transmission
mum threshold (NodeMinThresh), the node increases its power, the following algorithm is used: Algorithm Steps
transmission power by a certain amount (Ainc ) for every 1) Among the node pairs that are not yet connected,
missing neighbor; the transmission power is not increased choose the one with the smallest distance.
by more than Bmax in a single step.2 If NodeResp is larger 2) Set transmission power of all nodes to a value suffi-
than a maximum threshold (NodeMaxThresh), it decreases cient to connect these two nodes.
its transmission power by a certain amount (Adec ) for every 3) Check connectivity of the resulting network and when
supernumerary neighbor; the transmission power is not the network is connected, the minimum power level
decreased by less then Bmin in a single step.3 If NodeResp is found; otherwise start from 1.
is between NodeMinThresh and NodeMaxThresh the This power value represents the smallest value for a fully
node does not change its transmission power anymore; it connected sensor network with fixed transmission range
has converged. While this algorithm has a periodic nature, it and it also results in symmetric communication links. This
is important to note that no close synchronization of nodes algorithm uses global information and it is not evident how
or global time base is required; the notion of periodicity is to implement a corresponding local algorithm that achieves
a purely local one. the same results.
B. Threshold in mean number of neighbors E. Global solution with diverse transmission power
The “local mean of neighbors algorithm” (LMN) works The global solution with Diverse Transmission Power
similar to LMA except that it adds some information to (DTP) algorithm creates a connected network but does not
the LifeAckMsg and it defines NodeResp in a different set all transmission ranges to the same value. Instead it tries
way. In addition to the address from the received LifeMsg, to find a minimum power level for every node individually.
the LifeAckMsg also contains its own, most recently The algorithm works in the following way:
1) Among the node pairs that are not yet connected,
2 Formally: TransPwr ← min{Bmax · TransPwr, Ainc · choose the one with the smallest distance.
(NodeMinThresh − NodeResp) · TransPwr}.
3 Formally: TransPwr ← max{B
min · TransPwr, Adec · (1 −
2) Set transmission power of these two nodes to a value
(NodeResp − NodeMaxThresh) · TransPwr}. sufficient to connect them.
3) Check connectivity of the resulting network and when 4m 4m 4m 6m
the network is not connected start from 1.
This algorithm minimizes the overall transmission power
consumption for the entire network, but it may result

in asymmetric communication links, e.g., one node can Room Room Room Room

Problem receive data from a far neighbor which uses a higher

transmission power, but can not answer directly due to its

smaller transmission power. Hallway
Even though it is possible to construct networks where
this algorithm does not find minimum power levels for all 18m
nodes, DTP vastly outperforms any other global algorithm
that we have considered. Therefore, we use DTP as a
comparison case. Similarly to the ETP algorithm, this Fig. 1. Physical room layout. Grey bars represent doors, black circles
algorithm also uses global knowledge, and equivalent local represent monitor nodes.
implementations are not obvious.
well as for the fixed transmission power, this results in
A. Investigation scenario a single configuration of power level assignments. The
In order to evaluate and compare these algorithms, we final transmission power level for the local algorithms
simulated the energy consumption and resulting network depends on the initial transmission power to be used by
lifetime for a particular indoor sensor network scenario. each node and the number of cycles an algorithm runs.
The simulator used for this task was written using the The initial power value is varied linearly in 56 steps from
OMNeT++ [4] simulation tool. a transmission range of 25 mm to 1.4 m. For each of these
During the data communication phase, energy is con- initial power levels, the initialization phase is computed
sumed for both transmitting and receiving data packets as using 100 cycles with either LMA or LMN. Even though
well as for idle phases. The power consumption during the both algorithm settle down earlier, this number was used
idle phase is 0.1 µW, for receiving 0.5 mW, for sending to avoid instable routes.
1 mW;4 a sensor node’s initial energy supply is 100 J. At The local algorithms use a transmission power increase
an assumed bit rate of 10 kbit/s, these values correspond to value (Ainc ) of 10% with an upper bound (Bmax ) of two
1 µJ and 0.5 µJ to send and receive a bit, respectively. The times the old transmission power and a decay value (Adec )
transmission power levels are set by the above algorithms of 2% with a lower bound (Bmin ) of half the old value
such that transmission errors only happen with negligible (more aggressive values let the implementation oscillate).
probability (more precisely, a node is only considered to Note that the energy consumption during this initializa-
receive from a neighbor if the SNR at its antenna is at least tion phase is not taken into account. Information needed for
-90 dBm), hence transmission errors are not considered. the algorithms are also available in other, sensor-network-
The physical layout consists of four rooms connected related protocols [6], thus it can get this information with-
by a hallway as shown in Figure 1. All rooms are 3.5 m out additional overhead and the consumption is negligible.
high, the grey bars indicate doors (1 m wide; assumed to After the initialization, the data communication phase
reach up to the ceiling), the black dots show the position is simulated. The traffic in the network consists of re-
of two monitor nodes (acting as the user interface and quest/replies initiated by the monitor. These requests are
being the master station which poll the sensors over the directed at a randomly chosen sensor node (the monitor
network), which are positioned 1.2 m above the ground. is assumed to have sufficient information about the sen-
Walls are assumed to be infinitesimally thin, constituting no sors). The nodes receive the request and answer with an
obstacle for radio communication. The path loss coefficient (arbitrary) reply value. These requests are sent every half
of the channel is set to 2. Based on this layout, 32 different a second, alternating between the two monitor nodes.
placements of sensor nodes were generated by placing 318 These simulation runs result in a total of 32 network
nodes randomly on the walls, ceilings, and floors (using a lifetime samples for the global algorithms and 32×56 sam-
uniform node distribution). ples for the local algorithms; network lifetimes, confidence
For each of these placements, every algorithm computes levels for the average lifetime and comparisons are shown
the transmission power level assignments for each sensor in Section III-C. But first, the question of convergence
node. According to this assignments, edges between the speed of the local algorithms as well as whether these
nodes able to overhear each other are calculated and with algorithms reach a fully connected network is interesting.
Dijkstra’s algorithm [3] the routing table entries for every
node are calculated. For the ETP and DTP algorithms as B. Convergence and connectivity
4 the
The local algorithms LMA and LMN use a number of
assumption is that a sending node can wake up nodes in its vicinity
by using a low-bandwidth signaling channel that is easy to demodulate iterations before settling down to particular transmission
even for a low-power receiver, e.g. the ”Frisbee” model in [5] power levels. An individual node has converged when
its number of neighbors is between NodeMinThresh and LMA LMN
NodeMaxThresh. As determined by KLEINROCK and 1,8 0,05
SILVESTER in [7] the mean number of neighbors assuring 1,6 0,045
a good connectivity should be 5.89 and preliminary experi- 1,4 0,04
1,2 0,035
ments with the global algorithm, as described in Section II- 0,03


E, showed that the number of neighbors of most nodes is 0,025
between four and seven; these values were therefore used 0,02
0,6 0,015
as thresholds for the local algorithms. 0,4 0,01
A desirable property of such an algorithm would be 0,2 0,005
that all nodes converge very quickly. Evidently, the ini- 0 0

tial transmission power (equivalent to the initial range of
transmission) plays an important role for these algorithms. Configuration number
Figure 2 shows that most nodes converge within a small
number of cycles and some few nodes take up to 50 cycles.
For certain initial power levels, it also happens that a very Fig. 3. Percentage of nodes not connected for different network


a rough idea of possible network lifetimes achievable

converged nodes

200 in our configuration, Figure 4 shows the results for the

Number of

simple fixed assignments of transmission powers (power

150 values corresponding to transmission ranges of 3, 5, and
7 m were used; therewith the used networks were fully
connected) as well as the case for the global ETP algorithm.
As expected, ETP outperforms the fixed value algorithms
and achieves an average network lifetime of about 48800
seconds, while the fixed network algorithms’ achievements
are considerably below that. It is also interesting to see


Initial that the lifetime of the network depends heavily on the



range actual network configuration; differences are up to 50%.


Cycle number (cm) More interesting is the comparison between the global and

Fig. 2. Histogram of time to convergence (in cycles) depending on intitial

transmission range (in cm) Fixed @ 3m Fixed @ 5m Fixed @ 7m ETP
Network lifetime

small number of nodes do not converge at all. As an 50
( x 1000s)

example, consider a case where a single node is located far 40

away from a cluster of nodes that quickly form a connected 30
group before they receive the far nodes LifeMsg. 20
While a larger value of NodeMaxThresh increases the 10
likelihood of a connected network, it also results in larger 0
transmission power levels. 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31

Figure 3 shows the percentage of nodes that were not Configuration number
reachable from the monitor stations for the local algorithms
from Sections II-A and II-B. The largest value is 1.65% for
Fig. 4. Network lifetimes for different configurations for fixed transmis-
LMA and 0.04% for LMN, and on the average, 0.003% sion power and equal transmission power assignments
are not connected considering LMN and 0.37% when only
taking into account LMA.5 These results suggest that LMN the local algorithms in Figure 5. It comes as no surprise
creates a much stronger connected network than LMA. that DTP vastly outperforms all other algorithms with its
global knowledge. As a general impression, the lifetime
C. Network lifetime
achieved by DTP is up to 209% longer than that obtained
The most interesting performance metric for such a by LMN and even higher for LMA. On average, DTP
sensor network is the network lifetime: the longer every achieves network lifetimes that are about twice as long as
single node is capable to communicate, the better the LMA, LMN, and ETP. Figure 5 also suggests that the local
transmission power levels were chosen. In order to give algorithms and the ETP algorithm perform quite similarly.
5 Note that these numbers are averaged over different initial transmission
Figure 6 shows the confidence intervals for the mean
power levels, hence percentages do not correspond to an integer number network lifetime at a 95% confidence level. Applying a
of nodes. simple graphical interpretation, we can infer that ETP
We can state that using heuristics, which consider the
Network lifetime
number of neighbors a node has, result in a sufficiently
( x 1000s)
connected network, provide improvements in network life-
time over simple fixed assignments and are in the range
of symmetric algorithms using perfect knowledge. While
the presented local algorithms are not able to outperform
sophisticated ones, they perform usually within a factor of
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 two considering the lifetime.
Configuration number Additionally, these algorithms are structured similarly to
other mechanisms that are conjectured to be deployed in
sensor networks, e.g., locationing mechanisms. It would
Fig. 5. Network lifetimes (in thousands of seconds) for different hence be possible to integrate these algorithms and to
configurations for global and local algorithms amortize their joint resource consumption.
A number of interesting questions remain for future
52 work, e.g., to use the number of neighbors in the announce-
Network lifetime ( x 1000s)

50 ment messages and to weight this information against

the transmission power with which it was sent or how a
non-reliable MAC influences the algorithms. We intend to
investigate these areas in the near future.
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