Banana Dna Extraction Experiment

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Name: MOLINA, Marivi Andrei V.

Course/ Section: BS Psychology 1C

Banana DNA Extraction Experiment
The genetic material that contains the hereditary information in all living things is called DNA
(deoxyribonucleic acid). It is present in the nucleus of cells and is essential for the inheritance of
genetic characteristics. An accessible and uncomplicated method for observing and
comprehending DNA's structure and characteristics is by extracting DNA from fruits like
bananas. Our goal in this experiment is to harvest DNA from a banana and analyze its

● 1 Ripe banana
● Zip lock bag

● Distilled water
● Table salt (sodium chloride)
● Liquid detergent (containing surfactants)
● Isopropyl alcohol

● Funnel
● Cheese cloth

Experiment Procedures:

A.) Mash the banana in a zip lock bag until it becomes a smooth and uniform pulp.
B.) Fill up the cup with 1/2 cup of water and add salt, stir occasionally and add it to the mixture.
C.) Add a few drops of liquid detergent to the mixture and stir gently. The detergent helps to
break down the lipid membranes of the cells.
D.) Pour the mixture through a funnel lined with cheese cloth into a cup. The filter paper helps
remove larger debris and solid particles.
E.) Collect the filtrate, which contains the DNA, in a separate glass cup.

F.) Carefully layer chilled isopropyl alcohol on top of the filtrate by slowly pouring it down the
side of the test tube. The isopropyl alcohol should form a separate layer on top of the filtrate.
G.) Allow the test tube to sit undisturbed for a few minutes. DNA will precipitate from the
solution and appear as a white, stringy substance at the interface between the isopropyl
alcohol and the filtrate.

Pictures of the Procedure

Results and Discussions:
We were able to successfully extract DNA from a banana by just following the instruction given.
The isopropyl alcohol and filtrate contact, the gathered DNA precipitate was visible as a white,
stringy material. DNA is abundant and stable in living things, as shown by the effective
extraction of DNA from a banana. This experiment also demonstrates the significance of several
elements in dissolving cell membranes and proteins to liberate DNA, including salt and liquid
detergent. DNA could be precipitated with the help of isopropyl alcohol, which also helped it
separate from other biological components. It's important to be aware that the DNA recovered
from the banana may not be entirely pure and may contain some impurities from its biological
components. However, the experiment provides a simple and effective way to visualize and
study DNA structure and characteristics.

Sayres, M.W. , Banana DNA Experiment ( 2016)

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