COT English 4 Q3 Week 2 Sy 2020-21

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Content Standard
The learner demonstrates an understanding of English grammar and usage in speaking or writing.

Performance Standard
The learner uses the classes of words aptly in oral and written discourse.

I. Objectives
Use adverbs of manner, place, and time in sentences.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Using Adverbs of Manner, Place, and Time in Sentences
References: MELC Q3 EN4G-IIIe-16
English 4 (LM) pp. 271-274, 282-283, 299-300
Linkages for Excellence 4, pp. 98-106

III. Procedure
A. Drill
Have the pupils read each sentence. Let them identify the verb used, then let them act it
1. The pupils wash their hands.
2. Anita dances gracefully.
3. The boy walks slowly.
4. Isabel wrote her name on the board.
5. Eric jumped three times.

B. Review
Encircle the verb used in each sentence, then tell if it is in the present tense, past tense
or future tense.
1. My family goes to church every Sunday.
2. The principal came into our room yesterday.
3. Mother will buy fresh flowers tomorrow.
4. My sister used her new pillow last night.
5. We celebrate Dad’s birthday today.

C. Motivation
Show a picture of a coronavirus. Ask pupils what they know about it.
D. Presentation
Have the pupils read the selection about Covid 19.

A Novel Coronavirus Disease

The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19, caused by SARS-CoV-2) has

spread globally since its first report in Wuhan, China on December 31, 2019. On
January 30, 2020, the Philippines reported its first two imported cases of COVID-19 in
a couple from Wuhan. One of them died on February 1st, becoming the first COVID-
19 death outside China. After a third confirmed case from Wuhan was reported, no
additional cases were found among the contacts of these cases and no other cases
emerged for the next four weeks.
(Excerpts from the article “The Philippines in the time of COVID-19: Early experiences and challenges of a resource-
limited country”)

E. Discussion
1. What is the selection about?
2. What is novel coronavirus disease 2019?
3. Where was it first reported?
4. When was the first case reported?
5. When was the first case in the Philippines reported?
6. How did the virus spread?
7. How can we prevent the spread of Covid 19?
8. Is there a cure for the disease? Where did we get the vaccine?

Let the pupils read their answers.

1. It was first reported in Wuhan, China.

2. The first case was reported on December 31, 2019.
3. The first case in the Philippines was reported on January 30, 2020.
4. The virus spread globally.

What do you call the underlined words?

What can you say about them?

Show the Teaching Chart

Adverbs are words that modify adjectives, verbs or another adverb.

Classification of Adverbs

1. Adverb of Time tells when an action is done. It answers the question when.
Example: They will go camping on Saturday.
They are playing volleyball now.
The adverb of time comes after the adverb of place, or in some cases, at the end of the

2. Adverb of Place tells where the action takes place. It answers the question where or
in which direction.
Example: They are watching in the room.
The guests will stay here.
The adverb of place comes after the verb.

3. Adverb of Manner tells us how an action was done. It answers the question how or
in what way.
F. Guided Practice
Activity 1
Underline the adverb used in each sentence. Tell if it answers when, where, or how.
1. Wear a face mask every time you go outside.
2. The people openly expressed their desire to help others during these trying times.
3. Wash your hands before eating.
4. The economy of the Philippines went down during the pandemic.
5. The government is trying its best to effectively respond to the situation.
6. Julio is in the hospital because he has Covid 19.
7. Covid 19 vaccine arrived safely in Villamor Airbase last Sunday.
8. The vaccines were carefully placed in a cold storage facility.

Activity 2
Group the adverbs under the proper column. Place it under “when” if it tells time, “where”
if it tells place, and “how” if tells manner.
When Where How

quickly quietly in the playground yesterday tomorrow

In the church outside beautifully here today
happily on the table patiently on Sunday

Activity 3
Grab-a-Sentence bag
Place three bags on the table each labeled “Nouns”, “Verbs” and “Adverbs”. Call on
pupils to pick a word from each bag. Then tell them to make a sentence using those words. Add
some words to make the sentence meaningful.

G. Group Activity
Complete the sentences by using adverbs of time, place, and manner in the chart.
(see Activity 2).
1. I __________ ran __________.
2. Shiela will __________ attend the mass _________.
3. The flowers are __________ arranged ________.
4. The children are __________ playing __________.
5. I will __________ wait _________ .

H. Generalization
How do we use the adverb of time?
How do we use the adverb of place?
How do we use adverb of manner?

I. Application
Have the pupils choose an adverb from a list. Then choose a verb to go with the adverb.
Write a sentence using the pair of verb and adverb that they choose. Do this with a partner.

IV. Evaluation
Use the correct adverb to complete each sentence. Encircle the letter of the correct
1. My cousin received her first dose of the vaccine __________.
A. Tomorrow B. yesterday C. today
2. Filipinos __________ waited for the Covid 19 vaccine to come.
A. Eagerly B. goodly C. well
3. People with Covid 19 disease are being treated __________.
A. In the library B. in the hospital C. at the park
4. Elma threw her used face mask __________.
A. In the toilet B. on the street C. in the trash can
5. Scientists __________ studied the vaccine to treat patients with Covid 19.
A. Better B. carefully C. very

V. Assignment
Write five sentences about your experiences during the pandemic using adverbs of
manner, time, and place.

Prepared by:




Principal I

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