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Mata Uji : BAHASA INGGRIS Kode Soal :
Capaian : 3. Conditional Sentence type 1 Kelas / SMT : Xl (Sebelas) / Genap
Pembelajaran 4. Report text speech Komp. Keahlian : Semua Komp. Keahlian
Hari / Tanggal : Rabu, 15 Maret 2023
Alokasi Waktu : 90 Menit (18.30-20.00)
Nama Guru : Team
Nama Siswa : .......................................................................

No. Ujian : .......................................................................

Kelas / Komli : ................/......................................................

Answer the question below correcly!

A.Translite the sentence below (Conditional Sentence type 1)
1. Jika mereka datang, aku akan merasa bahagia.
2. Jika saya punya waktu luang, saya akan pergi memancing.
3. Jika besok tidak hujan, kita akan pergi ke kebun binatang.
4. Dia tidak akan datang, jika kamu marah padanya.
5. Jika hujan, kamu akan basah.
6. Jika kamu mengirim surat ini sekarang, dia akan menerimanya besok.
7. Jika aku ada waktu kosong, aku akan datang kerumahmu.
8. Aku akan memasak malam ini jika kamu membersihkan rumah.
9. Dia akan senang jika kamu memberinya cokelat.
10. Tuti akan datang ke pestamu, jika kamu mengundangnya.

B. Answer the Question below (Report Text )


Mosquitoes are small insects belong to order Diptera and Culicidae family. The word
‘mosquito’ is derived from Spanish that means little fly. Mosquitos are easily distinguished
from other insects due to their slender segmented body, three pairs of thin legs, and one pair
of wings. It also has elongated mouthparts to sip aquatic algae or blood for adult females.

The life cycle of a mosquito includes egg stage, larva, pupa, and adult. Adult female lays
eggs on water surface. The eggs hatch into larvae that feed on organic material and aquatic
algae. The larvae grow into pupae and the pupae change into adult mosquitoes. Each stage
lasts around 5 days, depending on the environment.

Adult females have proboscis that help them feed on blood for their breeding stages. Blood
supplies protein and iron which are important to produce eggs. During the bite, mosquito
transfers its saliva to the host. This saliva often causes itchy rash. In many cases,
mosquito’s saliva also transfers pathogens to the host.

1. Which statement is true based on the text above?

2. What is the main idea of paragraph 3?
3. What is the synonym of word ‘feed on’?
4. Based on the text above, the following statement is true, except …..
5. The word ‘them’ in line 9 refers to …..

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13-16 03 2023
Number 6-10

For many years people believed that the cleverest animals after man were the chimpanzees.
Now, however, there is a proof that dolphins may be even cleverer than these big apes.

Although a dolphin lives in the sea, it is not a fish. It is a mammal. It is in many ways,
therefore, like a human being.

Dolphins have a simple language. They are able to talk to one another. It may be possible
for man to learn how to talk to dolphins. But, this will not be easy because dolphins cannot
hear the kind of sounds man can make. If man wants to talk to dolphins, therefore, he will
have to make a third language which both he and the dolphins can understand.

Dolphins are also very friendly toward man. They often follow ships. There are many stories
about dolphins guiding ships through difficult and dangerous waters.

6. The text above is in the form of……

7. To tell the factual information, the writer mostly uses……
8. What kind of animal is dolphin?
9. Why talking to dolphin is not easy?
10. What is the characteristic of dolphin according to the text?



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13-16 03 2023

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