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beyond engineering Water & Waste Water Projects McNally Bharat Engineering Company Limited - Water Represents Lite ABOUT US + We, at MBE bebeve in chenge. Progressive change, paling the nation forward. The entire joumey has evalved us as an ganization. Shaping dreams, bresthing ie ita infastuctres, changing the skyfine Rave always inspired sto ste for more. Today we are» global company, pratessionally managed and prait making, devoted tonrards bualding toronto toda. + With more then 50 yeas of excellence in the field of engineering ad constuction, our success has made us eveloginta-a major EPC contactor with over 250 successfully constructed & commissioned prjects, The quality of ‘work we implement has enabled us to gan ust of our Cen, resulting in vepeet orders, ‘ABE has grown from being 2 manufacturer of material handling & miniag equipment in 1961 to» large mulf-product, muli-ocation, mul-dinensionel ergonizatin, which ts reeognized for implementing top-totch Dinects in nda & abroad. In mace than SD years OF serve we have been able ta-constuctprolects Hr diferent sects: Power Steel, Coal & Mining, Prt, Aluninirn, Mates Handling, Mineral Processing, Transportation and Water. And. now with decades of experience in Industialconsiruction, MBE has entered ini construction of Infrastructure projects ike Water ete ‘During the past4 years MEE has gree nearly’ 5 times from Rs 550 crores in 2007-08 to Rs 2668 crores in 201112 (consolidated) ‘= JMBE has a divisionalised structure forts PROJECTS Business, which has: 3 Divisions etude) Bern Ptr Eanes) ese «= inaustialConstarcion + Balance of Plan (EOP) “+ falneal Processing Transportation + Coal Hendling Plant (CHF) + Stee! « Buiings & Townships + sh Handling lent (AP) + Cement EPC Construction + Water Manangement System “+ Material Hendling + lnernatianal Projects Customer Seve + Part & Stockyad Ecuiprnent + the manviactring activites in india ace carried oxt though a subsicry company, Menely Sayt Engineering Utd, having factories at Kumardhubi, Asansal, Vadodara & Bangalore MBE AROUND THE WORLD @ Corporate Head Quarters = Factories Mi Branches Overseas Subsidiaries & Branches an Sa eared ee Se ae ee a. GAs ie oe eee water desalination also features on the list of breakthroughs, aleng with effluent treatment plants cand side stream fitrafion. MBE has made major contributions fo fhe water distibution projects and ec een ieee ne ee ee ee eee er enn ea rege ee er at ee SEE lee a i eee eee eae Per ee eet ine eter a Ma se as eae ree ert es eee cee eS pres Sere Rg oe ee a I ree a, Se el rp CIEE (MBE has already created a landmark in water butiness. We provide comprehensive solutions for Total Water Management: Row Water Treatment Systeme = ‘= Large Industial Water Treatment Plants. ‘= Municipal Water Treatment Plants. ‘= Diinkng Water Treatment Plants. Wastewcrler Treaiment Systerns = = Conventional Sewage Treaiment Plants. + Advanced Sewage Treaiment with SBR/ MBBR/ MAR technologies. * Lorge EMiuent Treaiment Plants. Advanced Terliary Water Treaiment Systems :~ ‘= Sea Woter Desalination. + Terfiory Water Treaiment Plans with MF/ ME) UF —RO/ DM—MB/ EDW EDR. \ Water’ Sewerage Transmission and Cross-country Piping + Under Ground Drainage and cross couniry pipelines. + Water Intake, Pumping, Transmission & Distribution Systems. \ + Elevated! Ground Level Service Reservoir (ESR/ GSR] (Other Environmental Services > ** Loke Restoration + Waste Sevroge Sludge Hondling & woste to energy projects “Rain Water Harvesting System + Deep excavation, Rock excavation, Pling ~ driven & bored, Marine piling, etc. ++ Well foundation, soil rock ancheiing Tunnel constuction, Diaphragm wells, MECHANICAL ERECTION & PIPING WORK CAPABILITY ++ Fabication/ installation of more than 1.5 milion Inch Diameter of piping inayecr ++ More than 400 KM of Cross country pipeline ennuaily for various services. += Ip Equipment Erection MBE is copable of handling and instoling static & rotary equipment ‘rom blow ground level fo a height of 100 Meters using the mast modem methods, | ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTATION & AUTOMATION CAPABILITY :- \ \ + Indoor substations (upto 23 KV), GIS subetations (upto #00 KV), Qutoor substations \ {upto 750 KW), Switchyards (upto 400 KV), Transformer, HT a LT oritohgeare + Ovethead transmission nes upto 400 V, HT Bus ducts, ‘+ HT @ LTmotoss, OC Reotfirs 8 capacitors + Instatlaton of PLC system, DCS system PARTIAL LIST OF OUR ESTEEMED CLIENTS :- _ Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) ~ Bharat Coking Coal Limited (BCCL) Bharat Heavy Electrical Limited (BHEL) - Bihar State Electricity Board (BSEB) _ Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) _ HINDALCO _ Hindustan Zinc Lid. (HZL) _ Ideal Energy Projects Ltd. (IEPL) Kolkata Municipal Corporation (KMC), Kolkata _ Madhya Pradesh Power Generation Company Limited (MPPGCL) NTPC BHEL Power Projects Pvt. Lid. (NBPPL) _ Neyveli Lignite Corporation (NLC) National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) ~ National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) _ ONGC Tripura Power Corporation (OTPC), Tripura - Rajasthan Urban Industrial Development Pradhikaran (RUIDP), Rajasthan ~ Steel Authority of India Lid. (SAIL) Tamil Nadu Water And Drainage (TWAD) Board MBE has an impressive inventory of owned construction equipment deployed at various sites, These are operated by trained operators. All equipment are maintained as per manufacturers’ recommendations. we also have an approved panel af Equipment Leasing companies from whom we sometimes take equipment an long teim lease, ‘McNally Bharat Engineering Company Limited Ecospace Business Park, Campus 28, T1F/'12, Rajarhat, New Town, Kolkata 700 156 F; $91 33 6628 1111/3014 TIT, F: +91 33 6628 2277/3014 2277 ‘www Email: mbe. coin

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